Unit Formation

unit <name>
   offset ...
   member_platform <platform-name>


A unit formation can have no sub-formations, but are where the member platforms of a formation hierarchy are specified. Unit formations cannot be defined at the root level in input files, and cannot have subformations. Units can also be defined in script, see WsfFormation and WsfFormationManager. Units can be given commands, see WsfFormationCommand.

Common Formation Commands


Enable extra debugging output.


For formations defined in the initial conditions, this will cause this formation to not be attached to its parent. After initialization any attached formation will have its members placed into the correct positions relative to the formation leader. The detached status on a formation also effects the way formation commands are propagated down through the hierarchy. See WsfFormationCommand.

offset <length-value> <angle-value> <length-value> offset_type

Specify the offset of the formation from its parent. This is the means by which the initial relative positioning of the members of a formation is specified. The offset is given as a triplet of a range from the reference point, a relative bearing from the direction of travel of the leader, and a vertical offset (or stack). For example, the following offset would be the point 100 m to the right of the reference point and at 1 m higher altitude.

offset 100 m 90 deg 1 m fixed-altitude

The offset type is either welded-wing or fixed-altitude. A welded wing offset computes its location based on the body frame of the lead platform. A fixed altitude offset computes its location as if the lead platform has a zero roll angle.

Member Platform

member_platform <platform_name>

Set the member platform of the unit formation to be the platform with the given name.