

WsfWeaponEngagement contains information about an ongoing weapon engagement among a shooter, target, and weapon.

The object is available during engagement termination as defined in weapon_effects:

script void on_weapon_target_engagement(WsfPlatform aTarget)

This script can be used to examine the conditions that exist at the time of the engagement termination and potentially degrade the probability of kill.

An older, alternative method is also available in which the script is defined on either the weapon or firing platform (depending on the type of weapon):

script void on_weapon_target_engagement(WsfWeaponEngagement aEngagement,
                                        WsfPlatform         aTarget)

If the engagement involves an explicit weapon, such as a bomb or missile, the script must be defined on the launched weapon platform. If the engagement involves an implicit weapon, such as a directed energy weapon, the script must be defined on the firing platform.

The older alternative method is not recommended because it requires modification of the weapon or firing platform. The first method allows the weapon_effects to simply be redefined without the need to modify the weapon definition.

The object is also available to simulation event observers that involve weapon engagement (WEAPON_HIT, WEAPON_MISSED, WEAPON_TERMINATED).


double StartTime()

Returns the simulation time (in seconds) when the engagement started (i.e., weapon fired).

double TimeSinceStarted()

Returns the number of seconds since the engagement started (i.e., weapon fired).

double CompletionTime()

Returns the simulation time (in seconds) when the engagement completed (i.e., weapon detonated).

int SerialNumber()

Returns the unique serial number associated with the engagement.

WsfPlatform FiringPlatform()

Returns the platform that initiated the engagement (i.e., fired the weapon).


The IsValid() method should be applied to the return value to ensure the platform still exists.

string FiringPlatformName()

Returns the name of the platform that initiated the engagement (i.e., fired the weapon).

string WeaponSystemName()

Returns the name of the weapon system on the firing platform associated with the engagement.

string WeaponSystemType()

Returns the type of the weapon system on the firing platform associated with the engagement.

WsfPlatform WeaponPlatform()

Returns the platform reference to the weapon platform that was released. This is only applicable for explicit weapons that are modeled as distinct entities (e.g., bomb, missile).


The IsValid() method should be applied to the return value to ensure the platform still exists.

string WeaponPlatformName()

Returns the name of the weapon platform that was released. This is only applicable for explicit weapons that are modeled as distinct entities (e.g., bomb, missile). This will be an empty string for implicit weapons.

WsfGeoPoint WeaponLocation()

Returns the location of the weapon at the point of closest approach between the weapon and the target.


This location is not the same as the location retrieved directly from the weapon platform. The simulation may allow the weapon and target to move slightly past the point of closest approach. The location returned by this method is adjusted to reflect the weapon’s location when it was closest to the target.

WsfGeoPoint WeaponLocationAtLaunch()

Returns the location of the weapon at the time of launch.

Vec3 WeaponLocationECS()

Returns the weapon’s location in the Entity Coordinate System of the target.

Vec3 WeaponVelocityECS()

Returns the weapon’s relative velocity to the target in the Entity Coordinate System of the target.

WsfPlatform TargetPlatform()

Returns a reference to the ‘target’ platform, declared at the start of the engagement.


The IsValid() method should be applied to the return value to ensure the platform still exists.

string TargetPlatformName()

Returns the name of the platform that was declared the ‘target’ at the time the engagement was started.


This will be an empty string if a target was not declared at the time the engagement was started.

string TargetOffsetName()

Returns the name of the platform offset that was declared the ‘target’ at the time the engagement was started.


This is often the target of a directed energy engagement; for example, “IRST” or “SEEKER”, and these may exist as offset regions on the target platform’s WSF_INTERSECT_PROCESSOR. This might also indicate the name of a platform part on the target, to which damage should be applied.


This will be an empty string if a target was not declared at the time the engagement was started.

WsfGeoPoint TargetLocation(WsfPlatform aTarget)
WsfGeoPoint TargetLocation()

The first form returns the location of the specific target at the point of closest approach between the weapon and the specified target. The second form does the same but for the intended target (or aim-point).


This location is not the same as the location retrieved directly from the weapon target. The simulation may allow the weapon and target to move slightly past the point of closest approach. The location returned by this method is adjusted to reflect the target’s location when it was closest to the weapon.

WsfGeoPoint TargetLocationAtLaunch()

Returns the location of the intended target (or aim-point) at the time of launch.

WsfTrackId TargetTrackId()

Returns the track ID of the track that was supplied to the weapon firing request.


Executing IsNull() on the return value will give ‘true’ if a target was not assigned at the time the engagement was started.

string TargetResult()

Returns the engagement result with respect to the intended target. Possible return values include: MISSED, DAMAGED, KILLED, and UNKNOWN.


Not valid in on_weapon_detonation

string IncidentalResult()

Returns the engagement result with respect to an incidental target. Possible return values include: MISSED, DAMAGED, KILLED, and UNKNOWN.


Not valid in on_weapon_detonation

string ExtendedResult()

Returns additional information about the result of the engagement. When no additional information exists, the function returns an empty string.

double MissDistance(WsfPlatform aTarget)
double MissDistance()

The first form returns the distance (in meters) between weapon and the specified target. This is the distance between WeaponLocation and the best estimate of the supplied targets position at CompletionTime.

The second form returns the distance (in meters) between the weapon and the intended target (or aim-point). This represents the point-of-closest-approach between the weapon and the intended target (the difference between WeaponLocation and TargetLocation .

double Pk()

Returns the proposed probability-of-kill (Pk) for the engagement. This is evaluated prior to called the on_weapon_target_engagement script and represents the raw Pk before potentially being degraded by the script.

This value is zero if the weapon missed the target (i.e., is outside the lethal range as defined by the weapon_effects).

double PkDegrade()

Returns the proposed probability-of-kill degrade factor for the current engagement. This is initialized to 1.0 at the start of each weapon-target engagement. It may be updated using the SetPkDegrade method within the on_weapon_target_engagement script.

Default 1.0

void SetPkDegrade(double aDegradeFactor)

Sets the factor in the range [0..1] by which the resulting probability of kill (Pk) should be multiplied to arrive at the effective Pk.

double PkDrawn()

Returns the draw used to determine if the result of the engagement was a hit or a miss if the target was inside the potentially lethal radius of the weapon.

This value is valid only in the simulation observers when the target was inside the potentially lethal radius of the weapon. The return value will be less than zero inside the on_weapon_target_engagement script and in simulation observers where the target was outside the lethal radius.

See Also