

Static Methods

OrbitalState Construct(OrbitalElements aOrbitalElements)

Constructs an OrbitalState object given a set of OrbitalElements. This method defaults to using an equatorial CoordinateSystem and a true of date ReferenceFrame for convenience, see below for methods allowing user specification of these attributes.

OrbitalState Construct(Calendar aEpoch, Vec3 aPosition, Vec3 aVelocity)

Constructs an OrbitalState object given an epoch, a Vec3 respresenting the position, and a Vec3 representing the velocity. This method defaults to using an equatorial CoordinateSystem, an EarthWGS84 CentralBody, and an EIC ReferenceFrame for convenience, see below for methods allowing user specification of these attributes.

OrbitalState Construct(CoordinateSystem aCoordinateSystem, ReferenceFrame aReferenceFrame, OrbitalElements aOrbitalElements)

Constructs an OrbitalState object with the given aOrbitalElements, which are defined with respect to the given aCoordinateSystem, and aReferenceFrame.

OrbitalState Construct(Calendar aEpoch, CentralBody aCentralBody, CoordinateSystem aCoordinateSystem, ReferenceFrame aReferenceFrame, Vec3 aPosition, Vec3 aVelocity)

Constructs an OrbitalState object that has the given aPosition, in meters, and aVelocity, in meters per second, at the given epoch, aEpoch. The given kinematics will be with respect to the given aCentralBody, aCoordinateSystem, and aReferenceFrame.

Orbit Methods

bool OrbitIsHyperbolic()

Returns whether the orbit represented by this object is hyperbolic. A hyperbolic orbit is an orbit with enough speed to escape the central body’s gravitational pull. More specifically, this occurs in orbit’s with an eccentricity value greater than 1.

bool OrbitIsCircular()

Returns whether the orbit represented by this object is circular. A circular orbit is an orbit in which the distance, speed, and angular speed are all constant. It is evaluated as having an eccentricity value near 0.

bool OrbitIsEquatorial()

Returns whether the orbit represented by this object is equatorial. An equatorial orbit is an orbit that lies close to the equatorial plane. In terms of orbital elements, it is an orbit with an inclination of 0 or pi degrees.

bool OrbitIsPrograde()

Returns whether the orbit represented by this object is prograde. A prograde orbit is an orbit in which the satellite moves in the direction opposite the rotation of the central body. In terms of orbital elements, it is an orbit with an inclination of less than pi / 2.