

Script Methods

Array<WsfAssetPerception> PerceivedAssets()

Returns an array of copied asset perception objects (similar to tracks, but for friendlies).

Array<WsfTrack> PerceivedThreats()

Returns an array of copied threat perception objects (tracks).

WsfAssetPerception NearestAsset()

Returns the asset perception object that is closest to the platform’s position. Use IsValid() to verify value returned.

WsfTrack NearestThreat()

Returns the threat perception object (track) that is closest to the platform’s position. To be considered a track must have a valid 3D location. Use IsValid() to verify value returned.

void AddExtraCognitiveLoading(double timeDelaySeconds)

Add a time delay to perception updating or any other cognitive task. This is provided to represent a condition where a platform or agent is busy doing some task and his regular perception updating should be delayed. Be careful using this, if it is called from a regularly updating script and a delay is added each time that is equal to or greater than the update interval than no perception updating will ever occur. Pay attention to the time values you delay with.

void SetAssetImportant(WsfPlatform asset)
void SetAssetImportant(WsfAssetPerception asset)
void SetAssetTypeImportant(string asset)

Marks the given asset (or given type) as important so that the asset perception will always include that asset. The defined “max_asset_load” will still bound the number of assets you can perceive, even if you’ve marked more than that as important.

void SetAssetUnimportant(WsfPlatform asset)
void SetAssetUnimportant(WsfAssetPerception asset)
void SetAssetTypeUnimportant(string asset)

Marks the given asset (or given type) as unimportant so that the asset perception will NEVER include that asset. If you have status for five friendly platforms, but have marked all five as unimportant than your asset perception will be empty.

void SetThreatImportant(WsfLocalTrack threat)
void SetThreatTypeImportant(string threat)

Marks the given threat (or given threat type) as important so that the threat perception will always include that threat. The defined “max_threat_load” will still bound the number of threats you can perceive, even if you’ve marked more than that as important.

void SetThreatUnimportant(WsfLocalTrack threat)
void SetThreatTypeUnimportant(string threat)

Marks the given threat (or given type) as unimportant so that the threat perception will NEVER include that threat.

bool GetNearestHeat(WsfGeoPoint aLocation, WsfGeoPoint aHeatLocation, double aHeatValue)
bool GetNearestMaxHeat(WsfGeoPoint aLocation, WsfGeoPoint aHeatLocation)

Sets aHeatLocation to the location of the grid cell containing “heat” that is closest to aLocation. Returns true if a cell with heat is found in the heat map. GetNearestHest will return the nearest heat that is greater than or equal to aHeatValue. GetNearestMaxHeat returns the nearest heat that is of maximum value (1.0).

double GetHeat(WsfGeoPoint aLocation)

Returns the value of the heat cell at the requested location.

int GetHeatSourcesCount()

Returns the number of active heat sources (lost tracks) in the heat map. This value can be used to determine if there will be heat in the map and is faster then multiple queries to GetNearestHeat().