SixDOF Mass Properties Data

Mass properties include the mass and moments of inertia for the object when empty (no fuel or payload). Additional mass properties contributions by fuel and payload are considered separately.

Each of these command blocks are detailed below.

mass_properties … end_mass_properties

   mass ...
   moment_of_inertia_ixx ...
   moment_of_inertia_iyy ...
   moment_of_inertia_izz ...
   center_of_mass_x ...
   center_of_mass_y ...
   center_of_mass_z ...

mass <mass-value>

The (empty) mass of the object, not including fuel.

moment_of_inertia_ixx <angular-inertia-value>

The (empty) moment of inertia about the x-axis the object, not including fuel.

moment_of_inertia_iyy <angular-inertia-value>

The (empty) moment of inertia about the y-axis the object, not including fuel.

moment_of_inertia_izz <angular-inertia-value>

The (empty) moment of inertia about the z-axis the object, not including fuel.

center_of_mass_x <length-value>

The empty center of mass (in the object’s x-direction) relative to the reference point.

center_of_mass_y <length-value>

The empty center of mass (in the object’s y-direction) relative to the reference point.

center_of_mass_z <length-value>

The empty center of mass (in the object’s z-direction) relative to the reference point.

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