Color Utils - Wizard

The Color Utils Wizard plugin allows the user to construct and view script colors. This plugin also allows the user to view side colors.

Construct Color


Right clicking on the Color.Construct script method will add the “Choose color…” option to the context menu. Selecting this option will bring up a color dialog for the user to choose a customized color. Once the OK button is clicked, the construct method will populate with the [0, 255] red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) values of the selected color.


If there are existing values, they will be replaced.

Color and Side View

../../_images/side_hover.png ../../_images/color_hover.png

This plugin allows the user to hover over Color static script methods or the side name of the side command to view what the color looks like in AFSIM. If a color or side is unknown, the tip will show the “default” color defined in Team Visibility.