launch_computer <name> WSF_FIRES_LAUNCH_COMPUTER
   ... launch_computer Commands ...
   ... WSF_LAUNCH_COMPUTER Commands ...
   fires_table ... end_fires_table


This launch computer requires the associated weapon to define a launched_platform_type. As documented in WSF_IMPLICIT_WEAPON, this is required even for implicit weapons that do not create new platforms. The name of the launched_platform_type must match the SystemMunition name of the fires_table as described below.


WSF_FIRES_LAUNCH_COMPUTER implements a launch computer for a short-range, indirect fire munition. This launch computer is used by the WSF_FIRES_MOVER to acquire characteristic trajectory values for max. height, and time-of-flight (given range), with which to compute a full trajectory. Discrete values for these values are stored in fires_table. If one has access to U.S. Army’s FireSim tables for desired systems and munitions, these can be used directly (see fires_table, below). Otherwise the tables can be generated from existing definitions.


Multiple tables, corresponding with multiple systems for the same munition, can be used in the same launch computer definition.


fires_table SystemMunition … end_fires_table

Define a fires table with multiple entries for range, maximum ordinate, and time of flight. Ranges and maximum ordinates are measured in meters; times of flight are measured in seconds. Each entry (1, 2, … n) for range, max. ord. and time-of-flight represents a discrete possible trajectory.

SystemMunition <string-value>

Provide the System+Munition type to which this table refers. This name should be the same as the launched platform type of the launching weapon.

range_values <range-value-1> <range-value-2> <range-value-n> end_range_values

Define a set of characteristic trajectory values for range.

maximum_ordinate_values <maximum-ordinate-1> <maximum-ordinate-2> <maximum-ordinate-n> end_maximum_ordinate_values

Define a set of characteristic trajectory values for maximum ordinate.


Either of elevation_angle_values or maximum_ordinate_values must be defined.

elevation_angle_values <elevation-angle-1> <elevation-angle-2> <elevation-angle-n> end_elevation-angle_values

Define a set of characteristic trajectory values for initial elevation angle.


Either of elevation_angle_values or maximum_ordinate_values must be defined.

time_of_flight_values <time-of-flight-value-1> <time-of-flight-value-2> <time-of-flight-value-n> end_time_of_flight_values

Define a set of characteristic trajectory values for time of flight.


fires_table FIRES_60MM_MORTAR
   maximum_ordinate_values 2581.65 2581.3  2548.23 2510.96 2468.58 2419.26 2364.94 2300.47 2226.98 2129.38 2038.33
   range_values            1596.07 1868.87 2063.09 2272.4  2458.37 2675.11 2850.41 3075.58 3277.17 3359.59 3680.16
   time_of_flight_values   46.21     46.21   45.56   45.56   44.66   44.66   43.51   43.51   42.76   40.81   40.81