P6DOF Flight Control System Definition

The flight control system determines how control inputs from the active pilot object are routed/mixed to move control surfaces, throttles, or other components/controls (such as landing gear, speed brakes, etc.). Many of the control surfaces serve as inputs into aero_component objects.

flight_controls … end_flight_controls

The flight_controls block defines various control surfaces/values (control_surface, control_value, and control_boolean) that control the vehicle and/or effect its performance. The flight_controls block also defines various input/signal modifiers which are referenced within the control surfaces/values (control_surface, control_value, and control_boolean) blocks. It is important to define Control Signal Modifiers before they are referenced in the Control Surfaces and Components blocks.


   // Control Signal Modifiers
   mapping_table ... end_mapping_table
   gain_table ... end_gain_table
   scalar_gain ... end_scalar_gain
   clamp_gain ... end_clamp_gain

   // Control Surfaces and Components
   control_surface ... end_control_surface
   control_value ... end_control_value
   control_boolean ... end_control_boolean


Control Signal Modifiers

The control signal modifiers provide a means to modify control input “signals” from the active pilot object. The modifiers can be used repeatedly within the control_surface, control_value, and control_boolean blocks, as needed.

mapping_table … end_mapping_table

Mapping tables are used to modify a control input signal by modulating with a control value source. The control value can be a range of sources such as mach, alpha, g-load, etc. A table defines the relationship between the control value

mapping_table <string>
   type ...
   table_data ... end_table_data
type <string>

This sets the type of the mapping table. Valid types include:


Uses mach as the control_value


Uses ktas as the control_value


Uses alpha as the control_value


Uses beta as the control_value


Uses g-load-x (Nx) as the control_value


Uses g-load-y (Ny) as the control_value


Uses g-load-z (Nz) as the control_value


Uses altitude as the control_value


Uses dynamic pressure as the control_value


Uses a signal as the control_value


This table maps a signal/input to an output/value). A typical table is like this:

       independent_variable control_value precision float
       independent_variable input         precision float
       dependent_variable                 precision float
       control_value 0.0
           input   -1.0 -0.5  0.0  0.5  1.0
           values  -0.8 -0.4  0.0  0.4  0.8
       control_value 1.0
           input   -1.0 -0.5  0.0  0.5  1.0
           values  -0.8 -0.4  0.0  0.4  0.8
       control_value 2.0
           input   -1.0 -0.5  0.0  0.5  1.0
           values  -0.8 -0.4  0.0  0.4  0.8
gain_table … end_gain_table

This table maps a signal/input to an output/value). A typical table is like this:

gain_table <string>

   type ...

    # value   gain
      -12.0   0.0
      -10.0   1.0
      0.00    1.0
      10.0    1.0
      12.0    0.8
      20.0    0.1
      30.0    0.0

scalar_gain … end_scalar_gain

The scalar gain consists of a name and a gain value. Once defined, a scalar gain can be used repeatedly within the control_surface, control_value, and control_boolean blocks to scale a control signal.

scalar_gain <string>
   gain ...
gain <real-value>

This sets the gain of the scalar gain.

clamp_gain … end_clamp_gain

Clamp gains are used to limit a signal between min/max values. The output of signal will be “clamped” to the minimum and maximum values.

clamp_gain <string>
   min_clamp ...
   max_clamp ...
min_clamp <real-value>

This sets the minimum value that will be allowed to pass the clamp gain.

max_clamp <real-value>

This sets the maximum value that will be allowed to pass the clamp gain.

Control Surfaces and Components

The control_surface, control_value, and control_boolean represent control surfaces and other components on the platform that produce forces and moments or control actions on the vehicle.

control_surface … end_control_surface

This defines a “control surface” or other component that can produce aerodynamic effects on the platform. Control surfaces include ailerons, elevators, elevons, rudders, spoilers, speedbrakes, etc. but also include things like landing gear, which can produce drag. See Sample Control Surface for an example of a control_surface block.

Each control_surface is given a name that must be unique and must “map” to an aero_component that will produce the effect of the control_surface.


The key concept is that each control_surface in the flight_controls block should be “connected” to a corresponding aero_component.

The control_surface name and the aero_component type must match exactly and are case-sensitive.

control_surface <name-string>

   min_angle ...
   max_angle ...
   current_angle ...

   inputs ... end_inputs

   angle_mapping_table ... end_angle_mapping_table

   actuator ... end_actuator

min_angle <angle-value>

This sets the minimum angle of this control surface.

max_angle <angle-value>

This sets the maximum angle of this control surface.

current_angle <angle-value>

This sets the current angle of this control surface.

inputs … end_inputs

Inputs provide a means to modify a “control input/signal” from the active pilot object. If multiple inputs blocks are used, the output from each block is summed with the other inputs for a given control_surface. This can provide a means to “mix” control inputs/signals to drive a particular control surface. For example, an elevon may mix signals from stick_right and stick_back inputs to allow the elevon to be used for both pitch and roll forces/moments.

   control_input.. end_control_input
control_input … end_control_input
control_input <string>
   modifier ...
modifier <string>
This indicates which of the Control Signal Modifiers should be used. If multiple modifier entries are present,

they are performed in succession with the result from the previous modifier serving as the input of the next, forming a “chain” of modifiers.


The key concept is that each control_input in flight_controls should be “connected” to a control_name in control_inputs.

The names must match exactly and are case-sensitive.

angle_mapping_table … end_angle_mapping_table

This table provides a means to “shape” the mapping of input to control surface angle. In many situations, a non-linear mapping will be used, with a reduced slope near zero and increased slope near the endpoints. This often improves the “feel” of controls and provides more control sensitivity near the zero point. Data in the table is normalized input mapping to a control surface angle in degrees.

Sample mapping table:

   #input        angle_deg
   -1.00         -20.0
   0.00          0.0
   1.00          20.0

In this example, a normalized input of +/- 1 results in a linear mapping to +/- 20 degrees.


This allows an simple model of an actuator.

   max_positive_rate ...
   max_negative_rate ...
   max_angle ...
   min_angle ...
   current_angle ...
max_positive_rate <angle-rate-value>

This is the maximum rate that the actuator can move in the positive direction.

Default: 0.0

max_negative_rate <angle-rate-value>

This is the maximum rate that the actuator can move in the negative direction.

Default: 0.0

max_angle <angle-value>

This is the maximum angle to which the actuator can move.

Default: 0.0

min_angle <angle-value>

This is the minimum angle to which the actuator can move.

Default: 0.0

current_angle <angle-value>

This is the current angle of the actuator.

Default: 0.0

Sample Control Surface

This is a sample control surface listing:

control_surface   RightElevator_TEUp
   min_angle            -20.0 deg
   max_angle            20.0 deg
   current_angle        0.0 deg

      control_input     StickRight
         modifier       Gain_40Percent
         modifier       Clamp_PosNegOne
      control_input     StickBack
         modifier       Gain_80Percent
         modifier       Clamp_PosNegOne

      #input  angle_deg
      -1.00   -20.000
      -0.90   -12.812
      -0.80   -8.744
      -0.70   -5.920
      -0.60   -3.958
      -0.50   -2.596
      -0.40   -1.650
      -0.30   -0.993
      -0.20   -0.537
      -0.10   -0.220
      -0.05   -0.100
      0.00    0.000
      0.05    0.100
      0.10    0.220
      0.20    0.537
      0.30    0.993
      0.40    1.650
      0.50    2.596
      0.60    3.958
      0.70    5.920
      0.80    8.744
      0.90    12.812
      1.00    20.000

      max_positive_rate  60.0 deg/sec
      max_negative_rate  -60.0 deg/sec
      max_angle          20.0
      min_angle          -20.0
      current_angle      0.0


This defines a “control value” that can be used to drive controls such as throttles and thrust reversers or control other objects on the platform. A control value provides a range of values, constrained by the specified limits.

control_value <string>

   min_value ...
   max_value ...
   current_value ...

   inputs ... end_inputs

min_value <real-value>

This is the minimum value of the control value.

Default: 0.0

max_value <real-value>

This is the maximum value of the control value.

Default: 0.0

current_angle <real-value>

This is the current angle of the control value.

Default: 0.0


This defines a “control boolean” that can be used to drive “button”, “trigger”, and “switch” types of controls on the platform. A control boolean’s output is either true (on) or false (off).

control_boolean <string>

   current_value ...
   threshold_value ...

   inputs ... end_inputs

current_value <integer-value>

This should be ‘0’ if the control boolean is false (off) or ‘1’ if the control boolean is true (on).

Default: 0

threshold_value <real-value>

This sets the value above which a signal will be considered to be true (on).

Default: 0.5

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