ENGAGE - Wizard


The ENGAGE Wizard is a tool for creating generic ENGAGE scenarios. Values input into the various fields in the wizard will be used to generate a file that can be used directly by the ENGAGE executable built with AFSIM, or via a ENGAGE executable added to the simulation manager for use directly through Wizard. In future versions, the generated scenario will be loaded automatically into the Wizard environment for further use.

Scenario Settings

File Path Settings

Root Directory

If specified, the wizard will use this location to look for pre-defined types at a root directory location. The current types that are supported in their own directory structure are:

  • launchers (ROOTlaunchers)

  • trackers (ROOTtrackers)

  • target platforms(ROOTtargets)

  • weapons (ROOTweapons)

Simulation Settings

Thread Count

The number of threads requested to be used while executing multiple runs. Setting this value at one executes runs serially. Setting the value to 0 will utilize a number of threads based on the number of processor cores to provide generally good performance. This value can not exceed the number of actual tasks required in the scenario input, and doing so will default the number of threads to the number of tasks.

Random Seed

The integer value used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator.

Frame Time

The increment of time between steps in the simulation.

End Time

The amount of time to allow each task to run before terminating. Note that if this value is not sufficiently long, tasks may terminate while a weapon engagement is in progress, possibly resulting in an incorrect outcome. Excessively long run times may result in poor performance in runs where weapons are not engaged, as tasks that do not produce an active weapon engagement will continue to run to the time specified.

Event Output

Time Format

The format for output of time. Currently not utilized.

Lat/Lon Format

The format for output of latitude/longitude values. Currently not utilized.

Print track in message

Select this value to include target track data in the event output

Event Table

Output Rate

This table defines the rates to be used to generate event output. Each entry in the table refers to separate output files. Clicking add will open the Output Rate Dialog, in which the name of the particular set of rates is specified, and values entered by clicking on the Add button.

Entries in the Output Rate Dialog are specified by a starting time, and a period (frequency) of rate output. This rate will be maintained for output generation unless additional time(s) are specified in the table, at which the newly listed rate will dictate output generation. A table entry of time without a specified period, or with a value of less than or equal to zero will terminate any additional output beyond the listed time.

Run Information

Center Location

The default starting position for site or target grid runs is 0n latitude, 0e longitude. If selected, an alternate position may be selected for the center of the grid. For target grids, this value will specify the initial position of the target. For site grids (currently not supported), this value will specify the initial position of the site.

Site Laydown

The site characteristics can be specified in the site laydown table. Predefined types that have been parsed by setting the root directory will be automatically populated here. Those that have been selected will be used when the scenario file is generated.

Custom Laydown

Individual customized site locations may be specified here. Values populated into the various fields will be used for a single run in the scenario. Multiple locations may be specified, with each resulting in a new one-on-one run in the ENGAGE scenario.


Determines the overall number of runs based on the site grid characteristics set by the user. The site is placed in a central location, and each target instantiation results in a individual engagement between the single site and target for that run. Additional runs are generated until all combination of variables are satisfied. Downrange, crossrange,and target altitude values may be used, with the final field “by:” determining the granularity of equal distance steps between the two values in the “from:” to “to” fields. Speed is constant for all runs. Negative values are supported for crossrange and downrange values to represent positions with the site behind the target or to the left of the target, respectively. Note that using a site grid laydown, the target altitude and target speed values are obviously settings for the target, not for the site. Thus, the other forms of possible target laydown input are disabled and invalid for use (currently) when a site grid is defined.

Target Laydown

The target characteristics can be specified in the target laydown table. Predefined types that have been parsed by setting the root directory will be automatically populated here. Those that have been selected will be used when the scenario file is generated.

Target Behavior

Allows for the selection of how targets are instantiated in ENGAGE runs.


Determines the overall number of runs based on the target grid characteristics set by the user. The target is placed in a central location, and each site instantiation results in a individual engagement between the single site and target for that run. Additional runs are generated until all combination of variables are satisfied. Downrange, crossrange, and altitude values may be used, with the final field “by:” determining the granularity of equal distance steps between the two values in the “from:” to “to” fields. Speed is constant for all runs. Negative values are supported for crossrange and downrange values to represent positions with the site behind the target or to the left of the target, respectively.

Simple Path

Allows the user to define a simple path the target will take. The x, y, and z, values are the starting position of the target in reference to the center point. The target will move from this position at the speed and heading specified.

Flight Path

A more specific flight path may be defined here, by adding waypoints for the target, providing values for the specified fields in the table.

Flight Route

Similar to a flight path, but with less options for less complexity.

Use Target Path

Use the path defined by the target type, outside of the methods listed above.

Repetition Count

Given the user provided crossrange, downrange, and altitude values, a specific number of unique runs are required to cover all combinations of these values. Each of these unique combinations may be run multiple times if desired, by changing the repetition count.

Perform Flyouts

Specifies if weapon flyouts will occur on runs.

Generate Record File

Specifies if a record file is generated.

Generate Event File

Specifies if event files will be created.


This table defines variable output files that can be created from runtime conditions. Clicking to add an output prompts for providing the file name to save the data, as well as the variable name, the phase in which to output the variable, and the unit and format of the variable output. For each variable file, event and summary output may also be appended to each file, if required, by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. The current variables supported are:

  • time

  • target_x

  • target_y

  • target_z

  • target_vx

  • target_vy

  • target_zy

  • target_ax

  • target_ay

  • target_az

  • weapon_flight_time

  • weapon_x

  • weapon_y

  • weapon_z

  • weapon_vx

  • weapon_vy

  • weapon_vz

  • weapon_ax

  • weapon_ay

  • weapon_az

  • weapon_speed

  • weapon_mach

  • weapon_gee_force

  • weapon_to_target_range

Pk Table Generation

This table determines the settings to be used to generate Pk tables from site grid runs, if required. Note that a site grid must be defined to generate Pk table output, otherwise, input is disabled.

Enable Pk Table Generation

Selects whether to generate Pk tables from site grid data.

Table Site Name

Sets the name that will be used to identify the site in the Pk table output.

Table Target Name

Sets the name that will be used to identify the target in the Pk table output.

Output Path

Clicking the file dialog button will allow the indication and selection of a directory where Pk table data will be written upon completion of all simulation runs.

Enable Periodic Flush

Enables the writing of Pk table data during simulation runs instead of the default (at completion).

Output Length Units

Selects the length units that will be used in generated Pk table values.

Output Speed Units

Selects the speed units that will be used in generated Pk table values.