WsfRIPRJob inherits WsfObject

WsfRIPRJob is a class that can be used in script on a WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR or any class derived therefrom. Jobs are used to represent tasks on a Job Board and are generally touched by two kinds of entities.

  • Commanders create jobs, set their requirements, and set their priorities.

// instantiate the job and call the Create method with various parameters
WsfRIPRJob newJob;
newJob = newJob.Create (PROCESSOR,

// insert data or job requirements into the job so my subordinates can consider them
newJob.SetData("myDataKey1", myDataValue1);
newJob.SetData("myDataKey2", myDataValue2);

// add newJob to my job board
  • Subordinates view jobs, bid on them, and then query the Job Board to see what job they have won.

// fetch all the jobs from my commander's job board
Array<WsfRIPRJob> jobs = CommanderProcessor().GetJobs();

// loop through all the jobs
foreach (WsfRIPRJob aJob in jobs)
 // bid myBid for each job, indicating currentProgress
 aJob.BidJob(PROCESSOR, myBid, currentProgress);

// query the job board to fetch the job I actually won
WsfRIPRJob myCurrentJob = CommanderProcessor().GetJobFor(TIME_NOW, PROCESSOR);

Jobs are removed from the job board when their progress reaches a value of 1 or when they are purposefully removed by the owner of the board.


WsfRIPRJob Create(WsfRIPRProcessor aCreator, string aJobName, string aJobDescription, double aJobPriority, int aNumWinnersMax)

Creates a job. Be sure to call AddJob if you want to add your new job to the job board!

  • aCreator is usually going to be PROCESSOR.

  • aJobName can be used by bidding subordinates to identify the type of job and probably should not be unique.

  • aJobDescription is for informational purposes.

  • aJobPriority determines the order in which available jobs will be filled by bidders, and generally ranges from 0 to 1.

  • aNumWinnersMax specifies the maximum number of subordinates who can win the job at the same time.

// instantiate the job and call the Create method with various parameters
WsfRIPRJob newJob;
newJob = newJob.Create (PROCESSOR,

// add newJob to my job board
WsfRIPRProcessor Assigner()

Returns the processor that created the job.

string Description()

Returns the job’s description.

string GetName()

Returns the job’s name.

void SetPriority(double aPriority)

Sets the job’s priority, generally between 0 and 1.

double Priority()

Returns the job’s priority.

void SetWinnersMin(int aMinWinners)

Sets the minimum winners for this job. This job will not be assigned winners until the minimum requirement is met.

int WinnersMin()

Returns the minimum number of winners the job requires.

void SetWinnersMax(int aMaxWinners)
void SetNumWinners(int aMaxWinners)

Sets the maximum winners allowed for the job.

int WinnersMax()
int NumWinners()

Returns the maximum number of winners the job allows.

int WinnersActual()

Returns the number of RIPR agents that have currently won this job.

Array<WsfPlatform> Winners()

Returns an array of platforms that have currently won this job. These platforms contain a WsfRIPRProcessor that bid on the job.

Map<string,Object> Data()
Returns a map of the job’s data.

Map<string, Object>jobData = aJob.Data(); string dataValue1 = (string)jobData[“dataKey1”]; Object dataValue2 = jobData[“dataKey2”];

void SetData(string aKey, Object aValue)

Sets a key/value pair in the job’s data.

double BestProgress()

Returns the highest progress value of all the subordinates currently performing the job.

void SetProgress(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, double aProgress)
void SetProgress(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex, double aProgress)

For job winner aProc, sets the progress level to aProgress. Generally, this will be called by aProc itself to set its own progress. aProgress should be between 0 and 1. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the progress is set for that channel, otherwise the progress for the default single channel [index of 0] is set.

double Progress(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
double Progress(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Returns the progress value of aProc, between 0 and 1. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the progress for that channel is returned, otherwise the progress of the default single channel [index of 0] is returned.

void BidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, double aBid)
void BidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, double aBid, double aProgress)
void BidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex, double aBid)
void BidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex, double aBid, double aProgress)
Makes a bid of aBid on the job for aProc. If aProgress is specified the progress (completion level) of the job is set.

If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) a bid is made for that channel, otherwise a bid for the default single channel [index of 0] is made.

void UnbidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
void UnbidJob(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Removes aProc’s bid on the job. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the bid is removed for that channel, otherwise the bid for the default single channel [index of 0] is removed.

void ClearBidders()

Removes all bids for the job.

double GetBid(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
double GetBid(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Returns aProc’s bid for the job. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the bid is returned for that channel, otherwise the bid for the default single channel [index of 0] is returned.

int Rank(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc)
int Rank(WsfRIPRProcessor aProc, int aChannelIndex)

Returns the ordinal rank of aProc’s bid on the job. That is, if aProc has the second highest bid for the job, GetRank() will return 2. If aChannelIndex is specified (for multichannel agents) the rank is returned for that channel, otherwise the rank for the default single channel [index of 0] is returned.

int Id()

Returns the job’s ID number. This number is unique throughout the whole simulation.

Set<int> DependenciesForJob()

Returns a set of job IDs for jobs that this job is dependent on.

void DependencyAdd(int aDependedOnJobId)

Makes this job dependent on aDependedOnJobId.

void DependencyRemove(int aDependedOnJobId)

Makes this job not dependent on aDependedOnJobId.

bool DependencyCheck(int aDependedOnJobId)

Returns true if this job is dependent on aDependedOnJobId.

int DependencyCount()

Returns the number of jobs that this job depends on.