fuel <name> WSF_BRAWLER_FUEL
   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... common fuel commands ...
   aero_file ...
   initial_quantity_ratio ...



WSF_BRAWLER_FUEL implements a fuel object that consumes fuel at a rate determined by parameters in the brawler aero_file. Note that the aero file must be defined for this fuel type to function. See WsfFuel for script methods.

WSF_BRAWLER_FUEL requires speed, altitude, and a throttle position to calculate fuel consumption rate. It queries platform for its speed and altitude, and it queries the mover on the platform for a throttle position. By default, WsfMover’s GetThrottlePosition() function will return a 1.0, indicating military power. Movers are responsible for implementing the virtual function GetThrottlePosition() to return more accurate throttle values. As of this time, the movers that further specify this function are WsfAirMover and WsfBrawlerMover.


In addition to all of the standard fuel commands, WSF_BRAWLER_FUEL adds the following:

aero_file <file-absolute-path>

Defines the absolute path for the brawler aero file that will determine the fuel flow rate. Fuel flow rate is calculated based on the platform’s defined performance at different mach and altitude values.

As an example of an aero_file for a fake, unclassified aircraft, reference ACFT_BAC1.FXW.

initial_quantity_ratio <real>

Specifies the initial quantity of fuel as a ratio of the maximum fuel capacity defined in the aero_file configuration.