// State Machine Commands

  state <state-name>
     ... state definition ...

   // Thinker Commands

  number_of_servers ...

   // Track State Controller Commands

  evaluate_candidate_tracks ...
  evaluation_interval ...
  time_to_evaluate ...

  # Script Interface

  on_initialize ... end_on_initialize
  on_initialize2 ... end_on_initialize2
  on_update ... end_on_update
  script_variables ... end_script_variables
  script ... end_script
  .. Other Script Commands ...




WSF_TRACK_STATE_CONTROLLER is a facility that allows the user to categorize tracks using the concept of a finite state machine. The user defines a set of transition rules that define the conditions under which a transition can occur from one state to another. The transition rules are defined using the WSF scripting language. Each track maintains its own state in the machine.

State Machine Commands


Indicates that information about state evaluations should be written to standard output. This essentially shows the true or false status of the evaluation of each next_state block.


Indicates that information about state transitions should be written to standard output.

state <state-name>

Defines a state in a state machine with the name <state-name>.:

state <state-name>
     ... <script-commands> ...
     ... <script-commands> ...
  next_state <next-state-name-1>
     ... <script-commands> ...
  next_state <next-state-name-n>
     ... <script-commands> ...

Thinker Commands


Specifies the maximum number of evaluations that can occur simultaneously. See Method of Operation below.

Default: 1

Track State Controller Commands

evaluate_candidate_tracks <boolean>

Indicates if ‘candidate tracks’ are to be evaluated. A candidate track is one that has been received but has not yet been determined to be ‘stable’ as defined by the filter.

Default: false

evaluation_interval <state-name> <time-value>

Specifies how often a track in the indicated state should be (re)evaluated.

time_to_evaluate <state-name> <time-value>

Specifies how long it takes to perform an evaluation of track in the indicated state. This simulates how long it takes to “think’ or perform an evaluation in a logical sense.

Default: 0.01 seconds

Script Interface

WSF_TRACK_STATE_CONTROLLER utilizes the capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR, and provides the following additional capabilities:

on_track_drop … end_on_track_drop
void on_track_drop … end_script

This is invoked whenever a processor is informed of a track drop by the track manager. The implicitly defined script variable TRACK (of type WsfLocalTrack) represents the last known state of the track that is being dropped.

Method of Operation

Each track, when it is first discovered, is initially put into the first state as defined in the input file after the time_to_evaluate interval has elapsed. From that point on it will continue to evaluate the transition rules for whatever state it is currently in and will transition to new states as the rules allow. When a transition occurs, the on_exit script for the current state will be executed (if it is defined) and the on_entry script for the new state will be executed (if it is defined). The first time the state is entered the time_to_evaluate interval is applied. This serves as a thinking delay on state entry.

Each track is (re)evaluated at the interval defined by the state in which the track currently exists. The logical time that it takes to perform the evaluation is defined by the time_to_evaluate for that state. The controller can perform up to number_of_servers evaluations at a time. When it comes time to evaluate a state for a given track, it is determined if a server is available to perform the evaluation. If a server is available, it is marked busy for the time_to_evaluate and will perform the actual rule evaluation at the completion of the interval (thus simulating the thinking process) and schedule the next evaluation. If a server is not available then it is put on a pending queue for evaluation by the next server that becomes available.