... processor commands ...
   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Exchange Processor Commands ...
   ... Exchange Processor Script Interface ...
   container <name>
   transactor <name>


WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR is a processor that manages the exchange of commodities or services with other simulated platforms. Three possible examples would be a tanker-to-receiver exchange of fuel, a warehouse which supplies spare parts to a mechanic who needs them, or that same mechanic which goes to a disabled vehicle to repair it and return it to service. An exchange is negotiated in a series of ping-pong negotiation events as given below. The result is a mutually decided upon quantity of exchange, and optionally, a decided rate of transfer of that commodity or service. (If no rate is specified, the exchange rate defaults to zero, and is thus considered instantaneous.) If a non-zero rate is negotiated, both platforms understand the exchange is in-progress until the full amount is transacted, based upon time elapsed. In this case, either participant may cancel the transaction prematurely, and the transacted amount to the present time will be retained.

The platform-to-platform exchange may be within a single WSF-based simulation, or with an externally simulated entity across a DIS interface (see final two paragraphs below). A DIS interface does _not_ specify a rate of transfer, so the fidelity of these exchanges may degrade a bit. More on this later.

There are several sub-classes the user will need to understand to accomplish Exchange functionality, as noted in the paragraphs below:

First, a discussion of ‘quantity’. A quantity is captured in any implementation-defined convenient unit of measure. However, if the exchanged commodity is linked to the WSF platform payload or fuel in order to affect the motion dynamics (see below), then the units of measure must be internally specified in kilograms. (The standard WSF input parsing will accept imperial or other unit types, but will translate them internally to MKS.) But provided the Container contents do not interact with the platform mass, the units supplied to the container, and interacted with by scripting, may be arbitrary floating point values, such as “pallets of supplies”, “spare engines”, or “number of wing repairs”. It is up to the implementation to consistently interpret what this quantity represents.

A “tender” encapsulates a Request or an Offer of a commodity or service. The tender will specify the name of the commodity or service, the maximum amount desired or available to be provided, the maximum rate at which it may be transferred, and a flag indicating whether this named item is a commodity, or a service. This tender item is an object which is creatable via script, and may be compared to another to see if they are a match. Tendered quantities are always specified as positive, regardless of whether the associated transactor is a supplier or receiver.

A “container” is placed on the WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR, and specifies the maximum amount of an item which may be stored for later provision, or the maximum amount which may be accumulated at any one time on the platform. The container holds a tender as one of its attributes, which dictates an overall maximum quantity and rate of exchange for any transaction into or out of the Container. In addition to a ‘maximum’ quantity, there is also a ‘current’ quantity to the container, which is set separately, and always constrained to only what will fit in the container. The container may begin the simulation full, empty, or anywhere in between.

A “transactor” is a conduit through which commodities or services may enter or leave a specified container. The direction of flow (‘is_offeror’ or ‘is_requestor’) is specified at the time of creation of the transactor, and may not be changed afterward. Multiple transactors may be plugged into the same container at the same time, to permit simultaneous additions and removals. Each transactor may optionally specify a further Rate constraint, which is applied in addition to the container’s rate constraint. For any proposed transaction to succeed, it must be compatible in name and ‘is_service’ with the container it is plugged into.

The potential for a future exchange will begin when one ‘is_offeror’ transactor reserves or sets aside a tender of some commodity or service. The transactor may be told via script to reserve all or some part of what is available to supply from its associated container, using ReserveAll() or ReserveTender() operations. This Reserve action may trigger an externally observable event that a platform capability is changed (see PLATFORM_CAPABILITY_CHANGED). Note that for this observable event to be generated, a commodity and capability type must be paired, via the ‘commodity_and_capability_pairing’ keyword. This Reserve call is required, otherwise the associated offering transactor will not be “listening”, for an exchange. (Depending upon the ground rules appropriate to the simulation, it might be considered a “cheat” to use the PLATFORM_CAPABILITY_CHANGED notification, and other communication mechanisms such as radio transmissions might be more appropriate. This is left as an implementation detail.)

After a reservation is made, at any time later, another transactor on another platform that ‘is_requestor’ may request a tender. An actual exchange is always initiated by the requestor of goods or services, by calling RequestAll() or RequestTender(), usually via scripted call. The request will then internally issue a REQUEST event. If the reserve and the request are compatible in name and service/commodity type, and are sufficiently close in proximity, then a negotiation begins as to the actual amount and rate of the transaction.

For exchanges, the events REQUEST, OFFER, ACCEPT, SUPPLY, RECEIVE occur in quick succession, and involve a negotiation of exchanged quantity and rate of service. The negotiation accepts the largest quantity and fastest rate that both players can support. The offeror and receiver may then stay in the SUPPLYING and ACCEPTING state for a time duration, with the mutual understanding that a shared transaction rate of goods is in process. During this span of time, either player may choose to terminate the transaction prematurely with a CANCEL event. If so triggered, a CANCEL event terminates the transaction, but any goods or services partially transacted prior to the CANCEL event are maintained, in accordance with the agreed-upon rate of exchange. NOTE: This is true only for WSF-to-WSF transactions; the fidelity of a transaction over DIS is lower, as a rate cannot be communicated; the PDUs do not contain a rate value. So every exchange will appear as instantaneous to a DIS entity. Even so, there may still be value in modeling a transfer rate within WSF, as the supplier of the commodity will be made unavailable for a specified length of time, to account for a realistic transfer rate.

The underlying exchange process will generate WSF observable events: EXCHANGE_QUERIED, EXCHANGE_NEGOTIATED, and EXCHANGE_COMPLETED. The former two are for low-level coordination between all potentially transacting platforms, so the end-user will generally prefer to observe the latter. A script method is available to react to the EXCHANGE_COMPLETED event. If the exchange is occurring at an agreed-upon rate, then the EXCHANGE_COMPLETED event is generated at the trailing edge of the exchange.

The processor will also subscribe to a callback for observable event PLATFORM_CAPABILITY_CHANGED. This permits the processor to internally maintain a list of what simulated platforms offer goods or services that may be desired. A script method is available to provide the closest available provider of a payload, fuel, or repair. (Note that this knowledge is imperfect… a simulated entity may be known to supply fuel, however it cannot be known for certain that this the same _kind_ of fuel, and so an affirmative response to the request may not result.)

Through the Exchange Processor Script Interface, the user may control the addressee, timing, amount, and rate of the transactions desired. The named types described above (tender, container, transactor) are “scriptable” objects, identified with a capital first letter: Tender, Container, Transactor, and in addition, a Query object.

Within WSF, the mass of a particular platform consists of three parts: its empty mass, its fuel mass, and its payload mass. The WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR allows its Containers to <optionally> be hooked to either payload or fuel, so that exchanged commodities immediately impact the total mass of the platform. See the ‘hook_to_payload’ and ‘hook_to_fuel’ keyword options below.

The underlying state machine behavior for a transaction of commodities (goods) is as follows:

_Transactor_Role_  _Begin_State_  _End_State_  _Generated_Event_
Offeror            -disabled-     READY        -none-
Receiver           READY          REQUESTING   REQUESTED
Offeror            READY          OFFERING     OFFERED
Offeror            OFFERING       SUPPLYING    SUPPLIED => <Begin transfer in-progress timer>
Receiver           ACCEPTING      READY        RECEIVED => <Begin transfer in-progress timer>
<For the offeror and receiver, when the timer elapses, the transaction is fully completed.>

The underlying state machine behavior for a transaction of services (repairs) is similar to the above, but with additions:

_Transactor_Role_  _Begin_State_  _End_State_  _Generated_Event_
Offeror            -disabled-     READY        -none-
Receiver           READY          REQUESTING   REQUESTED
Offeror            READY          OFFERING     OFFERED
Offeror            OFFERING       SUPPLYING    SUPPLIED => <Begin repair in-progress timer>
                                               <repair in-progress timer expires>
Offeror            SUPPLYING      READY        OFFEROR_COMPLETED
Receiver           ACCEPTING      READY        REQUESTOR_RESPONDED
Offeror            READY          READY        <confirmation received, but no action needed>

Either Transactor may Cancel a transaction in progress, which will generate event CANCEL to inform the other, so CANCEL may be an internally or externally generated event. A Cancel is automatically queued internally as a timeout mechanism if the other player becomes unresponsive during the exchange. Provided that follow-on transaction negotiations have succeeded, the time-queued Cancel is later ignored.

A typical goods exchange example is one in which a platform of an air refueling tanker type is to offload fuel from its payload quantity, and supply it to a nearby aircraft to replenish its fuel quantity. Following is a declaration of such a tanker platform type with an ability to supply fuel.

  processor exchange_proc WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR
     update_interval 5 sec                   # Will periodically evaluate (if auto_request true) which platform to
                                             # send a request to.
     commodity_and_capability_pairing JP8_FUEL SUPPLY_FUEL
                                             # Associates a commodity or service name (appearing again below) to a
                                             # DIS-enumerated platform Capability item.
                                             # The third keyword must be one of the following:
                                             #    SUPPLY_PAYLOAD, SUPPLY_FUEL, VEHICLE_REPAIR, VEHICLE_RECOVERY,
                                             #    SUPPLY_ADS_B
     container fuel_supply_tank
        commodity JP8_FUEL                   # == begin "tender" ==
           maximum_mass_quantity 8000 kg     # Under no circumstances will the quantity of this container exceed
                                             #    8000 kg
           mass_rate           50 kg/sec     # This is an upper constraint on the rate at which fuel may enter or
                                             # leave the container.
        end_commodity                        # == end "tender" ==
        initial_mass_quantity    7000 kg     # The initial quantity in this container is 7000 kg, 1000 kg short
                                             # of "full".
     transactor fuel_provider
        # === TANKER WITH FUEL === (OFFERS)
        container_name     fuel_supply_tank  # Specifies the source for the fuel to supply to others.
        is_offeror                           # Specifies that this transactor will always supply, not receive fuel.
                                             # If fuel is to be simultaneously onloaded and offloaded, another
                                             # transactor should be defined.
        hook_to_fuel                 false   # This flag (if true) would be applicable to the _receiver's_ processor.
        hook_to_payload               true   # As transactions are completed, the exchanged quantity
                                             # is DECREMENTED from the payload attribute of the platform.
        exclusive_hook_to_payload     true   # Indicates that this transactor has full exclusive ownership of the
                                             # platform payload attribute,
                                             # and so can and will overwrite the quantity of the platform's payload as
                                             # fuel is transferred.
        response_time_out_interval  10 sec   # If we receive a request, and make an offer, this is how long we
                                             # will wait for a response back before we terminate and move on.
        proximity_limit             500 m    # If the transacting platforms are more than this distance apart,
                                             # the transaction will not be allowed to take place.

Provided that a DIS network is properly configured, the exchange of goods or services may be with an external DIS entity. In this case, the commodity or service type to be exchanged must be declared within the DIS environment as below:

   entity_type JP8_FUEL 6:0:0:0:1:4    # This is a DIS-compliant value.  Consult SISO-REF-010-20xx.x for standard DIS
                                       # enumerations of typical logistics commodities.
   dis_exchange debug end_dis_exchange # For assistance in debugging transactions over DIS.

In all cases of remote exchanges via DIS, each state machine transition triggering event delineated in the sequences above must occur twice, once in the local simulation, once in the remote one. A local event triggers a call-back mechanism which sends an appropriate DIS PDU type externally. The receipt of that PDU at the remote destination will trigger the same event which previously precipitated the event in the local simulation.

Tender Definition

A Tender can be constructed by the user in the input stream in two ways, as a commodity or service.

commodity <commodity-name> … #Tender Commands <tender_body> … end_commodity

A tender of ‘commodity’ is to propose an exchange of some named tangible goods, noting the kind, amount, and rate of a planned requested or offered exchange. It does _not_ specify the direction of flow, which is dictated by the transactor is_offeror or is_requestor setting.

service <service-name> … #Tender Commands <tender_body> … end_service

A tender of ‘service’ is to propose an exchange of some named intangible service, noting the kind, amount, and rate of a planned requested or offered exchange. It does _not_ specify the direction of flow, which is dictated by the transactor is_offeror or is_requestor setting.

Tender Commands

quantity <real-value>

Specifies the current number of services available or desired.

maximum_quantity <real-value>

Specifies the limiting number of services available or desired. Syntactical convenience to indicate the maximum size of a container (see below).

mass_quantity <mass-value>

Specifies the current mass of commodity available or desired.

maximum_mass_quantity <mass-value>

Specifies the limiting quantity of commodity available or desired. Syntactical convenience to indicate the maximum size of a container (see below).

rate <real-value>

Specifies the rate of services offered per unit time.

service_interval <real-value>

Specifies the time required to accomplish a unit of service. 30 minutes = Two repairs per hour.

mass_rate <real-value>

Specifies the rate of commodities exchanged services offered per unit time. The real value must be followed with a correct mass rate specification, such as kg/sec, etc.

Container Definition

container <container-name> … #Container Commands <container_body> … end_container

The <container-name> specifies the name of the object, as a way for the WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR to differentiate between perhaps several containers owned by the processor. The container block quantifies a container; its name, what it holds, maximum, and current quantities of the commodity or service. While a service (i.e. engine-repair) is not a tangible to be held in a container, for the purposes of simulation book-keeping, it is treated as such. Transactions are always “piped” into or out of a named container. No transaction is permitted which transfers more of a commodity or service than may be added to or decremented from a container, given its maximum capacity and current quantity. A constraining operation will always bound/clamp the transaction to abide by the container’s constraint. Any convenient number of containers may be defined as needed, and a container may have more than one transaction “piped” into it, such as a tanker aircraft which may both on-load fuel from another tanker and offload fuel to a receiver simultaneously, both linked to the same container.

Container Commands

service …end_service

Specify a service type, amount, and exchange rate, as in Tender Definition above. Only one “service” or “commodity” may be supplied.

commodity …end_commodity

Specify a commodity type, amount, and exchange rate, as in Tender Definition above. Only one “service” or “commodity” may be supplied.

initial_quantity <real-value>

Specifies the beginning number of services available in the container, which must be less than or equal to the maximum container size in the above tender specification.

initial_mass_quantity <mass-value>

Specifies the beginning amount of a commodity available in the container, which must be less than or equal to the maximum container size in the above tender specification.

Transactor Definition

transactor <transactor-name> … #Transactor Commands <transactor_body> … end_transactor

The <transactor-name> specifies the name of the object, as a way for the WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR to differentiate between perhaps several transactors owned by the processor. The transactor block quantifies a transaction; its name, the direction of flow of the commodity or service, and current quantities of the transaction in-progress. Regardless of direction, quantities tend toward zero as the transaction progresses (is_offeror starts with amount available and reaches zero when exhausted, is_requestor starts with amount desired and reaches zero as fully satisfied). Transactions are always “piped” into or out of a named container. Regardless of the initial amount of Reserve() or Request(), the transaction starts only after being constrained to what may come from or fit into the named container.

Transactor Commands


Transactor is configured as an offeror/provider of goods or services.


Transactor is configured as a requestor/consumer of goods or services.

hook_to_fuel <boolean-value>

Transactor will increment or decrement the quantity of fuel on its platform after every successful transaction. Will not decrement below a zero quantity.

hook_to_payload <boolean-value>

Transactor will increment or decrement the quantity of payload on its platform after every successful transaction. Will not decrement below a zero quantity.

exclusive_hook_to_payload exclusive_hook_to_fuel

Transactor will directly control the quantity of payload or fuel, forcing it to match what is currently in the named container. It will be permitted to ignore and override any other process which sets the fuel or payload quantity, including input file specifications. Will not decrement below a zero quantity.

proximity_limit <length-value>

Specifies the maximum distance allowed between two platforms in order to exchange. Default is zero, or distance ignored.

time_out_clock_interval <time-value>

Specifies the maximum interval allowed to wait for a response to an offer or request. If a request is received, and a corresponding offer is sent out, and then no response is subsequently received, the offer is canceled after this period of time, in order to allow the transactor to be freed up to offer to another requestor.

Exchange Processor Commands

commodity_and_capability_pairing <commodity-name> <capability-type>

This keyword creates an association between a commodity name, and a Platform Capability, as supplied in the DIS Entity State PDU. If an exchange processor has a transactor which is currently offering a fuel commodity, then this processor will assure that the platform capability “SUPPLY_FUEL” will be flagged as present. (See example input above.) Other bits may indicate that fuel or payload can be provided, but only if they are properly indicated with the keyword above. Multiple pairings may be provided.

service_and_capability_pairing <service-name> <capability-type>

This keyword creates an association between a service type name, and a Platform Capability, as supplied in the DIS Entity State PDU. If an exchange processor has a transactor which is currently offering a repair service, then this processor will assure that the platform capability “VEHICLE_REPAIR” will be flagged as present. Other bits may indicate that vehicle repair or vehicle recovery, is available, but only if they are properly indicated with the keyword above. Multiple pairings may be provided. (Capability Automated Data Service - Broadcast (ADS_B) is currently not supported.)

ignore_all_proximity_checks <boolean-value>

If set true, command ignores, and overrides all the transactor ‘proximity_limit’ values above, forcing them to zero. No transactions will fail due to a proximity limit check. Default is ‘false’.

force_transactions_instantaneous <boolean-value>

If set true, command ignores all specifications of tender ‘rate’, ‘service_interval’, or ‘mass_rate’. Once successfully negotiated, the resulting transactions will take zero simulated time.

debug <boolean-value>

Command prompts console output of assistance in debugging processor operations.

edit <object_type> <object_name> … end_<object_type>

Command allows the edit of a previously named transactor or container. This command will begin a block, which must be concluded with the normal end_block syntax. Inside the block, any commands may be used which are appropriate for the chosen object_type.

Exchange Processor Script Interface

WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR (script object name WsfExchangeProcessor) utilizes the capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR, as well as providing the following:

Transactor FindContainer(string)

If the named Container (1st arg) exists, will return a reference to the Transactor to interact with. Returned object should be checked for IsValid() before use.

Transactor FindTransactor(string)

If the named Transactor (1st arg) exists, will return a reference to the Transactor to interact with. Returned object should be checked for IsValid() before use.

Array<int> PayloadProviders()

Returns an array of the platform indices for the simulated entities currently known to be providing payload, regardless of their proximity.

Array<int> FuelProviders()

Returns an array of the platform indices for the simulated entities currently known to be providing fuel, regardless of their proximity.

Array<int> VehicleRepairers()

Returns an array of the platform indices for the simulated entities currently known to be providing vehicle repair services, regardless of their proximity.

Array<int> VehicleRecoverers()

Returns an array of the platform indices for the simulated entities currently known to be providing vehicle recovery services, regardless of their proximity.

WsfPlatform ClosestPossibleProvider(string)

Returns a reference to the platform which is the closest known provider of the capability represented by the supplied commodity Item name. Returned object should be checked for IsValid() before use.

In general, each of the sub-component types given above are scriptable objects, to include: ‘tender’ as “Tender”, ‘container’ as “Container”, ‘transactor’ as “Transactor”, and a new scriptable type not previously mentioned, a “Query” type. The purpose of the Query type is simply to provide details to be able to discern in script if two Tenders are compatible.