

WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER is an exact replication of the AROTYP1 mover model in BRAWLER. It is designed to load a BRAWLER aircraft definition file (only paying attention to the aero and physics blocks) for specifying its flight capabilities. The WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER has been out-fitted to fly most of the regular mover commands as well, such as GoToLocation(), TurnToHeading(), GoToAltitude(), GoToSpeed(), FollowRoute(), ReturnToRoute(). The WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER also flies routes, however it ignores any acceleration or turning requirements defined in the route, in order to use its own logic when flying. In fact, the only route commands the WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER is guaranteed to obey are “position”, “altitude”, “speed”, and “climb_rate” if provided. When a WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER reaches the end of a route, its default behavior is to go back to the beginning and fly the route again.

The typical use of a WSF_BRAWLER_MOVER is to use the WsfBrawlerProcessor Mover Methods for tactical flight when within-visual-range of a target and to use the regular WsfPlatform Location and Navigation Methods when outside of visual range, such as flying routes, going to locations, or turning to headings.


aero_file <file-name>

Specify the file name of a BRAWLER aircraft definition file. The contents of the file will fully define the flight capabilities of this mover.


If specified, yellow dots will be rendered to the DIS replay file that represent the forward projection of the BRAWLER mover given its current maneuver command.