
WsfEM_Xmtr inherits WsfEM_XmtrRcvr

WsfEM_Xmtr is the transmitter of electromagnetic radiation associated with a WsfEM_Interaction and defined by the transmitter block.


Use the WsfSensor.Xmtr, WsfComm.Xmtr, or WsfEM_Interaction.Xmtr script methods to access the WsfEM_Xmtr.


double AlternateFrequency(int aId)

Returns the alternate EM frequency (Hz) for the specified Id (a.k.a index).

double AlternateFrequencyCount()

Returns the alternate frequency count.

Map<int, double> AlternateFrequencyMap()

Returns the current Id to EM frequency (Hz) Map, with the key value being the Id (a.k.a index) and value being the EM frequency (Hz).

int AlternateFrequencyIndex()

Returns the index of the current alternate frequency.

int BeamNumber()

Returns the identifying beam number of this transmitter, starting at 1.


BeamNumber is simply an alias for WsfEM_XmtrRcvr.Index

double Power()
double Power(double aFrequency)

Returns the average power (W) for the currently set frequency (Hz), or at the specified frequency (Hz) if supplied.

void SetPower(double aPower)
void SetPower(double aPower, double aFrequency)

Sets the peak power (W) for all frequencies, or at the specified frequency (Hz) if supplied.

double PeakPower()
double PeakPower(double aFrequency)

Returns the peak power (W) (i.e. duty cycle not accounted for) for the currently set frequency (Hz), or at the specified frequency (Hz) if supplied.

double DutyCycle()

Returns the duty cycle.

void SetDutyCycle(double aDutyCycle)

Sets the duty cycle. Will affect average power calculations as specified in duty_cycle.

double PulseRepetitionInterval()
double PulseRepetitionInterval(int aNum)

Returns the average PRI (sec) (i.e. aNum = 0) or PRI (sec) at specified PRI number [1..N] if supplied.

void SetPulseRepetitionInterval(double aPRI)
void SetPulseRepetitionInterval(double aPRI, int aNum)

Sets the average PRI (sec) (i.e. aNum = 0) or PRI (sec) at specified PRI number from [1..N] if supplied.

double PulseRepetitionIntervalCount()

Returns the PRI count.

Array<double> PulseRepetitionIntervals()

Returns the list of PRIs (sec).

double PulseRepetitionFrequency()
double PulseRepetitionFrequency(int aIndex)

Returns the average PRF (Hz) (i.e. aNum = 0) or PRF (Hz) at specified PRF number [1..N] if supplied.

void SetPulseRepetitionFrequency(double aPRF)
void SetPulseRepetitionFrequency(double aPRF, int aNum)

Sets the average PRF (Hz) (i.e. aNum = 0) or PRF (Hz) at specified PRF number from [1..N] if supplied.

double PulseRepetitionFrequencyCount()

Returns the PRF count.

Array<double> PulseRepetitionFrequencys()

Returns the list of PRFs (Hz).

double PulseWidth()

Returns the pulse width (sec). If 0.0 then it is a continuous wave transmitter.

void SetPulseWidth(double aPW)

Set the pulse width (sec). If 0.0 then it is a continuous wave transmitter.

double PulseCompressionRatio()

Returns the compression ratio, representing the ratio of pulse widths before and after matched filtering.

void SetPulseCompressionRatio(double aPulseRatio)

Sets the pulse compression ratio for this transmitter.