SixDOF Landing Gear

The landing gear block defines the landing gear on a rigid_body_vehicle_type. The main components of landing_gear are ground_reaction_point objects.

landing_gear … end_landing_gear

  nws_enable_control_name ...

  nominal_height_above_ground_on_gear ...

  ground_reaction_point NoseGear

  ground_reaction_point LeftMainGear

  ground_reaction_point RightMainGear

nws_enable_control_name <string>

This specifies the nose wheel steering (NWS) enable control input.

nominal_height_above_ground_on_gear <length-value>

This specifies the height above the ground for the reference point of the aircraft when resting on the landing gear.

ground_reaction_point … end_ground_reaction_point
ground_reaction_point <string>

  // Retraction Control Name
  control_surface_name ...

  // Steering Control Name
  steering_control_surface_name ...
  nws_angle_control_surface_name ...

  // Nose Gear Flag
  is_nose_gear ...

  // Braking Control Name
  braking_control_surface_name ...

  // Relative Position
  gear_extended_relative_position_x ...
  gear_extended_relative_position_y ...
  gear_extended_relative_position_z ...

  // Compression Vector
  gear_compression_vector_x ...
  gear_compression_vector_y ...
  gear_compression_vector_z ...

  // Rolling Vector
  gear_rolling_vector_x ...
  gear_rolling_vector_y ...
  gear_rolling_vector_z ...

  // Spring/Damper
  spring_constant_lbs_per_ft ...
  damper_constant_lbs_per_fps ...

  // Compression Data
  uncompressed_length ...
  max_compression ...

  // Friction Data
  rolling_coefficient_of_friction ...
  braking_coefficient_of_friction ...
  scuffing_coefficient_of_friction ...
  ignore_friction ...

  // Landing Gear or Contact Point
  is_landing_gear ...
  is_contact_point ...

control_surface_name <string>

This specifies the name of the retraction control surface.

steering_control_surface_name <string>

This specifies the name of the steering control surface (when NWS is not engaged/active).

nws_angle_control_surface_name <string>

This specifies the name of the steering control surface (when NWS is engaged/active).

is_nose_gear <boolean-value>

This indicates whether or not this ground_reaction_point is a nose gear.

braking_control_surface_name <string>

This specifies the name of the braking control surface. If unspecified, no braking is provided for this ground_reaction_point.

gear_extended_relative_position_x <length-value>

This is the x-location (in object coordinates) of the bottom of the landing gear (or contact point) when extended.

gear_extended_relative_position_y <length-value>

This is the y-location (in object coordinates) of the bottom of the landing gear (or contact point) when extended.

gear_extended_relative_position_z <length-value>

This is the z-location (in object coordinates) of the bottom of the landing gear (or contact point) when extended.

gear_compression_vector_x <real-value>

This is the x-direction (in object coordinates) of the compression vector.

gear_compression_vector_y <real-value>

This is the y-direction (in object coordinates) of the compression vector.

gear_compression_vector_z <real-value>

This is the z-direction (in object coordinates) of the compression vector.

gear_rolling_vector_x <real-value>

This is the x-direction (in object coordinates) of the rolling vector.

gear_rolling_vector_y <real-value>

This is the y-direction (in object coordinates) of the rolling vector.

gear_rolling_vector_z <real-value>

This is the z-direction (in object coordinates) of the rolling vector.

spring_constant_lbs_per_ft <real-value>

This is the spring constant in lbs/ft.

damper_constant_lbs_per_fps <real-value>

This is the damper constant in lbs/(ft/sec).

uncompressed_length <length-value>

This is the uncompressed length of the landing gear.

max_compression <length-value>

This is the maximum length of compression.

rolling_coefficient_of_friction <real-value>

This is the rolling coefficient of friction.

braking_coefficient_of_friction <real-value>

This is the braking coefficient of friction.

scuffing_coefficient_of_friction <real-value>

This is the scuffing coefficient of friction.

ignore_friction <boolean-value>

This indicates if friction should be ignored.

is_landing_gear <boolean-value>

This indicates if the ground_reaction_point is a landing gear (true) or a contact point (false).

is_contact_point <boolean-value>

This indicates if the ground_reaction_point is a contact point (true) or a landing gear (false).

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