
WsfNetwork inherits Object


The comm framework does not initialize until all platforms have initialized in the simulation. Most network script methods are invalid during on_initialize, but are available during on_initialize2.

Static Methods

bool AddNetwork(WsfNetwork aNetwork)

Adds the network to the simulation network manager for use within the communications environment. Prior to using this command, any user instantiated network will be non-functional until added using this command. This method returns true if the network passed checks and is now managed by the simulation.


This method creates a copy of the network provided that is subsequently added to simulation management. As such, any subsequent usage of the network object provided to this method will not affect the network that is being managed by the simulation. Users who wish to do so should reacquire the network directly from the simulation using the WsfNetwork.GetNetwork method.

bool RemoveNetwork(WsfNetwork aNetwork)

Removes the network from active management within the simulation network manager. Any comms assigned to this network lose their assigned address and become unmanaged as well, which means any unassigned comm will not be able to communicate within AFSIM in this condition. Any addresses previously assigned to this network are available for future usage. Returns true if the removal succeeded, as some networks may forbid removal based on their implementation unless certain prerequisites are met.

bool RemoveMember(WsfComm aComm)
bool RemoveMember(string aPlatformName, string aCommName)

Removes a comm from the network it is currently assigned. The comm will lose its current address and become unmanaged, resulting in a non-operational status within the simulation. This method may return false, as some comms may not be removed from certain network implementations unless certain prerequisites are met.

Knowledge of which network will remove this comm can be determined by querying the comm prior to this call via WsfComm.NetworkName.

WsfNetwork GetNetwork(WsfAddress aNetworkAddress)
WsfNetwork GetNetwork(string aNetworkName)

Returns a network object being managed by the simulation.

Array<string> GetManagedNetworks()

Returns and array of network names for all networks being managed by the simulation.


WsfAddress GetAddress()

Returns the address of the network.

void SetAddress(WsfAddress aNetworkAddress)

Assigns an address to this network. This does not check if the address is valid within the simulation context, which occurs during the AddNetwork call.

string GetName()

Returns the name of the network.

void SetName(string aName)

Sets the name of the network.

bool AddMember(WsfComm aComm)
bool AddMember(string aPlatformName, string aCommName)

Adds a comm to this network. If the comm is currently assigned to another network, this method will return false, as only unassigned comms may be added to a network.

Adds a connection between the two specified members in the network. This method is not applicable to all network types. In addition, networks may forbid certain links based on the type of network and its implementation. This call only adds a directed link from the source to the destination, so if bi-directional communication links are required, this call must be made again with swapped source and destination specifiers.

Removes a connection between the two specified members in the network. This method is not applicable to all network types. In addition, networks may forbid removal of certain links based on the type of network and its implementation. This call only removes a directed link from the source to the destination, so if bi-directional communication needs to be removed, this call must be made again with swapped source and destination specifiers.

Array<WsfAddress> GetMembers()

Returns an array of addresses representing all the comm members existing in the network at the time of this query.