Script Object: WsfRIPRProcessor

processor <name> WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR

  ... Script Processor Commands ...

  // job related inputs
  channel_job_type <channel-index> <job-type>
  job_board_comm <comm-name>
  job_stickiness <real-value>
  num_job_channels <integer-value>
  //windowing inputs
  auto_exclusive_mode <boolean-value>
  bid_window_open_length <time-value>
  job_window_open_length <time-value>

  // uplink related inputs
  max_weapon_uplinks <integer-value>
  use_remote_tracks_for_uplink <boolean-value>
  weapon_uplink_path <sensor-name> <comm-name>

  query_bid_type <job-type>



WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR is the foundation for all RIPR agents in WSF. Most RIPR agents are built using a behavior_tree, now defined on the WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR. Any new RIPR agent classes should inherit from WsfRIPRProcessor. The RIPR processor’s unique offering is the job board, and any agents that wish to take advantage of the bottom-up job bidding system should utilize this processor. A different option would be the WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR.


channel_job_type <channel-index> <job-type>

Specifies that the indicated channel on this RIPR agent processor will be allowed to bid on and win jobs of the indicated type. If no types are specified for a channel than all types are allowed on that channel. The channel-index is an integer value and the job-type is a string that equals the job name (also called the job type). Users can specify many job types for particular channels, or one, or none. If a particular channel bids on a job of type that is not allowed, that bid is ignored. A job of the wrong type will never be awarded to a channel.

Default: all types allowed on all channels

job_board_comm <comm-name>

Specifies the name of a comm device that all job interactions will take place over. This includes bidding, status update, and winning jobs.

Default: no comm defined, job interactions completed instantly and perfectly


If specified, this RIPR processor will simply act as a pass-through for jobs and bids. If asked for its jobs or job board, it will reply with its commander’s jobs or job board. It will not hold any jobs on its own board. Subsequently, all bids from its subordinates go up to its commander and its subordinates will win jobs from its commander’s job board.

Default: not specified (not a pass-through)

job_stickiness <real-value>

A RIPR processor’s job stickiness is the value used to provide a little extra stability to the current job allocation. When a RIPR processor has won a job and is performing that job, then all of it bids on that job are multiplied by the job_stickiness value. In this way, it’s harder to dislodge somebody from their job once they have won it.

Default: 1.5 (bids are increased by 50% if the bidder has already allocated the job)

num_job_channels <integer-value>

The number of channels a RIPR processor has represents its capability to perform jobs at the same time. If the RIPR processor is bidding on tracking jobs and its radar can track four targets at once, then it might have four job channels. This way, each channel can bid on jobs, win jobs separately, and allow the agent to perform them concurrently. The responsibility lies with the scenario developer to use the channels. The extended forms of these methods must be used to specify the channel index as parameter aChannelIndex, referenced here:

void BidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex, double aBid, double aProgress)

:class:`WsfRIPRJob` JobFor(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

BidJob( ) is used when adding your bid to a job (usually from your commander’s job board). GetJobFor( ) is used when querying your commander for the job you’ve won, based on the bids you have previously provided.

Default: 1

auto_exclusive_mode <boolean-value>

If set to true, the RIPR processor job board will use the time values given with “job_window_open_length” and “bid_window_open_length” to automatically alternate the windows for job bidding and job awarding of the job board according to the proper durations. While the bidding window is closed, all bids given to the job board are ignored. While the job window is closed, all jobs maintain a constant allocation (nobody changes jobs).

Default: false

bid_window_open_length <time-value>

Specifies the amount of time the bidding window will be open each cycle. While the bidding window is closed, all bids given to the job board are ignored.

Default: 0 (must be user defined)

job_window_open_length <time-value>

Specifies the amount of time the job window will be open each cycle. While the job window is closed, all jobs maintain a constant allocation (nobody changes jobs).

Default: 0 (must be user-defined)

Specifies the maximum number of active uplinks the RIPR agent is capable of.

Default: 1

If set to true, the RIPR processor will send tracks from any sensor and any source to weapons it is supporting with an uplink.

Default: false

If a weapon uplink path is specified for a RIPR processor, then the processor will support uplinks for all fired weapons. It will send track updates over the designated comm to the fired weapon platform using tracks from the designated sensor. Uplinks can be stopped and started from script, see WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR.

Default: no uplinks

query_bid_type <job-type>

Determines and returns an agent’s bid on a given job of the indicated type. No other query_bid_type block for the same job type is allowed to be defined on this agent. The script method WsfRIPRProcessor.QueryBid will execute this block on the given job. You can access the job object by using the “JOB” keyword within the query_bid_type script block. This input is the preferred and explicit method for providing bid values from agents.



This input block is obsolete and now deprecated. See the “query_bid_type” script block definition above.