
WsfManeuverSequence inherits WsfManeuver


A WsfManeuverSequence is a set of maneuvers that are executed in order. The elements of the sequence can be anything derived from WsfManeuver including another WsfManeuverSequence. In addition to the individual members of the sequence each can have their own entry and exit constraints (see WsfManeuver and WsfManeuverConstraint) the sequence as a whole can have entry and exit constraints. A WsfManeuverSequence can be set to looping so that once the final maneuver of the sequence completes, the first will then begin execution again.


The WsfManeuverSequence defines the following methods in addition to those it inherits from WsfManeuver.

WsfManeuverSequence Construct()

Returns a new instance of a maneuver sequence.

bool IsLoop()

Returns true if the sequence is a loop.

void SetLoop(bool aLoop)

Enable or disable looping on this maneuver sequence. In the looping mode, the constraints on the member maneuvers will be evaluated each time the maneuver is current, but the overall sequence constraints will be evaluated only once. Further, unless the loop is canceled or if WsfManeuverSequence.SetLoop is called again to stop the loop, the exit constraint will never evaluate.

void Clear()

Clear the maneuver sequence.

void Append(WsfManeuver aManeuver)

Append the given maneuver to the end of this sequence.

void InsertNext(WsfManeuver aManeuver)

Insert the given maneuver after the current maneuver. If there is no current maneuver, the given maneuver will be appended to the sequence.

WsfManeuver GetCurrentManeuver()

Returns the currently executing maneuver in the sequence. If there is not current maneuver, this will return an invalid object.