
WsfEM_Rcvr inherits WsfEM_XmtrRcvr

WsfEM_Rcvr is the receiver of electromagnetic radiation associated with a WsfEM_Interaction and defined by the receiver block.


Use the WsfSensor.Rcvr, WsfComm.Rcvr, or WsfEM_Interaction.Rcvr script methods to access the WsfEM_Rcvr.


void Activate()

Activates, or turns on the receiver, allowing EM interactions to occur within the simulation regarding this receiver. Note that this is the default state for receivers.

void Deactivate()

Deactivates, or turns off the receiver, preventing EM interactions from occurring within the simulation regarding this receiver.

double BandwidthEffect(double aFrequency, double aBandwidth)

Given a frequency(Hz) and bandwidth(Hz), returns a fraction [0..1] of the signal that is receivable for this receiver.

bool CanInteractWith(WsfEM_Xmtr aXmtr)

Given a transmitter, returns true if this receiver can interact (receive) from the transmitter, false if it cannot.

double DetectionThreshold()

Returns the minimum signal-to-noise db ratio detectable by this receiver.

void SetDetectionThreshold(double aRatio)

Sets the minimum signal-to-noise db ratio detectable by this receiver.

string Function()

Returns the function of this receiver, describing the receiver use case. The following types are possible:

  • rf_comm

  • rf_sensor

  • rf_passive_sensor

  • rf_interferer

  • rf_undefined

double InstantaneousBandwidth()

Returns the receiver instantaneous bandwidth (Hz).

void SetInstantaneousBandwidth(double aBandwidth)

Sets the receiver instantaneous bandwidth (Hz).

double NoisePower()

Returns the receiver noise power level (dBW).

void SetNoisePower(double aPower)

Sets the receiver noise power level (dBW).

double NoiseFigure()

Returns the receiver noise figure (db ratio) attributed to this receiver.

void SetNoiseFigure(double aFigure)

Sets the receiver noise figure (db ratio) for this receiver.

double NoiseMultiplier()

Returns the noise multiplier (db ratio) that is used in SNR calculations for this receiver.

void SetNoiseMultiplier(double aRatio)

Sets the noise multiplier (db ratio) for use in SNR calculations for this receiver.

double PolarizationEffect(string aPolarization)

Returns the ratio of the signal that would be received given a signal of the provided polarization type on this receiver. See WsfEM_XmtrRcvr.PolarizationTypes for the available polarization types in AFSIM.

void SetPolarizationEffect(string aPolarizationType, double aRatio)

For the provided polarization type, set the fraction of the signal [0..1] that is received. Note that this value is set in respect to the current operating polarization type of this receiver at the time of the call. See WsfEM_XmtrRcvr.PolarizationTypes for the available polarization types in AFSIM.

double AntennaOhmicLoss()

Returns the loss factor (dB) on this receiver attributed to the ohmic resistance of the antenna.

void SetAntennaOhmicLoss(double aRatio)

Sets the loss factor (dB) on this receiver attributed to the ohmic resistance of the antenna. Since this is a loss factor (inverse of gain), it should be greater than 0 dB.

double ReceiveLineLoss()

Returns the loss factor (dB) on this receiver attributed to the loss between the antenna and the receiver.

void SetReceiveLineLoss(double aRatio)

Sets the loss factor (dB) on this receiver attributed to the loss between the antenna and the receiver. Since this is a loss factor (inverse of gain), it should be greater than 0 dB.