
sosm_interface … end_sosm_interface

   show_status <boolean-value>

   # Cache control commands

   cache_directory <directory-name>
   ignore_cache_files <boolean-value>
   write_cache_files <boolean-value>

   # Load SOSM definitions and associate with WSF types

   load_atmosphere <sosm-atmosphere-type> from <file-name>
   load_sensor <sosm-sensor-type> from <file-name>
   load_target <sosm-target-type> from <file-name>
   map_sensor_type <wsf-sensor-type> <sosm-sensor-type>
   map_target_type <wsf-platform-type> <sosm-target-type>
   default_atmosphere <type-name>

   # Use of fast detection mode

   fast_detection_mode <boolean-value>

   # Debugging commands

   debug_level <integer>
   spectral_print_format ...



The commands in sosm_interface control the interface between WSF and the Spectral Optical Sensing Model (SOSM). SOSM is a reasonably high-fidelity model suitable for analysis of infrared systems in a mission-level simulation environment. SOSM uses a spectral representation of sensors, targets and the atmosphere, allowing it to more realistically model the interactions between sensor and target.

The characteristics of the sensors, targets and atmosphere are maintained in separate files specific to SOSM. sosm_interface contains commands to load the definitions into SOSM and control the mapping of WSF sensor and target types to associated SOSM types. See SOSM Overview for more information.


Defining a sensor to use SOSM WSF_SOSM_SENSOR:

sensor <sensor-type> WSF_SOSM_SENSOR
   ... Platform Part Commands ...
   ... Articulated Part Commands ...
   sensor Commands ...
   mode <mode-name>
      sensor_mode commands ...
      ... Antenna Commands ...
      sosm_sensor_type <sosm-sensor-type>

      ranging_time ...
      ranging_time_track_quality ...

sosm_interface Commands

show_status <boolean-value>

Indicates if progress messages should be shown while loading files.

Default false

cache_directory <directory-name>

Specifies the name of the directory to which cached binary files (produced as the result of enabling write_cache_files) are to be written.

Default ./sosm_cache

ignore_cache_files <boolean-value>

Indicates if the binary cache files created as a result of the write_cache_files or fast_detection_mode commands should be used. If true, any cached files will be ignored and all data will be read from the original text files.

Default false (cached binary files will be used if present)


If ‘ignore_cache_files true’ is specified, ‘write_cache_files false’ will be assumed unless subsequently set to true. If you want to suppress reading the existing cache files and create new ones, you must first specify ‘ignore_cache_files true’ followed by ‘write_cache_files true’.


If the model determines that the text file is more recent than the cached binary file, it will ignore the cached binary file and use the corresponding text file.

write_cache_files <boolean-value>

Indicates if binary files for tables read from text files or generated as a result of enabling fast_detection_mode should be written to the cache directory. Subsequent runs that use the same data will read the data from the cache directory instead of reading the original text data or regenerating the fast detection mode tables.

Use of cache files is highly recommended. For example, reading large atmospheric tables from cache is about 2 orders of magnitude faster than reading them from text files.

Default true

load_atmosphere <sosm-atmosphere-type> from <file-name>

Loads the SOSM atmosphere definition from the specified file and associates it with the name specified by <sosm-atmosphere-type>. See SOSM_atmosphere_model for directions on how to create atmosphere definitions.

The standard WSF distribution includes several atmospheres generated using MODTRAN for wavelengths in the range 6680 cm-1 (~1.5um) to 240 cm-1 (~41.67um) using a 20 cm-1 sample interval:

sosm/modtran/us_std_day.txt US Standard - Day sosm/modtran/us_std_night.txt US Standard - Night sosm/modtran/mid_lat_summer_day.txt Mid-Latitude Summer - Day sosm/modtran/mid_lat_summer_night.txt Mid-Latitude Summer - Night sosm/modtran/mid_lat_winter_day.txt Mid-Latitude Winter - Day sosm/modtran/mid_lat_winter_night.txt Mid-Latitude Winter - Night

All of the atmospheres included in the standard distribution were generated with the following non-default MODTRAN options:

  • Multiple Scattering (Card 1, IMULT=1)

  • Spectral Lambertian surfaces (Card 1, SURREF=’LAMBER’, ‘farm’)

  • CO2 mixing ratio of 365.0 ppmv as recommended by the manual (Card 1A, CO2MX=365.0)

  • RURAL extinction, VIS = 23km (Card 2, IHAZE=1)


The first atmosphere that is loaded is defined to be the ‘default’ atmosphere unless default_atmosphere is provided.

load_sensor <sosm-sensor-type> from <file-name>

Loads the SOSM sensor definition from the specified file and associates it with the name specified by <sosm-sensor-type>.

See SOSM sensor model for directions on creating a sensor model definitions.


This command should be repeated for each definition required by the simulation.

load_target <sosm-target-type> from <file-name>

Loads the SOSM target model definition from the specified file and associates it with the name specified by <sosm-target-type>.

See SOSM target model table and SOSM target model simple for directions on creating a target model definitions.


This command should be repeated for each definition required by the simulation.

map_sensor_type <wsf-sensor-type> <sosm-sensor-type>

Indicates the SOSM sensor type <sosm-sensor-type> should be used when WSF wants to create an instance of WSF_SOSM_SENSOR of type <wsf-sensor-type>.

When an instance of WSF_SOSM_SENSOR is created, WSF must determine the corresponding SOSM sensor definition to be used. It does this as follows:

  • If provided, use the value from sosm_sensor_type in the sensor mode definition.

  • For each level in the sensor hierarchy

  • Check the map_sensor_type list for an entry where <sensor-type>:<sensor-mode> matches the value of <wsf-sensor-type> in the entry.

  • Check the map_sensor_type list for an entry where <sensor-type> matches the value of <wsf-sensor-type> in the entry.

  • Check the load_sensor list for an entry where <sensor-type:sensor-mode> matches the value of <sosm-sensor-type> in the entry.

  • Check the load_sensor list for an entry where <sensor-type> matches the value of <sosm-sensor-type> in the entry.


Except for very trivial test cases, it is recommended that the user always include a default mapping as follows so that every WSF WSF_SOSM_SENSOR will have a corresponding SOSM sensor type:

map_sensor_type WSF_SOSM_SENSOR <sosm-sensor-type>

map_target_type <wsf-platform-type> <sosm-target-type>

Indicates that the SOSM target type <sosm-target-type> should be used when WSF wants to perform a detection attempt on an WSF platform type of <wsf-platform-type>.

When WSF is going to perform a detection attempt on a target, it must determine the SOSM target type to be used. For each level in the inheritance hierarchy of the WSF target platform, the platform type is used as follows:

  • Check the map_target_type list for an entry where <platform-type> matches the value of <wsf-target-type> in the entry.

  • Check the load_target list for an entry where <platform-type> matches the value of <sosm-target-type> in the entry.


Except for very trivial test cases, it is recommended that the user always include a default mapping as follows so that every WSF platform type will have a corresponding SOSM target type:

map_target_type WSF_PLATFORM <sosm-target-type>

default_atmosphere <sosm-type-name>

Specifies the SOSM atmosphere type to be used when an SOSM sensor definition does not explicitly refer to a specific atmosphere type.

Default The <sosm-type-name> from the first load_atmosphere command.

fast_detection_mode <boolean-value>

Indicate if ‘fast_detection_mode’ should be used. ‘fast_detection_mode’ is a special operating mode that is used to reduce computational overhead at the expense of a small loss in fidelity. Use of this mode is typically warranted when running real-time.

When ‘fast_detection_mode’ is not active, the detection model must compute and sum the effects of each wavenumber bin within the spectral response of the sensor. Depending on the sensor, this can be 10’s to 100’s of bins. When ‘fast_detection_mode’ is enabled the detection model will precompute the spectral interaction between the sensor and the atmosphere and the sensor and the target and then use this data during detection opportunities to eliminate the iteration over the wavenumber bins.

If write_cache_files is true, the precomputed tables will be written to the cache directory where they can be reused for future runs.

Default false

debug_level <integer>

Specifies the level of debugging information to be printed.

  • debug_level = 0; No debugging information will be produced.

  • debug_level = 1; Display integrated information.

  • debug_level > 1; Display integrated and spectral information.

spectral_print_format [ wavenumber | wavelength]

Specifies the output format for spectral data when debug_level is greater than 1.

Default wavenumber


If specified, spectral detection data will be produced in a format similar to IRIPP ‘spec’ data.

sosm_sensor_type <sosm-sensor-type>

An optional command that specifies the SOSM sensor type to be used. See map_sensor_type for how this is used.

Default The type name of the sensor.

ranging_time <time-value>

Adds range information to any track generated by this sensor after the specified time has elapsed. This basically simulates that the system could triangulate and get the range after a sufficient period of time.

ranging_time_track_quality <quality-value>

If the ranging time is used to generate a track with range information, this parameter controls the track quality once range is valid. The quality-value must be non-negative.


   load_atmosphere_type DEFAULT from us_std_day.txt
   load_sensor_type     IRST    from demo_irst.txt
   load_target_type     TARGET  from demo_target.txt

   # Platforms of this type will use the SOSM target definition loaded from
   # demo_target.txt (a result of the **load_target_type TARGET from demo_target.txt**
   # command in the **sosm_interface** block defined above).

   # This sensor will use the SOSM sensor definition loaded from demo_irst.txt
   # (a result of the **load sensor_type IRST from demo_irst.txt** command in
   # the **sosm_interface** block defined above.

   sensor irst IRST