


This directory contains demos that illustrate various space operations (launch, maneuver, etc.)
This directory contains demos that illustrate various space operations.
The following top-level startup files demonstrate the various operations as indicated:


A demonstration of generalized attitude control, which allows pointing
the satellite or oriented platform part such as a sensor or comm device,
along a particular vector to a target (e.g., another platform, nadir, the sun, etc).
A 3D satellite model is used as a visual reference. A comm device, sensor,
and solar panel (WSF_VISUAL_PART) are placed on an AFSIM platform
in the same orientations as they appear on the 3D model.
Using tethering and pointing vectors in results
visualization one can see that the satellite is pointing
its sensor panels, comm device, or sensor, respectively, as commanded.


Demonstrates how clouds can disrupt line of sight for various sensors.
A representation of the Space Surveillance Network is modeled. Telescopes cannot make
detections of satellites when obscured by clouds, but radars can.
This demo uses the AFSIM noise_cloud feature.


This scenario demonstrates an avoidance maneuver. A commander on the ground
tracks spacecraft for possible conjunctions with a satellite of interest,
sending a warning message when a conjunction is predicted.
This demonstrates both the conjunction assessment processor, and the
ability to script spacecraft maneuvers.


This scenario demonstrates a network of sensors tracking objects in space,
all while a commander on the ground is analyzing the resulting tracks for
the possibility of conjunctions. The scenario is arranged so that there
are two conjunctions: one during a period of active tracking leading to
better estimates of the conjunction characteristics, and one not during
active tracking that demonstrates the ability of the conjunction assessment
to incorporate imperfect measurements.
This scenario also demonstrates the ability to setup a conjunction via input
files, as well as the orbit determination filter and orbit determination
fusion method.


Launches a Delta IV Medium rocket that deploys a satellite into low-Earth orbit.

The subdirectory ‘launch_vehicles’ contains subdirectories for prototype launch vehicles.
Each vehicle has its own directory.


This example demonstrates the ability to remotely detect the addition
of stages onto a launch vehicle. The addition of a new stage is modeled
by changing the optical signature of the launch vehicle. A constellation of
satellites with EOIR sensors detect the change and send the data down to
a commander for processing. The data is communicated through a network that
models the Iridium communication network. The commander then processes the
images by determining the pixel count and noting any changes as the addition
of a stage.
Parameters for the optical signature of each stage as well as the times
stages are to be added can be set in the file setup_launch_detection.txt.


This example demonstrates a scenario in which a launch vehicle experiences a
staging failure and is subsequently interdicted. The probability of a staging
failure can be set by changing the ignition_failure_probability parameter
in the delta_iv_m_staging_failure.txt file. If a staging failure occurs, the
launch vehicle follows a ballistic trajectory and an intercept solution is
then computed using the processor defined in the
anti_ballistic_missile_processor.txt file. For more information, see the


This example sets up a scenario to intercept launch telemetry and set up a
subsequent track. A launch vehicle reports telemetry back to the launch
facility while a ship off the coast intercepts the telemetry and sends the
data to radars in order to set up a track.
The two radars located in the continental United States are part of the Space
Surveillance Network (SSN): Millstone Observatory and FPS85. The third radar is
on a ship in the Atlantic.


A demonstration using the WSF_LASER_TRANSCEIVER. A subset of the planned “starfire”
constellation is modeled using the Wizard Constellation Maker. The crosslinks and downlinks of the satellites
in the constellation are lasercomms. Satellites in the same plane in the constellation have fixed network links
with the previous and subsequent satellites in their orbits, but side crosslinks dynamically connect with
relatively nearby satellites. Managing communication links is performed through scripting.
Using this ad-hoc network, a platform periodically sends messages to a commander
on the other side of the world.

This demo also highlights use of the Constellation Maker using the advanced settings.
In order to edit the starfire constellation:
* From within Wizard, open the /platforms/startlink_generator.txt file (this file was previously generated with
the Constellation Maker using the “Advanced” option).
* Right-click at the top of the file and select “Edit using Constellation Maker”. The constellation maker will launch.
* Edit fields as desired within the Constellation Maker GUI.
* Be sure the “Advanced” button was pressed, so that the “Generator” button is shown.
* Press the “Generator” button to write out the new constellation generation scripts.
* Run the file “startlink_generator.txt” to generate the new constellation.


This demo reproduces the previous demo (lasercomm.txt) but uses the script
class WsfConstellationMaker to create and configure the constellation
at run time.


This scenario performs a complex orbital mission sequence. Astrolabe, Wizard’s space mission planning
and design tool, can be used to load, visualize, and manipulate the sequence. This scenario, based on examples
from the Proton Mission Planning Guide, executes a realistic set of mission events. It begins after orbit injection
of the 4th stage and payload of a Proton rocket. A sequence of maneuvers, including tangential burns, inclination change,
and a circularize maneuver, ultimately place the payload in a geosynchronous orbit. The Upper stage and payload
are modeled using the AFSIM rocket maneuvering model, according to Proton specifications.
A staging event of the upper stage’s auxiliary propulsion tank also demonstrates more advanced delta-v budgeting and expenditure.

Refer to the mission_design_astrolabe.txt file for instructions on exercising this scenario with Astrolabe.


This proximity operations-related demo shows a CubeSat maneuvering around a
Space Shuttle. Initially it moves under the shuttle, comes up in front of it,
where it briefly pauses, then moves over the top to the back.
It then transitions to tracing out a path in the horizontal plane,
first along the right side to the front, then to the left side and to the back.


This example scenario shows two satellites that suffer an accidental
conjunction. The resulting debris from the conjunction is created using
a model based on the NASA Standard Breakup Model.


This example simulates the effect of electromagnetic radiation, high energy particles, and low to medium energy particles
from a solar event on satellite orientation, radar, and geolocation. At time 2000 seconds,
the event of a coronal mass ejection (CME, or burst of electromagnetic radiation, and high energy particles) impacting Earth
begins. The orientation of an INTELSAT satellite is affected and it begins to tumble while still
in orbit. An Over the Horizon Radar also becomes nonoperational during the event. As in the GPS Denied Demo,
a fighter bomber fires two missiles at a ground radar site, but instead of the missiles’ GPS receiver being jammed by the ground radar,
they experience a degraded GPS signal due to the CME, causing them to miss their intended target by up to 100 meters. The solar event lasts
for 4600 seconds. When the event ends, the INTELSAT satellite regains its orientation and the OTH radar becomes operational again.


This example scenario shows a central satellite that drops a number of
pieces of junk which it then collects again after computing the route that
will minimize the required delta V. This scenario demonstrates scripting
a rendezvous maneuver, and the ability to speculatively compute the
required delta V and time to completion of a rendezvous maneuver.