Script Class: WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover


   // RB6 Vehicle Type Commands
   vehicle_type ...
   landing_gear_down ...
   nws_enabled ...
   parking_brake_on ...
   taxi_mode_enabled ...

   ... WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER Commands ...

   // Script Methods -- see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover



WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER is a specific type of WSF_SIX_DOF_MOVER, using first- and second-order force and moment coefficients to effect rotation and translation. It is a direct descendant of WSF_P6DOF_MOVER, and adopts nearly all of its functionality.

The level of detail and data required to build a successful WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER is nontrivial, but the result is a mover which is able to naturally capture phenomena and dynamics that other movers, including WSF_POINT_MASS_SIX_DOF_MOVER, cannot.

WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER uses only the principal (diagonal) elements of the moment-of-inertia tensor. This simplification helps to speed execution and reduce some complexity, but can have the effect of underdamping cross-coupling effects. Net forces and torques are aggregated from aerodynamic, propulsive, and gravitational sources, and are used directly in the equations of motion.

Aerodynamic coefficients are available for all degrees of freedom, including damping derivative coefficients. Not all are required, but each utilized table can add to the fidelity of a model.

RB6 Vehicle Type Commands

The most important command for a WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER is vehicle_type, which defines the performance characteristics of of the object. The rigid-body vehicle_type is defined as a command:rigid_body_vehicle_type in a six_dof_object_types block. The six_dof_vehicle_type must be defined before it is referenced in the mover WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER block.

See six_dof_object_types for information on how to create a rigid_body_vehicle_type.

vehicle_type <string>

This defines the type of object used by the mover. The vehicle_type is defined in a six_dof_object_types block and must be defined before being referenced.

The simplest WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER definition is something like this:

   vehicle_type  F-15C

This indicates that the F-15C vehicle_type will be used. F-15C must be a rigid_body_vehicle_typepoint_mass_vehicle_type objects will not be accepted.

landing_gear_down <boolean-value>

Indicates whether the landing gear should be down or not when the scenario begins.

For the corresponding script methods, see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.LowerLandingGear or WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.RetractLandingGear

nws_enabled <boolean-value>

Indicates whether nose-wheel steering should be enabled or not. Nose-wheel steering is commonly used when taxiing but should be removed prior to the takeoff roll.

For the corresponding script method, see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.SetEnableNWS

parking_brake_on <boolean-value>

This command sets whether the parking brake should be on or off when the scenario begins.

For the corresponding script methods, see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.SetParkingBrake or WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.ReleaseWheelBrakes

taxi_mode_enabled <boolean-value>

This command set whether the autopilot should be in taxi mode when the scenario begins. This should be used only be used when the platform is on ground.

For the corresponding script method, see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover.SetTaxiMode

Script Methods

To learn about the various script methods supported by WSF_RIGID_BODY_SIX_DOF_MOVER, see WsfRigidBodySixDOF_Mover