

Construction: WsfCyberMitmMessage newObj = WsfCyberMitmMessage();

WsfCyberMitmMessage is used to represent a message that has been manipulated by a Man-in-the-Middle attack.

static WsfCyberMitmMessage Construct(WsfMessage aMessage, double aDelay, bool aDrop)

Static method to create a WsfCyberMitmMessage using a specified WsfMessage, a delay time, and whether the message should be dropped.


WsfMessage GetMessage()

Returns the message to be sent. If a message was not set at construction or by SetMessage(WsfMessage aMessage) the returned value is not valid.

double GetDelay()

Returns the amount of simulation time to delay the message.

bool GetDrop()

Returns true if the message will be dropped, otherwise false.

void SetMessage(WsfMessage aMessage)

Sets the message to be sent.

void SetDelay(double aDelay)

Sets the amount of time to delay the message.

void SetDrop(double aDrop)

Sets whether the message should be dropped.