

ReferenceFrame classes are currently used to define an OrbitalState class, and have four possible options: inertial, J2000, true of date, and true equator, mean equinox (TEME).

Static Methods

ReferenceFrame Inertial()

Constructs a ReferenceFrame object based on an inertial coordinate frame. In the case of an Earth central body, this becomes an Earth-centered inertial coordinate frame (ECI). This reference frame is useful to describe the motion of celestial bodies and spacecraft.

ReferenceFrame J2000()

Constructs a ReferenceFrame object based on the J2000 inertial reference frame, defined with the Earth’s mean equinox at 12:00 Terrestial Time, January 1, 2000.

ReferenceFrame TRUE_OF_DATE()

Constructs a ReferenceFrame object based on the True of Date reference frame, defined such that the XY plane is the central body’s true of date equator.

ReferenceFrame TEME()

Constructs a ReferenceFrame object based on the True Equator, Mean Equinox (TEME) quasi-inertial reference frame, used for the NORAD two-line elements.