


Maneuver constraints specify the conditions under which a maneuver will begin executing, and when a maneuver will be considered to be completed. A constraint can be executed multiple times during the lifetime of a maneuver. Each WsfManeuver can support one entry and one exit constraint.

Creation Methods

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_TIME(double aTime)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied only once the given absolute time is reached.

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_RELATIVE_TIME(double aRelativeTime)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied the given time after the assignment time of the constraint. The assignment time of the constraint is the time at which the associated maneuver becomes pending (for an entry constraint) or completing (for an exit constraint).

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_ROLL_ANGLE(double aRollAngleDeg)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied when the platform to which the maneuver associated with this constraint is assigned reaches a certain roll angle in degrees.

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_PITCH_ANGLE(double aPitchAngleDeg)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied when the platform to which the maneuver associated with this constraint is assigned reaches a certain pitch angle in degrees.

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_HEADING(double aHeadingDeg)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied when the platform to which the maneuver associated with this constraint is assigned reaches a certain heading in degrees.

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_ALTITUDE(double aAltitudeMeters)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied when the platform to which the maneuver associated with this constraint is assigned reaches a certain altitude in meters.

WsfManeuverConstraint AT_FLIGHT_PATH_ANGLE(double aPathAngleDeg)

Return a constraint that will become satisfied when the platform to which the maneuver associated with this constraint is assigned reaches a certain flight path angle in degrees.

WsfManeuverConstraint SCRIPT(string aSatisfied, string aNextEvaluation)

Return a constraint that will use the named user-supplied scripts in the global context to perform the work of the constraint. The first script will be executed to determine if the constraint is satisfied. If not, then the second script will be executed to determine the next time to perform the evaluation test. Both scripts need to take two arguments: the first, a double, is the assignment time of the constraint; the second, a WsfP6DOF_Mover is the mover to which the associated maneuver is assigned. The first script should return a boolean value indicating if the constraint is satisfied. The second script should return a double giving the time that the constraint should next be evaluated.

For example, to reproduce the behavior of the constraints returned by WsfManeuverConstraint.AT_RELATIVE_TIME, one could use the following scripts:

   double aRelativeTime = 3.0;

script bool AtRelativeTimeEvaluator(double aAssignTime, WsfP6DOF_Mover aMover)
   return TIME_NOW >= aAssignTime + aRelativeTime;

script double AtRelativeTimeNextEvaluation(double aAssignTime, WsfP6DOF_Mover aMover)
   return aAssignTime + aRelativeTime;


WsfManeuverConstraint constraint = WsfManeuverConstraint.SCRIPT("AtRelativeTimeEvaluator", "AtRelativeTimeNextEvaluation");


General Methods

string Type()

Return the type of the constraint.