... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...

   // Sensor Commands
   sensor Commands ...

   mode ...
      ... common sensor mode commands ...
      ... receiver ...
      ... Antenna Commands ...
      platform_type [ <platform-type> | default ]
      check_terrain_masking <boolean-value>
      terrain_masking_mode [ terrain_and_horizon | terrain_only | horizon_only ]
      earth_radius_multiplier <value>
      effective_earth_radius <length-value>
      minimum_range_rate <speed-value>
      maximum_range_rate <speed-value>


WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR is a simple sensor based strictly on geometry. Subject to the additional constraints imposed in the Mode Commands below, a target will be detected if it is within the frustum formed by the Antenna Commands:


The sensor mode accepts receiver commands, but that is only to gain access to the check_terrain_masking, terrain_masking_mode, and earth_radius_multiplier / effective_earth_radius commands defined there. Those commands are also documented here for convenience. The other commands documented in receiver are not used.

Mode Commands

platform_type [ <platform-type> | default ]
detection_range <length-value>

Defines the maximum detection range for targets with platform type of <platform-type>. If the keyword default is provided, the range will apply to all platform types that do not have their own entry for detection range or pd-range table.

pd_range_table … end_pd_range_table

Defines a Probability of detection vs range table for targets with the platform_type of <platform-type>. Example:

platform_type WSF_PLATFORM pd_range_table
   1.0     0 km
   0.8     0.5 km
   0.2     2.0 km

If the keyword default is provided, the table will apply to all platform types that do not have their own entry for detection range or pd-range table.


It is an input error to define a table with less than two entries. Ranges must be ascending, and intermediate values are linearly interpolated. A platform_type may have both pd_range_table and detection_range.


When this table is present, for each detection the required probability of detection (required Pd) is determined randomly.

check_terrain_masking <boolean-value>

Determines if the sensor will perform terrain and horizon masking checks on a target. By default, horizon masking is checked first, followed by a separate terrain masking check if terrain is loaded. The simple horizon masking check assumes a smooth bald spherical Earth and that any object below zero mean sea level is obscured. For subsurface sensors, horizon checking can be disabled by setting the terrain_masking_mode to terrain_only.

Default: true (terrain and horizon masking checks are performed)

terrain_masking_mode [ terrain_and_horizon | terrain_only | horizon_only ]

Sets the mode or type of masking checks to perform. By default, both horizon and terrain masking checks are enabled.

Default: terrain_and_horizon

earth_radius_multiplier <value>
effective_earth_radius <length-value>

Specify either the multiplier for Earth’s radius, or the effective earth radius, used to compute the effects of atmospheric refraction of electromagnetic radiation.

For example, specifying earth_radius_multiplier_ 1.3333333 allows the sensor to act as a low-fidelity surrogate for a radar sensor.

Default: earth_radius_multiplier 1.0


The Earth’s radius is considered to be 6366707.019 meters.

minimum_range_rate <speed-value>

This sensor will not detect targets with a range rate less than this value.

Default: no minimum

maximum_range_rate <speed-value>

This sensor will not detect targets with a range rate greater than this value.

Default: no maximum