
WsfAntennaPattern inherits WsfObject

WsfAntennaPattern is the base script class for all antenna patterns.


double AzimuthBeamwidth(double aFrequency)
double AzimuthBeamwidth(double aFrequency, double aAzEBS, double aElEBS)

Returns the width of the beam in azimuth degrees for the provided frequency (Hz). The three argument version takes both aAzEBS and aElEBS combined to affect the individual azimuth beamwidth.

double ElevationBeamwidth(double aFrequency)
double ElevationBeamwidth(double aFrequency, double aAzEBS, double aElEBS)

Returns the width of the beam in elevation degrees for the provided frequency (Hz). The three argument version takes both aAzEBS and aElEBS combined to affect the individual elevation beamwidth.

double MinimumGain()

Returns the minimum gain (dB) for this pattern.

double PeakGain(double aFrequency)

Returns the peak gain (dB) for this pattern at the provided frequency (Hz).

double GainAdjustment()

Returns the simple gain adjustment value used (dB) for this pattern when a gain adjustment table is not utilized.