
WsfCyberTrigger inherits WsfObject

Construction: WsfCyberTrigger newObj = WsfCyberTrigger();
Clone: WsfCyberTrigger newObj = WsfCyberTrigger(other);

WsfCyberTrigger is a script based trigger object, used to execute user-defined script methods. This script version of the cyber_trigger object allows users to manipulate and define triggers within the script context, such that future script executions may be defined at simulation run-time, and are not reliant on existing trigger definitions.


This document refers to ‘active’ triggers, which are triggers that still have the potential to execute because they have not exceeded all of their defined time intervals, and have not yet executed when such triggers are not indicated to extrapolate. These triggers are being managed within the simulation. Triggers that no longer meet the definition of active are removed from the simulation.


This document refers to ‘global’ triggers, which are triggers defined via scenario input in the global context (not on or associated with a platform).


This document refers to ‘platform’ triggers, which are triggers added to or associated with platform instances. Within AFSIM, platform triggers are not directly managed by the simulation, as they are components of platforms, and exist for the lifetime of the platform.

Static Methods

WsfCyberTrigger GetTrigger(string aTriggerName)

Given the name of a trigger, returns a reference to an existing, active global trigger.

If the name provided does not match an active global trigger managed by the simulation, the returned object will be invalid. As such, users should check the returned trigger for validity before attempting use.

WsfCyberTrigger GetTrigger(string aPlatformName, string aTriggerName)

Given the name of a platform and a trigger, returns a reference to a platform trigger.

If the platform name provided does not match the name of an existing platform in the simulation, or a trigger with the specified name could not be located on that platform, the returned object will be invalid. As such, users should check the returned trigger for validity before attempting use.


WsfCyberTrigger CreateDerivedTrigger(string aTriggerName)

Returns a copy of the trigger in the script context. This unique copy retains all of the parameters of the parent trigger, except triggers created in this way will always be set to execute (see execute_trigger). In addition, if this trigger is later indicated to be added to the simulation for actual use, the user provided trigger name will be used to identify the trigger in the context it is added, and can be subsequently retrieved using this name.


A trigger created in this way is non-functional until added to the simulation. This provides users the ability to potentially further modify the trigger before usage by the simulation.

bool AddGlobalTrigger()

Creates a copy of the current trigger, and adds the copy to the simulation for active management and execution as a global trigger. Returns true if successful, false otherwise (such as when a trigger with the same name already exists in the global context).


This method does not invalidate or otherwise modify the trigger in the script context, as a copy is created to add the simulation. Furthermore, any additional modifications to the trigger in the script context will have no effect on the copy added to the simulation for execution and management.

bool AddPlatformTrigger(string aPlatformName)

Creates a copy of the current trigger, and adds the copy to the platform indicated by the user provided name for active use as a platform trigger. Returns true if successful, false otherwise (such as when the indicated platform is not found, or a trigger with the same name already exists on that platform).


This method does not invalidate or otherwise modify the trigger in the script context, as a copy is created to add to the platform. Furthermore, any additional modifications to the trigger in the script context will have no effect on the copy added to the platform for execution.

bool IsExtrapolated()

Returns true if the trigger is indicated to continue executing after meeting its evaluation criteria. Returns false if the trigger is indicated to stop executing after meeting its evaluation criteria.

bool HasTriggered()

Returns true if this trigger has previously executed, false otherwise.

bool IsExecutingTrigger()

Returns true if the trigger is indicated to be functional. Returns false if the trigger is only intended to exist as a type definition for derived triggers.


All triggers in the script context are executing triggers. Users may not modify this parameter.

double NextIntervalTime()
double NextIntervalTime(double aSimTime)

Returns the simulation time (seconds) that the trigger will next evaluate and potentially execute. The first version provides the next evaluating interval time from the current simulation time, while the second version will provide the next evaluating interval time from the time provided by the user.

These methods are functionally equivalent to WsfCyberTriggerInterval.NextEvaluationTime in both cases, except that since a trigger can contain multiple interval definitions, these methods provide the next closest evaluating interval time for all intervals associated with a trigger.

Array<WsfCyberTriggerInterval> GetIntervals()

Returns an array of all of the intervals associated with this trigger.


The intervals provided in this way are not references to the actual intervals on the trigger. As such, attempting to modify these intervals will have no effect on the actual trigger.

string GetIdentifier()

Returns the string identifier associated with this trigger. The identifier is used to properly provide a name or type to a trigger when added to the global or platform contexts within the simulation. This value is only used when a trigger is added in such a way.

void SetExtrapolated(bool aExtrapolate)

If provided a value of ‘true’, sets the trigger to be extrapolated such that it will continue executing for the duration of its intervals as long as the evaluation criteria is met. Providing a value of ‘false’ indicates that the trigger will only potentially execute once, the first time evaluation criteria is met.

void AddInterval(WsfCyberTriggerInterval aInterval)

Adds the provided interval to the trigger.


If this method is called on an already active trigger, the added interval will only potentially modify trigger behavior after the trigger’s next evaluation interval time.

void ClearIntervals()

Removes all existing intervals on the trigger.


If this method is called on an already active trigger, the removal will not take effect until after the next scheduled trigger evaluation using the original intervals associated with the trigger (if applicable).


Removing all the intervals from a trigger, and not providing a future evaluating interval before the next regularly scheduled trigger evaluation will result in a non-functional trigger. This method should always be followed by the addition of intervals unless the intent is to prevent this trigger from functioning in the future.

void SetIdentifier(string aIdentifier)

Sets the string identifier associated with this trigger for subsequent usage when adding a trigger to simulation or platform management. Users may call this method multiple times to add the same trigger definition with different names.

bool SetOnEvaluate(string aMethodName)

Sets the evaluation method for this trigger. The string provided is the name of a global script method that must return a bool value. The function may have arguments, but values will not be provided for these arguments when used by the trigger.

This method will return false if the trigger already has an evaluation method associated with the trigger definition, true otherwise.

bool SetOnExecute(string aMethodName)

Sets the execution method for this trigger. The string provided is the name of a global script method with any return value, although the return value will be ignored when used in conjunction with the trigger. The function may have arguments, but values will not be provided for these arguments when used by the trigger.