
WsfPathFinder inherits WsfObject

General Methods

WsfGeoPoint FindClosestPointOnEdge(WsfGeoPoint aStartPoint)

Returns the closest valid path node on the nearest edge of the pathable grid area.

WsfGeoPoint FindClosestValidPoint(WsfGeoPoint aStartPoint)

Returns the closest valid path node on the pathable grid area that is not inside of a zone.

bool NearEndOfPath(WsfPlatform aPlatform, double aMaximumDistance)

Returns true if the given platform’s location is less than the given maximum distance from the end waypoint of it’s current route. The distance is calculated as the magnitude of the vector from the platform to the route endpoint.

WsfGeoPoint RandomLocation()

Returns a random path node on the pathable grid area.

Debug Methods

void SetDebugEnabled(bool aDebugEnabled)

Toggles debug mode on the pathfinder object.

bool DebugEnabled()

Returns true if debugging is enabled on the pathfinder object.

void DebugDrawGrid()

Draws the pathing grid of nodes using WsfDraw points.

void DebugDrawZones()

Draws all zones using WsfDraw lines.