
WsfNetworkAdHoc inherits WsfNetworkGeneric

Construction: WsfNetworkAdHoc newObj = WsfNetworkAdHoc();


The comm framework does not initialize until all platforms have initialized in the simulation. Most comm script methods are invalid during on_initialize and on_initialize2.


void ChangeUpdateRate(WsfRandomVariable aRate)

Changes the general update rate for the network. Any members of the network that do not have an update rate specific to that comm instance use the general update rate, and will be affected by this method.

This update rate only takes effect after the next update occurs. If the current update rate is set to never occur, calling this method will schedule an update to occur at the rate which was specified.

bool AddMemberUpdateRate(WsfAddress aComm, WsfRandomVariable aRate)

This method either adds an update rate specific to the comm instance provided, or modifies the currently existing rate associated with that interface.

If a specific update rate was not previously specified for this comm interface, the user provided rate will immediately be used to schedule the next update for this interface, and this interface will not be updated during any normally occurring general updates.

If this is a modification to an existing rate specified for this comm interface, then the new update rate will take effect after the next update occurs using the rate being replaced.

Returns true if this update modification or addition was successful, false otherwise.

bool RemoveMemberUpdateRate(WsfAddress aComm)

This method removes any specific rate associated with the specified comm interface. The specified comm will now update at the general time interval for the network. This change takes place immediately, and any future scheduled update using the specific rate that was just removed will not occur.

Returns true if a member update rate was found and removed with the provided address, false otherwise.