Script Class: WsfNetworkAdHoc

network <name> WSF_COMM_NETWORK_AD_HOC
   ... network Commands ...
   ... WSF_COMM_NETWORK_GENERIC commands ...

   update_rate <random-time-reference>

      member <platform-name> <comm-name> update_rate <random-time-reference>

   remove_comm_update_rate <platform-name> <comm-name>

      member <address> update_rate <random-time-reference>

   remove_address_update_rate <address>



WSF_COMM_NETWORK_AD_HOC is a dynamic network type available in AFSIM.

This network, like WSF_COMM_NETWORK_GENERIC, does not specify a topology. However, instead of a static network with link states defined by the user, this network type will automatically modify its topology during runtime based on the potential communication capabilities of its members. This is entirely driven by the comm model implementation, that dictates if any individual comm can communicate with any other given comm.

During runtime, at time intervals specified by the user, each comm in the network creates links to any other comm in the network in which communications are possible, and actively removes any link with a comm that is not available. As such, the network state can potentially be constantly modified according to each comm model’s implementation.

This network type is primarily intended for comm model implementations with more strict controls or limitations of communication ability, as opposed to the perfect or wired comm models (e.g. WSF_COMM_TRANSCEIVER) which always assume the ability to communicate with like models (and will effectively just form a mesh network in homogeneous model networks).

During each comm’s update in this network, only outgoing states are inspected and potentially modified.

Only links internal to the network are modified in this network type. External network linkage is not considered.


This network type, due to each interface inspecting every other interface in the network at each time interval, can be a performance issue. It is suggested that users limit the number of comms in this network to the greatest extent possible, and use the maximum update rate allowable to suit their use case.


update_rate <random-time-reference>

Specifies the rate that this network will perform updates to the network state by creating and removing linkage. Every comm in the network that does not have an update rate specific to that instance will use this rate.

It is suggested that if multiple networks of this type are being used in a single simulation that an appropriate distribution be used instead of a constant value to avoid all networks being updated simultaneously.

If this value is not specified by the user, any comm using this update rate will never be updated automatically during the simulation. This is useful if wanting to mix dynamic and static link specifications within the network.

Default: Maximum floating point value (update will never occur during the simulation)

comm_update_rates … end_comm_update_rates

This block allows users to specify a unique update rate for a particular comm interface designated by the platform name and comm name. Any comm interface with an update rate specified in this manner will use this update rate for modifying outgoing links from that interface, not the general update rate specified via update_rate.

This command is useful for either increasing or decreasing the update rate for specific members where applicable, such that any single comm interface does not have to dictate the general update rate for the entire network and potentially cause performance issues.

remove_comm_update_rate <platform-name> <comm-name>

Removes a unique update rate entry for the comm specified by platform and comm name. Sets the specified comm to use the general update rate assigned via the update_rate command.

This command is available to allow the removal of specific comm update rates, especially for derived network types.

address_update_rates … end_address_update_rates

This block allows users to specify a unique update rate for a particular comm interface designated by the comm interface address. Any comm interface with an update rate specified in this manner will use this update rate for modifying outgoing links from that interface, not the general update rate specified via update_rate.

This command is useful for either increasing or decreasing the update rate for specific members where applicable, such that any single comm interface does not have to dictate the general update rate for the entire network and potentially cause performance issues.

remove_address_update_rate <address>

Removes a unique update rate entry for the comm specified by comm address. Sets the specified comm to use the general update rate assigned via the update_rate command.

This command is available to allow the removal of specific comm update rates, especially for derived network types.