
WsfCyberTriggerComposite inherits WsfCyberTrigger

Construction: WsfCyberTriggerComposite newObj = WsfCyberTriggerComposite();
Clone: WsfCyberTriggerComposite newObj = WsfCyberTriggerComposite(other);

WsfCyberTriggerComposite is a script based trigger object, used to execute user-defined script methods. This trigger type facilitates the usage of the evaluation conditions on one or more other triggers in a logical combination (using OR, AND, and NOT) to determine the success or failure of evaluation. While this trigger type is a combination of evaluation methods, it retains its own defined execution method. This script based version of the composite trigger enables its use and functionality in that context.


This document refers to ‘global’ triggers, which are triggers defined via scenario input in the global context (not on or associated with a platform).


bool IsPolicyAND()

Returns true if the composite trigger policy is AND, such that all triggers used for evaluation associated with this trigger have their evaluation results logically combined using the AND operator. Returns false if using another policy.

bool IsPolicyOR()

Returns true if the composite trigger policy is OR, such that all triggers used for evaluation associated with this trigger have their evaluation results logically combined using the OR operator. Returns false if using another policy.

void SetPolicyAND()

Changes the composite trigger evaluation policy to use AND for all associated triggers.

void SetPolicyOR()

Changes the composite trigger evaluation policy to use OR for all associated triggers.

int GetTriggerSize()

Returns the number of triggers associated with this object used for logical combination for trigger evaluation purposes.

WsfCyberTrigger GetTriggerEntry(int aIndex)

Returns a reference to the trigger associated with this object used for logical combination for trigger evaluation purposes using the user provided index.

bool IsTriggerEntryNOT(int aIndex)

Returns true if the trigger entry at the provided index is associated with the NOT operator, effectively providing the opposite of its defined evaluation results (true becomes false, false becomes true). Returns false otherwise.

void SetTriggerEntryNOT(int aIndex, bool isNOT)

Sets the evaluation trigger at the provided index to use the NOT operator in its logical evaluation as indicated by the argument isNOT.

bool AddTrigger(string aTriggerName, bool isNOT)
bool AddTrigger(WsfCyberTrigger aTrigger, bool isNOT)

The first AddTrigger method adds an existing global trigger of the user provided name to this composite trigger for usage in determining evaluation results. A trigger named in this way must be a global trigger, and must be managed by the simulation - in other words, the global trigger must have been defined in the scenario input file, or previously added to the simulation during runtime using the WsfCyberTrigger.AddGlobalTrigger method.

The second version of the AddTrigger method explicitly provides a trigger reference. As such, this method is suitable for use with all triggers, regardless if they are actively managed by the simulation or not (such as those created solely in the script context).

These methods are functionally equivalent except in the ways noted above.

The composite trigger maintains order when adding evaluation triggers, such that a trigger added in this way is the last in the list.

A trigger added in this way for evaluation purposes will be used immediately for any subsequent evaluations scheduled for this composite trigger.

The user provided boolean value indicates whether the NOT operator should be associated with this trigger evaluation, effectively providing the opposite result of its normal return value.

Returns true if adding the trigger was successful, false otherwise.


Composite triggers do not filter or restrict the addition of evaluation triggers, regardless of their naming convention or actual functionality. As such, identical triggers may be added multiple times to a composite trigger.

bool RemoveTriggerEntry(int aIndex)

Removes the trigger at the indicated index from the composite trigger. All subsequent evaluations of this composite trigger will use the remaining triggers for evaluation determination. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

void EraseTriggers()

Removes all triggers used for evaluation from the composite trigger.


A composite trigger without evaluation triggers will never evaluate to true, and as such will no longer execute.