Platform Context Menus - Warlock

Right clicking on a platform will cause a platform context menu to be displayed. This menu will contain many of the following options:

  • Copy Chat Link to Clipboard - Copies a link to the selected platform to the clipboard.

  • Center on … - Center the map display on the selected platform.

  • Follow … - Have the map display follow the selected platform.

  • Measure from … - Use the ruler to measure from the selected platform to another point.

  • Joystick Control - Control a platform using a joystick. This option only appears on platforms with a P6DOF mover.

  • P6DOF Controller - Take control of the platform. This option only appears on platforms with a P6DOF mover.

  • ACES Display - Show an ACES Display for the current platform.

  • Tether to … - Create a tether-view to the selected platform.

  • Look at … from … - Create a look-at-view from the selected platform to the context-menu selected platform.

  • Range Rings

  • Add Range Ring to … - Adds a new range-ring to the selected platform

  • Edit Range Rings on … - Edit the range-rings attached to the selected platform

  • Remove Range Ring from … - Remove a range-ring from the selected platform

  • Custom Vectors

  • Add Custom Vectors - Add a vector to the selected platform to another platform or class of platforms.

  • Remove … - Remove a set of vectors from the selected platform.

  • Head Down View - Display a head down view from the selected platform’s perspective.

  • Initiate Cyber Engagement

  • Scan - Scan a target platform for cyber-vulnerabilities.

  • Attack - Cyber-attack a target platform.