Wizard 2.2.1 - 13 Apr 2018


  • Wizard is now using the “Fusion” style. Additionally, both the “Light” and “Dark” themes have been improved.

Known Issues

  • Zones and zone-points can not be moved using ctrl-left_click-mouse drag.

  • Zones, zone-points and route-waypoints are not highlighted correctly when selected.

  • Context highlighting may occasionally get out of alignment when cloning from the map view then applying.


  • (Issue #366) Modified nearest_neighbor correlation to provide a more accurate correlation estimates for tracks with oblate-shaped covariance matrices.

  • (Issue #381) Fixed a tracking-related issue where track history (enabled using the retain_track_history command) was not being saved.

  • (Issue #493) Fixed an issue where the *UtCalendar::GetTimeSince* method was found to sometimes return an incorrect value when the epoch was within about a microsecond of a day boundary.

  • (Issue #534) Fixed an issue where UtSun::GetSunLocationWCS was returning a unit vector pointing towards the Sun rather than the actual location vector.

  • (ELSZ #9) (Issue #585) Fixed an issue where a platform’s orientation angles were not be normalized when being set.

  • (ELSZ #14) Fixed a documentation issue for aux_data_fusion_rules where it was missed in a previous update when the command name was changed from ‘aux_data_fusion’.

  • (MANTIS #193) Fixed issue with WsfSensor.TurnOn and WsfSensor.TurnOff causing the sensor to turn on or off multiple times when already in the current on/off state.

  • (MANTIS #215) Fixed a segmentation fault issue with the script and script_variables not providing proper checking of the closing block statements: end_script and end_script_variables, repectively.

  • (MANTIS #221) (Issue #552) Fixed an issue where the run_selection and make_selection commands in a Behavior Tree were not functional.

  • (MANTIS #222) (Issue #567) Modified behavior nodes to report WSF_BEHAVIOR for their base type and the user-specified <type-name> for both their name and type.

  • (MANTIS #260) (Issue #595) Fixed issue with zone checks where a platform was incorrectly being reported within a zone that was on the opposite side of the globe.

  • (MANTIS #277) (Issue #525) In script, when trying to access an AuxDataObject that is not an Object but a basic type (bool, int, double, string), mission was exiting after throwing an exception. The scripting language was modified to handle this special case.

  • (MANTIS #281) Fixed an issue where a DIS Platform Articulation fails to update in certain cases.

  • (MANTIS #301) Fixed an issue with report_method not parsing the batch and cyclic inputs.

  • (MANTIS #302) (Issue #517) Fixed an issue where the application would crash when defining a signature or masking pattern that failed to initialize properly.

  • (MANTIS #303) Fixed issue with missing grammar for plt_file.

  • (MANTIS #306) (Issue #514) Fixed an issue that would cause the mission application to crash when constructing a WsfMessage object outside of a platform script context.

  • (MANTIS #308) (Issue #553) Fixed an issue where the simulation would crash when trying to access a global zone using a platform-local reference to that global zone.

  • (MANTIS #313) (Issue #482) Fixed an issue where tracks with location were being fused incorrectly with angle-only tracks (bearing, bearing-elevation), using replacement and weighted_average fusion.

  • (MANTIS #317) Fixed an issue with the AddSensor and RemoveSensor for sensor processors type processors.

  • (MANTIS #322) (Issue #588) Fixed an issue with the on_task_complete and the on_task_complete_sent script blocks not getting triggered on a WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR.

  • (MANTIS #326) Fixed issue with missing grammar for external_link options.


  • (Issue #641) Added “Collapse All” and “Expand All” options to the context menu in the Command Chain Browser.


  • Relocated changelogs into a subfolder in the docs directories to enable appending sections of the changelog by projects. This enhancement allows for changelogs to be built by the projects that are included, alleviating the issue with having a single source.

  • Code signature of WsfApplicationExtension::ProcessCommandLine changed to pass the Options structure from WsfStandardApplication to the extension when processing command line arguments.

  • (Issue #457) UtMath has been converted to constexpr constants and into a namespace

  • (Issue #479) Refactored of sensor detector and error models to classes and sensor support for compositional architecture of these sub-models.

  • (MANTIS #305) Fixed a possible overflow condition with random_seed_time due to casting from double to integer. Now using a long int type to cast to for initial random seed value.

  • Updated Build Instructions documentation to add in regression testing instructions.

Scenario Importer

  • Added the Scenario Importer Tool, a wizard plug-in providing the capability to generate mission scenario files from alternate laydown and EOB formats.