processor <name> WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR
   ... processor Commands ...
   ... WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR Commands ...

   master_track_processor ...
   non_master_track_processor ...
   track_manager ... end_track_manager

   # Track Purging Commands

   purge_interval ...

   # Reporting Commands

   external_link ...
   report_to ...
   report_interval ...
   report_method ...
   fused_track_reporting ...
   raw_track_reporting ...
   pass_through_reporting ...
   candidate_track_reporting ...
   unchanged_track_reporting ...
   update_on_report ...

   # Received Report Assimilation Commands

   circular_report_rejection ...

   # Script Interface

   on_initialize ... end_on_initialize
   on_initialize2 ... end_on_initialize2
   on_update ... end_on_update
   script_variables ... end_script_variables
   script ... end_script
   .. Other Script Commands ...

   script bool WsfTrackProcessor.is_track_reportable (WsfTrack aTrack)



WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR implements a processor interface for a track_manager. It is responsible for two major functions:

  • Accepting reports from local and off-board sources and feeding them to a track manager for correlation and fusion.

  • Sending updated tracks to interested parties.

As it is a WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR, it sends messages to connected internal processors and external entities via comm.

The referenced track manager can be either the parent platform’s track manager (i.e., the track manager that keeps the Master Track List for the platform). Alternatively, it can create its own track manager that keeps an independent track list.

This processor can be told to report fused tracks or ‘raw’ tracks to external entities (a raw track is defined as any track that is input to the track processor). External entities will receive a WsfTrackMessage (type WSF_TRACK_MESSAGE) containing the updated track. Connected processors on the same platform receive WSF_TRACK_NOTIFY_MESSAGEs, indicating that there has been some change in state of a fused track (Created, Updated, Dropped, Removed). The fused tracks are referenced through the Master Track List of the platform.

General Commands


Indicates that this processor should be used as the platform’s master track processor. It will directly access the platform’s Master Track Manager object and associated Master Track List. This is the default behavior.


Indicates that this processor will not be used as the platform’s master track processor. It will create its own track manager object, and it will maintain a track list separate from the platform’s Master Track List.


For a non-master track processor, this object will process track_manager sub-commands in a track_manager … end_track_manager block.

track_manager … end_track_manager

This is a block for processing track manager input for track processors that are not their platform’s master track processor. Place track manager sub-commands within this block.

Otherwise, if the track processor is the master track processor, the track_manager block belongs at the platform level.

Track Purging Commands

purge_interval <time-value>
drop_after_inactive <time-value>

Specifies that a track will be dropped if it goes for more than the specified time without an update. If fused tracks are reported (see report_fused_tracks), a WsfTrackDropMessage will be sent over external links, and attached local observers will be notified.


A track for which an task assignment has been made or received will not be dropped until all such assignments have been completed.


Not a valid command for non-master track processors.

Default: Infinite (Do not purge tracks).

track_history_retention_interval <time-value>

Specifies that track histories should be kept for the given time interval. This option is valid only if retain_track_history is set in the associated track manager.


This interval is a lower bound. Tracks older than the retention interval will be kept as simulation time progresses, until the next time the track history is purged.


Currently track history purging is performed at the same time interval as the input

Default: 1 hour

Reporting Control Commands

A platform can report its tracks to other platforms. The commands described below determine what, how often and too whom tracks are reported:

report_interval <time-value>

Report tracks (raw or fused depending on the following inputs) at the given interval. Each track in the respective track lists will be sent to externally connected entities once per report interval.

Default: 10 secs (if external links are defined)


external links must be defined if reporting is to occur.

report_method [batch | cyclic | on_update | on_update_fused]
Specify the strategy for reporting tracks.

All tracks are reported to externally connected entities at the beginning of the reporting interval. New tracks will be reported immediately.


Tracks are reported to externally connected entities throughout the reporting interval. The time between reports is T/(N-1), where T is the reporting interval and N is the number of tracks in the master track list at the beginning of the frame. New tracks will be reported immediately.


Tracks are reported when they are updated. If this is selected, a received track report may result in the immediate report of: * The received track report (i.e., the ‘raw’ or ‘nonlocal’ track). The track report will be reported if raw_track_reporting is on and the time since the previous report for the same track ID was greater than or equal the report_interval. * A ‘local’ or ‘fused’ track that was updated as the result of the received track report. The updated track will be reported if fused_track_reporting is on and the time since the previous report for the local track was greater than or equal to the report_interval. This also implicitly selects:

circular_report_rejection  on
unchanged_track_reporting  off

This is equivalent to the following:

report_method              on_update
fused_track_reporting      on
circular_report_rejection  on
unchanged_track_reporting  off

Default: batch

fused_track_reporting <boolean-value>

Indicates that the object should report fused (local) tracks to externally connected entities via comm devices.

Default: ‘off’, or to not report fused tracks.


Fused tracks should only be reported to entities that will not transmit tracks back to the sender.

raw_track_reporting <boolean-value>

Indicates whether nonlocal (‘raw’) tracks are to be reported to externally connected entities via comm devices.

Default: report raw tracks (‘on’)

pass_through_reporting <boolean-value>

Indicates that any nonlocal (‘raw’) tracks are to be reported immediately to externally connected entities. This is the same as ‘raw_track_reporting’, except that reporting is in a ‘pass-through’ mode, rather than interval-based.

candidate_track_reporting <boolean-value>

Indicates whether ‘candidate tracks’ (i.e., filtered sensor measurements for which the filter is not yet stable) should be reported to externally connected entities. Setting this option allows the data to be made available in the master track list as soon as it is received.

unchanged_track_reporting <boolean-value>

Indicates whether tracks whose data have not changed since the last reporting interval should be reported again.

Default: on

update_on_report <boolean-value>

Specify whether to update track information to the time of the report. If enabled, track location and location uncertainty are updated before track reports are sent. If quantitative_track_quality is enabled, the reported track quality will be recomputed based on extrapolated location uncertainty.

Default: true, if quantitative_track_quality is set; false otherwise.

Deprecated Command Forms

The following commands are deprecated form of the above commands. They should not be used in new applications as they may be removed in a future release.


Same as raw_track_reporting on.


Same as fused_track_reporting on.


Same as pass_through_reporting on.


Same as candidate_track_reporting on.

Received Report Assimilation Commands

The following commands control the disposition of received reports.

circular_report_rejection <boolean-value>

Indicates how received track reports that are determined to be ‘circular’ should be processed. A received track report is declared to be a ‘circular report’ if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The received track report is a simple reflection of a report that originated from the receiving node.

  • The received track report is a fused track report whose last update was the result of a report that originated from the receiving node.

Default: off

inbound_filter … end_inbound_filter

By default, the processor will attempt to submit all received reports to the track manager for correlation and fusion. There are situations, however, where a given track processor may not desire this activity. This block allows control over what is assimilated.

At the current time there is only one subcommand, as described below:

reject non_sensor_reports

Indicates that reports that aren’t direct sensor reports should be ignored. This is typically used if a ‘filter node’ reports raw tracks to a ‘fusion node’ which assimilates data from multiple sources and produces fused reports. There exists the possibility that the fusion node may broadcast its fused products back to the filter node, which will cause problems if assimilated.

Script Interface


WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR utilizes the capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR, as well as providing the following:

void is_track_reportable(WsfTrack aTrack)

The ‘is_track_reportable’ method may be supplied to provide an additional level of control over what tracks get reported. It is very useful for creating custom reporting methods. If this method is defined, it will be called whenever a track is about to be reported as a result of the standard fused or raw track reporting. If it is not defined then the track will be reported as normal.

The method must be defined as follows:

script bool is_track_reportable(WsfTrack aTrack)
   // Define the script body here to return a 'true' value if the track should
   // be reported and 'false' if it should not.
   // For example, the following will report the track only if it has been
   // updated within the last 60 seconds:

   bool isReportable = true;
   if (aTrack.TimeSinceUpdated() > 60.0) isReportable = false;
   return isReportable;

Note that the same method is called for both fused and raw track reporting. For fused track reporting the input object will actually be a WsfLocalTrack, but the argument type will still be a WsfTrack. If you need to access methods that are only defined on WsfLocalTrack, you must ‘cast’ the argument. For example:

script bool is_track_reportable(WsfTrack aTrack)
   bool isReportable = true;
   WsfLocalTrack track = (WsfLocalTrack) aTrack;
   if (track.IsValid())         // will be true if the track is a :class:`WsfLocalTrack`
      // Don't report if the track is 'old' or there are no contributors
      if ((track.TimeSinceUpdated() > 60.0) ||
          (track.RawTrackCount() == 0)) isReportable = false;
   return isReportable;