effect <effect-name> WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT
   electronic_warfare_effect Commands
   apply_electronic_protect_effects <boolean-value>
   combine_multi_beam_counts <boolean-value>
   jamming_pulse_density <value>
   maximum_false_target_capacity <value>
   number_of_false_targets <value>
   percent_of_beamwidth_for_detection <ratio-value>
   update_once_per_frame <boolean-value>
   use_random_calculation_draw <boolean-value>

This base effect type can be included in the electronic_attack technique block as one of the many available effects for a given technique. The commands listed below are the base-type commands that can be specified in the effect block for this effect type.

This technique dynamically calculates the number of false targets that could be created within a radar’s scan volume given the current geometry, then compares this to the radar’s false target capacity to determine if it is flooded or not. If it is flooded the detection is blocked. If the number of false targets is hard set it is used instead of the dynamically calculated number of false target. Rudimentary Electronic Protect techniques are applied as applicable.

apply_electronic_protect_effects <boolean-value>

Specifies whether or not electronic_protect effects should be applied to the calculated number of false targets.

Default: true

combine_multi_beam_counts <boolean-value>

Specifies whether or not radars with multiple beams should combine their false target counts for total comparison. Once the number of false targets exceeds the maximum_false_target_capacity then subsequent beams will not be calculated.

Default: true

jamming_pulse_density <value>

Specifies the pulse density of the jamming signal in range [0,1] to use for this radar type. Mutually exclusive with the number_of_false_targets.

Default: 0.1

maximum_false_target_capacity <value>

Specifies the maximum number of false targets that this radar type is able to process before becoming flooded.

Default: 1000 unless a false_target_screener is present on the radar sensor then the track_capacity from it will be used.

number_of_false_targets <value>

Specifies the number of false targets that will be created for this radar type. Mutually exclusive with the jamming_pulse_density.

Default: 1000

percent_of_beamwidth_for_detection <ratio-value>

Specifies the percent of the radar beamwidth that a detection will occur for this radar type in the range [0,1]. For example a value of 0.5 means it takes a half a beamwidth of consecutive pulses to declare a detection, and a value of 1.0 means it takes the full beamwidth.

Default: 1.0

update_once_per_frame <boolean-value>

Specifies whether or not the false target counts for a radar sensor mode should be update more than once per frame time.

Default: false

use_random_calculation_draw <boolean-value>

Specifies whether or not to use a random calculation draw to determine if a detection is blocked or not per the following equation:

Blocked = UniformRandomDraw(0.0, 1.0) > TrackCapacity / NumberFalseTargets

Default: false

system_type_data <system-type-name> … end_system_type_data

Input block to provide the system type (e.g., SENSOR-TYPE, JAMMER-TYPE) specific data necessary to implement this technique for a given system type. Default data can be set up for system types not defined using the “default” string as the system type.

system_type_data <system-type-name>
   apply_electronic_protect_effects <boolean-value>
   combine_multi_beam_counts <boolean-value>
   jamming_pulse_density <value>
   maximum_false_target_capacity <value>
   number_of_false_targets <value>
   percent_of_beamwidth_for_detection <ratio-value>
   update_once_per_frame <boolean-value>

A string input of the system-type the following data applies to, valid values are [system-type-name | “default”]. Default data is used for unspecified system-types and if not defined no effect will be applied for the given system-type.