P6DOF Pilot Manager and Control Inputs

Each P6DOF object may include one or more pilot objects (manual pilot, synthetic pilot, hardware autopilot, and/or guidance system) to provide inputs to the flight control system. A pilot manager may contain/control one or more pilot objects, although only one will be active at any point in time. The flight control system gets its input from the “active pilot”. The control inputs and configuration of pilot objects are defined through the pilot_manager block.

pilot_manager … end_pilot_manager

The pilot_manager block defines control inputs, pilot objects, active pilot, and the common autopilot support file.


   // Common Control Inputs
   control_inputs ... end_control_inputs

   // Pilot Objects (at least one pilot object should be defined)

   // Only one manual pilot may be defined
   manual_pilot_simple_controls ... end_manual_pilot_simple_controls
   manual_pilot_augmented_controls ... end_manual_pilot_augmented_controls
   manual_pilot_augmented_stability ... end_manual_pilot_augmented_stability

   synthetic_pilot ... end_synthetic_pilot

   // Only one hardware autopilot may be defined
   hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn ... end_hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn
   hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn ... end_hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn

   // Only one guidance autopilot may be defined
   guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn ... end_guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn
   guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn ... end_guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn

   // Set one of the pilot objects to serve as the active pilot
   active_pilot ...

   // Provide an autopilot support file for all common controller (autopilot) objects
   common_autopilot_support_file ...

control_inputs … end_control_inputs

The control_inputs block defines the named control inputs of the vehicle as well as matching control inputs with “standard controls”, which are used with control augmentation systems, autopilots, and guidance systems.

control_name <string>

The primary purpose of the controls provider is to provide the multiple control_input feeds needed by the flight_controls. Each control input represents the positioning and movement of various controls in the cockpit or control signals within autopilots and guidance systems. Control inputs are defined by the control_name command. The name must be unique within a given p6dof_object_type. The flight_controls will “connect” to control inputs via these control names. Typically, multiple control_name commands will be defined for each pilot_manager.


The key concept is that each control_input in flight_controls should be “connected” to a control_name in control_inputs.

The names must match exactly and are case-sensitive.

std_stick_back <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard stick back command to the control input name.

std_stick_right <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard stick right command to the control input name.

std_rudder_right <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard rudder right to the control input name.

std_throttle_mil <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard throttle mil command to the control input name.

std_throttle_ab <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard throttle ab command to the control input name.

std_thrust_reverser <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard thrust reverser back command to the control input name.

std_thrust_vectoring_yaw <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard thrust vectoring yaw command to the control input name.

std_thrust_vectoring_pitch <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard thrust vectoring pitch command to the control input name.

std_thrust_vectoring_roll <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard thrust vectoring roll command to the control input name.

std_speed_brakes_out <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard speed brakes command to the control input name.

std_spoilers_out <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard spoilers command to the control input name.

std_flaps_down <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard flaps command to the control input name.

std_landing_gear_down <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard landing gear command to the control input name.

std_nose_wheel_steering <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard low-gain nose wheel steering back command to the control input name.

std_nws_steering <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard high-gain nose wheel steering command to the control input name.

std_nws_enabled <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard NWS enabled command to the control input name.

std_wheel_brake_left <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard wheel brake left command to the control input name.

std_wheel_brake_right <string>

This provides a mapping from the standard wheel brake right command to the control input name.

manual_pilot_simple_controls … end_manual_pilot_simple_controls

The manual_pilot_simple_controls provides control inputs for the flight control system that are only modified by simple control mapping tables.


   pitch_control_mapping_table ...
   roll_control_mapping_table ...
   yaw_control_mapping_table ...

   pitch_trim_factor ...
   roll_trim_factor ...
   yaw_trim_factor ...

   simple_yaw_damper ...

manual_pilot_augmented_controls … end_manual_pilot_augmented_controls

The manual_pilot_augmented_controls uses a control augmentation system (CAS) to generate control inputs for the flight control system. The CAS uses a common controller (autopilot) to generate inputs based on manual control inputs. Manual inputs for the control stick (right and back) are modified by mapping tables and a pitch_control_augmentation_factor_g and roll_control_augmentation_factor_dps to generate pitch g-load and roll rate commands (respectively), which are fed to the CAS, which provides signals that serve as inputs to the flight control system. The CAS will strive to keep the aircraft flying within its current limits settings. This allows the pilot to pull full stick back, for example, without concern for causing a stall – the AP will keep the aircraft below the max alpha angle, preventing a stall.

Note that the CAS-relevant autopilot channels should be tuned for best results. For bank-to-turn vehicles, this is comprised of alpha (for g-load), beta (for controlled sideslip), and roll rate. For yaw-to-turn vehicles, this will consist of alpha and beta (in this case, for lateral g-load). Manual roll control is disabled in yaw-to-turn CAS, instead deferring to the autopilot’s selected roll damper control mode (null control, zero-roll-rate, or zero-bank-angle).

As a temporary measure, yaw augmentation control is informed by the pitch augmentation setting. For bank-to-turn vehicles, the maximum beta command (in degrees) is set equal to the maximum pitch g command. For example, if pitch_control_augmentation_factor_g is set to 6 for a vehicle, a 100% stick-back command will translate to a 6g pull, and a 100% right rudder command will translate to a 6 degree sideslip. For yaw-to-turn vehicles, the same right rudder command will result in a 6g pull to the right-hand side. In future releases, these will likely be separated into different values, both in script and in Mover Creator.

manual_pilot_augmented_stability … end_manual_pilot_augmented_stability

The manual_pilot_augmented_stability uses a stability augmentation system (SAS) to generate control inputs for the flight control system. The SAS uses a common controller (autopilot) to generate inputs based on manual control inputs. Manual inputs for the control stick (right and back) and rudder are mixed with stabilizing autopilot inputs, requesting zeroed rotation rates. SAS commands have an input ceiling of 25%, with the remainder provided by the manual flight control inputs. For example, while the vehicle is at a stable roll position, the average input of the roll SAS should sit around 0%, and the pilot is free to contribute as much stick-right as she likes. If she opts to pull hard to the right, the roll SAS will attempt to resist the new rolling action, possibly with a 100% stick-left command. This contribution will be limited to 25% stick-left, leaving the pilot limited to 75% stick-right.

Because SAS is designed to work against a pilot, it is less broadly useful than CAS, but can still be worthwhile. CAS will be the preferable option for airframes which tend toward instability through parts (or all) of their flight envelope, like flying wings (unstable in yaw) or agile fighters (unstable or neutrally stable in pitch). Where SAS may be most useful is in flying larger, more stable aircraft, particularly those which are further along in their life cycle, and whose flight control systems may not be as accurately modeled by a CAS-style system.

Note that the SAS-relevant autopilot channels should be tuned for best results. Unlike CAS, which adds an autopilot layer between the stick and the flight controls, SAS can be thought of as being applied on top of the direct stick input. The relevant channels for all vehicles, then, will be pitch rate, yaw rate, and roll rate.

synthetic_pilot … end_synthetic_pilot

The synthetic_pilot includes a common controller (autopilot) as well as support for direct control input via script.


   controls_config_file (DEPRECATED) ...
   autopilot_config (Autopilot/Controller Settings) ...

   pitch_control_mapping_table ...
   roll_control_mapping_table ...
   yaw_control_mapping_table ...

   pitch_trim_factor ...
   roll_trim_factor ...
   yaw_trim_factor ...


hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn … end_hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn

The hardware autopilots (hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn and hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn) provide a simulated hardware autopilot that can be engaged when either manual or synthetic pilots are used.


   autopilot_config_file (DEPRECATED) ...
   autopilot_config (Hardware Autopilot Settings) ...

hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn … end_hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn

The hardware autopilots (hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn and hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn) provide a simulated hardware autopilot that can be engaged when either manual or synthetic pilots are used.


   autopilot_config_file (DEPRECATED) ...
   autopilot_config (Hardware Autopilot Settings) ...


guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn … end_guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn

The guidance autopilots (guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn and guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn) provide a guidance control/autopilot for unmanned vehicles.


   guidance_config_file (DEPRECATED) ...
   autopilot_config (Guidance Autopilot/Controller Settings) ...

guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn … end_guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn

The guidance autopilots (guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn and guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn) provide a guidance control/autopilot for unmanned vehicles.


   guidance_config_file (DEPRECATED) ...
   autopilot_config (Guidance Autopilot/Controller Settings) ...


active_pilot <string>

This sets the active pilot. The string must be one of the following: manual_pilot_simple_controls, manual_pilot_augmented_controls, synthetic_pilot, hardware_autopilot_bank_to_turn, hardware_autopilot_skid_to_turn, guidance_autopilot_bank_to_turn, or guidance_autopilot_skid_to_turn.

common_autopilot_support_file <string>

This defines the path/filename of the common_autopilot_support_file that provides configuration data for all common controllers (autopilots).

The common_autopilot_support_file contains several tables (cl_max_mach_table, cl_min_mach_table, alpha_max_mach_table, alpha_min_mach_table, alpha_versus_mach_cl_table, stick_zero_moment_mach_alpha_table, and effective_CL_versus_mach_alpha_table). These tables are used by the common controller (autopilot) to help predict response and calculate feed-forward.

It is not practical to create this file manually, but a “helper” tool is provided to generate the file by running the “GenerateSecondaryAeroFile.txt” in the p6dof_demo/scenarios folder/directory.

To create the file, begin by editing the file, changing the included model file path and the MOVER_TYPE to the desired model. Next, run the scenario to generate the “autopilot_support_tables.txt” file. Copy the autopilot_support_tables.txt file to model’s folder/directory.

pitch_control_mapping_table .. end_pitch_control_mapping_table

This defines a mapping table, adjusting normalized control values between “raw” control input and “mapped” or “adjusted” control input. It is used to provide greater control sensitivity near the zero position of controls, preventing manual controls from becoming overly responsive/sensitive.

  -1.00    -1.00
  -0.90    -0.75
  -0.75    -0.45
  -0.50    -0.15
  -0.25    -0.05
   0.00     0.00
   0.25     0.05
   0.50     0.15
   0.75     0.45
   0.90     0.75
   1.00     1.00
roll_control_mapping_table .. end_roll_control_mapping_table

This defines a mapping table, adjusting normalized control values between “raw” control input and “mapped” or “adjusted” control input. It is used to provide greater control sensitivity near the zero position of controls, preventing manual controls from becoming overly responsive/sensitive.

  -1.00    -1.00
  -0.90    -0.75
  -0.75    -0.45
  -0.50    -0.15
  -0.25    -0.05
   0.00     0.00
   0.25     0.05
   0.50     0.15
   0.75     0.45
   0.90     0.75
   1.00     1.00
yaw_control_mapping_table .. end_yaw_control_mapping_table

This defines a mapping table, adjusting normalized control values between “raw” control input and “mapped” or “adjusted” control input. It is used to provide greater control sensitivity near the zero position of controls, preventing manual controls from becoming overly responsive/sensitive.

  -1.00    -1.00
  -0.90    -0.75
  -0.75    -0.45
  -0.50    -0.15
  -0.25    -0.05
   0.00     0.00
   0.25     0.05
   0.50     0.15
   0.75     0.45
   0.90     0.75
   1.00     1.00
pitch_trim_factor <real-value>

This defines a multiplier for adjusting the sensitivity of the trim control input. Typical values are around 0.1, but are fully adjustable.

roll_trim_factor <real-value>

This defines a multiplier for adjusting the sensitivity of the trim control input. Typical values are around 0.1, but are fully adjustable.

yaw_trim_factor <real-value>

This defines a multiplier for adjusting the sensitivity of the trim control input. Typical values are around 0.1, but are fully adjustable.

pitch_control_augmentation_factor_g <real-value>

This defines a multiplier for the normalized pitch input, mapping the input to g-load. A value of 8, for example, results in a command of 8 gees when full stick back is input.

roll_control_augmentation_factor_dps <real-value>

This defines a multiplier for the normalized roll input, mapping the input to roll rate. A value of 180, for example, results in a command of 180 deg/sec when full stick right is input.

roll_stability_augmentation <boolean-value>

When enabled, this enables stability augmentation on the roll axis for manually controlled vehicles.

pitch_stability_augmentation <boolean-value>

When enabled, this enables stability augmentation on the pitch axis for manually controlled vehicles.

yaw_stability_augmentation <boolean-value>

When enabled, this enables stability augmentation on the yaw axis for manually controlled vehicles.

simple_yaw_damper <boolean-value>

If true, a very “simple” (but not realistic) yaw damper action will be used to zero any sideslip (beta), making the pseudo 6DOF more like a pseudo 5DOF. This should only be used for bank-to-turn objects such as fixed-wing aircraft but should not be used for yaw-to-turn objects such as missiles.

This command has a similar effect to use_simple_yaw_damper but is used on a manual_pilot_simple_controls which lacks an inherent autopilot. The simple yaw damper will automatically be disengaged when operating on the ground and re-engaged once the vehicle is airborne.


The control_augmentation_system_file, controls_config_file, autopilot_config_file, and guidance_config_file commands are DEPRECATED and should not be used.

control_augmentation_system_file <string>

This defines the path/filename for a file that contains an autopilot_config block for the control augmentation system for the manual pilot. This is DEPRECATED – users should use a direct, inline autopilot_config block instead.

controls_config_file <string>

This defines the path/filename for a file that contains an autopilot_config block for the controller (autopilot) for the synthetic pilot. This is DEPRECATED – users should use a direct, inline autopilot_config block instead.

autopilot_config_file <string>

This defines the path/filename for a file that contains an autopilot_config block for the hardware autopilot. This is DEPRECATED – users should use a direct, inline autopilot_config block instead.

guidance_config_file <string>

This defines the path/filename for a file that contains an autopilot_config block for the the guidance autopilot. This is DEPRECATED – users should use a direct, inline autopilot_config block instead.

autopilot_config … end_autopilot_config

The autopilot_config block is structured as follows:


  vertical_middle_loop_rate_factor ...
  vertical_outer_loop_rate_factor ...
  lateral_middle_loop_rate_factor ...
  lateral_outer_loop_rate_factor ...
  speed_middle_loop_rate_factor ...
  speed_outer_loop_rate_factor ...

  control_method ...

  use_legacy_beta ...

  min_taxi_turn_radius ...
  use_simple_yaw_damper ...

  // PIDs

    pid_alpha ... end_pid_alpha
    pid_delta_pitch ... end_pid_delta_pitch
    pid_vert_speed ... end_pid_vert_speed
    pid_pitch_angle ... end_pid_pitch_angle
    pid_pitch_rate ... end_pid_pitch_rate
    pid_flightpath_angle ... end_pid_flightpath_angle
    pid_altitude ... end_pid_altitude
    pid_beta ... end_pid_beta
    pid_yaw_rate ... end_pid_yaw_rate
    pid_yaw_heading ... end_pid_yaw_heading
    pid_taxi_heading ... end_pid_taxi_heading
    pid_roll_rate ... end_pid_roll_rate
    pid_delta_roll ... end_pid_delta_roll
    pid_bank_angle ... end_pid_bank_angle
    pid_roll_heading ... end_pid_roll_heading
    pid_forward_accel ... end_pid_forward_accel
    pid_speed ... end_pid_speed
    pid_taxi_forward_accel ... end_pid_taxi_forward_accel
    pid_taxi_speed ... end_pid_taxi_speed
    pid_taxi_yaw_rate ... end_pid_taxi_yaw_rate

    // Limits and Settings
    limits_and_settings ... end_limits_and_settings


vertical_middle_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the vertical channel inner-loop activates before the vertical channel middle-loop activates.

vertical_outer_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the vertical channel middle-loop activates before the vertical channel outer-loop activates.

lateral_middle_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the lateral channel inner-loop activates before the lateral channel middle-loop activates.

lateral_outer_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the lateral channel middle-loop activates before the lateral channel outer-loop activates.

speed_middle_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the speed channel inner-loop activates before the speed channel middle-loop activates.

speed_outer_loop_rate_factor <integer-value>

This specifies how many times the speed channel middle-loop activates before the speed channel outer-loop activates.

control_method <string>

This sets the control method. There are two main methods – bank-to-turn and yaw-to-turn. Bank-to-turn involves banking/rolling in order to perform a turn, like a normal aircraft. Yaw-to-turn involves simply yawing to perform a turn – no rolling/banking is used. The command string should be one of the following:

  • BANK_TO_TURN_NO_YAW (no yaw control)

  • BANK_TO_TURN_WITH_YAW (allows yaw control)

  • YAW_TO_TURN_NO_ROLL (no roll control)

  • YAW_TO_TURN_ROLL_RATE (zeros-out any roll rate buildup)

  • YAW_TO_TURN_ZERO_BANK (rolls to maintain a zero bank)

use_legacy_beta <boolean-value>

This enables/disables the use of the legacy_beta flag. This should be set to false when the new/improved beta calculations are desired. For example, Mover Creator uses the new beta calculations, so data files created by Mover Creator always set the use_legacy_beta command to false.

The new beta calcuations help avoid the need for negative PID values for beta-related control.

The default value is true.

min_taxi_turn_radius <length-value>

The defines the minimum taxi turning radius that will be used by the autopilot when performing taxi ground operations.

If undefined, the default turn radius is 50 feet (~15 meters).

use_simple_yaw_damper <boolean-value>

If true, a very “simple” (but not realistic) yaw damper action will be used to zero any sideslip (beta), making the pseudo 6DOF more like a pseudo 5DOF. This should only be used for bank-to-turn objects such as fixed-wing aircraft but should not be used for yaw-to-turn objects such as missiles.

The use_simple_yaw_damper is most often used to reduce the amount of autopilot tuning, especially to reduce/eliminate roll-yaw coupling effects.

The simple yaw damper will automatically be disengaged when operating on the ground and re-engaged once the vehicle is airborne.


The autopilot uses a collection of Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) controllers, which are control loop feedback mechanisms. The autopilot supports a total of 20 PIDs (alpha, delta_pitch, vert_speed, pitch_angle, pitch_rate, flightpath_angle, altitude, beta, yaw_rate, yaw_heading, taxi_heading, roll_rate, delta_roll, bank_angle, roll_heading, forward_accel, speed, taxi_forward_accel, taxi_speed, and taxi_yaw_rate). Four PIDs are only used for ground operations, so when these are not needed, this leaves a subtotal of 16 PIDs. However, many missiles (that use the yaw-to-turn control_method) will only need the alpha and beta PIDs.

During development of P6DOF models, the various PID control parameters must be set appropriately for proper control. Adjusting the PIDs is often referred to as “tuning” the PIDs or “tuning” the autopilot. Aircraft typically require that 16-20 PIDs be tuned, but missiles often require tuning for only 2 PIDs. As a result, it is typically significantly easier to “tune” a missile autopilot than an aircraft autopilot.

PID blocks may contain any number of commands, including the following:

  kp ...
  ki ...
  kd ...
  max_error_accum ...
  low_pass_alpha ...
  ignore_large_error_accum ...
  ignore_small_error_accum ...
  kt_anti_windup_gain ...

  gain_table ... end_gain_table

kp <real-value>

This specifies the proportional gain of the PID. When not defined, the gain will be zero.

ki <real-value>

This specifies the integral gain of the PID. When not defined, the gain will be zero.

kd <real-value>

This specifies the derivative gain of the PID. When not defined, the gain will be zero.

max_error_accum <real-value>

This limits the maximum integrated error accumulation to the specified value. If not defined, no limit will be used.

low_pass_alpha <real-value>

This specifies the value for the low-pass filter alpha for the derivative gain.

ignore_large_error_accum <real-value>

This specifies that the PID will not accumulate integrated error if the current error value is greater than the specified value.

ignore_small_error_accum <real-value>

This specifies that the PID will not accumulate integrated error if the current error value is less than the specified value.

kt_anti_windup_gain <real-value>

This specifies the Kt anti-windup gain of the PID. When not defined, the gain will be zero.

Gain Table

Gain tables provide a means to have multiple sets of PID parameters that are interpolated for the current conditions. They utilize a control_value which is based on dynamic pressure, giving the PIDs a means to be adjusted for different flight regime conditions.

Each gain_table provides the same commands as a PID_Block_Label, but must include a control_value command as well, as follows:

gain_table … end_gain_table
  control_value ...
  kp ...
  ki ...
  kd ...
  max_error_accum ...
  low_pass_alpha ...
  ignore_large_error_accum ...
  ignore_small_error_accum ...
  kt_anti_windup_gain ...
control_value <real-value>

This specifies the “control value” for which the PID parameters are used. The value is specified in lbs/ft^2 of dynamic pressure. The PID will interpolate between the appropriate control_value pairs based on the current dynamic pressure.

Limits and Settings

Each PID block should contain the following:

afterburner_threshold <real-value>

This specifies the value above which afterburner will be used instead of limiting to military power.

speedbrake_threshold <real-value>

This specifies the value below which the speed brake will be used to help slow down.

pitch_gload_min <real-value>

This specifies the minimum pitch g-load value.

pitch_gload_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum pitch g-load value.

alpha_min <real-value>

This specifies the minimum angle of attack (alpha) in degrees.

alpha_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum angle of attack (alpha) in degrees.

pitch_rate_min <real-value>

This specifies the minimum pitch rate in degrees/sec.

pitch_rate_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum pitch rate in degrees/sec.

vert_speed_min <real-value>

This specifies the minimum vertical speed in ft/minute.

vert_speed_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum vertical speed in ft/minute.

yaw_gload_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum yaw g-load.

beta_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum sideslip angle (beta) in degrees.

yaw_rate_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum yaw rate in degrees/sec.

roll_rate_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum roll rate in degrees/sec.

bank_angle_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum bank angle in degrees.

forward_accel_min <real-value>

This specifies the minimum forward acceleration in g’s.

forward_accel_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum forward acceleration in g’s.

taxi_speed_max_fps <real-value>

This specifies the maximum taxi speed in feet/sec.

taxi_yaw_rate_max <real-value>

This specifies the maximum taxi yaw rate in degrees/sec.

turn_roll_in_multiplier <real-value>

This is a multiplier that can shorten (less than than 1) or extend (greater than 1) the time/distance used when turning when following a route (waypoints).

route_allowable_angle_error <angle-value>

This specifies the angular error that is tolerated when rolling-out on a turn when following a route (waypoints). A larger value will allow the vehicle to consider the turn to be complete and switch to route segment control rather than continuing to use turn control.

Return to p6dof_object_types or p6dof_object_type