

Construction: WsfCyberTriggerInterval newObj = WsfCyberTriggerInterval();
Clone: WsfCyberTriggerInterval newObj = WsfCyberTriggerInterval(other);

WsfCyberTriggerInterval is an object based representation of a defined span of time and an associated period. They are used by cyber_trigger objects to determine when triggers should evaluate and attempt execution.

Triggers require a set method to be called to provide the parameters of the interval before successful usage.

Any subsequent usage of a set method on any interval will invalidate the previously set values for an interval.


Any distribution draw provided for a trigger interval is only drawn once. It remains constant after the initial draw. As an example, a period with a normal distribution that results in a draw of 1.473 seconds will remain 1.473 seconds throughout the simulation.


bool SetEvery(WsfRandomVariable aEvery)

Sets the period of the interval. This version does not accept explicit ‘from’ or ‘to’ values, so these values are implicitly set to start at time 0 (the beginning of the simulation) and end upon simulation termination.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool SetFromEvery(WsfRandomVariable aFrom, WsfRandomVariable aEvery)

Sets the period of the interval, as well as the start time of the interval. This version does not accept an explicit ‘to’ value, so this value is implicitly set to end upon simulation termination.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool SetToEvery(WsfRandomVariable aTo, WsfRandomVariable aEvery)

Sets the period of the interval, as well as the end time of the interval. This version does not accept an explicit ‘from’ value, so the start time is implicitly set to 0 (the beginning of the simulation).

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool SetFromToEvery(WsfRandomVariable aFrom, WsfRandomVariable aTo, WsfRandomVariable aEvery)

Sets the period, start, and ending time of the interval.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bool IsFromSet()

Returns true if an explicit start time has been set for an interval, false otherwise.

bool IsToSet()

Returns true if an explicit end time has been set for an interval, false otherwise.

bool IsEverySet()

Returns true if an explicit period has been set for an interval, false otherwise.


Intervals are non-functional without an explicit period. All set methods require the provision of a period associated with an interval. Thus, if this method returns false, the interval has never had a set method called.

double GetFrom()

Returns the simulation time that this interval is set to start from (seconds).

double GetTo()

Returns the simulation time that this interval is set to end (seconds).

double GetEvery()

Returns the period (seconds) of this interval.

double NextEvaluationTime()
double NextEvaluationTime(double aSimTime)

Returns the simulation time (seconds) that the interval will next reach an ‘evaluation’ point, or in other words, the next point in simulation time that the interval is within its duration and the time elapsed from the previous evaluation point is equivalent to the period (“every” time).

The first version of this method takes no parameters, and evaluates the next interval time from the current simulation time.

The second version of this method takes a user provided simulation time, and will return the next evaluation time for the interval at or beyond the time provided.

In all cases, a negative value will be returned if there is not a valid next evaluation time.