Wizard 2.5 - 11 Oct 2019

Visit the AFSIM 2.5 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.5.3 - 03 Aug 2020

  • Wizard 2.5.2 - 06 May 2020

  • Wizard 2.5.1 - 12 Nov 2019

  • Wizard 2.5.0 - 11 Oct 2019


  • The multi-run plug-in was not functional and has been removed.

Known Issues


  • (2.5.1) Fixed a crash that occurred when loading an older version of an application from the simulation manager. (Issue #1793)

  • Fixed crash when attempting to add a platform via map window context menu when no project has been loaded.

  • The auto-complete menu will now correctly populate with a list of defined antenna patterns when invoked within the antenna_pattern_table block of a receiver or transmitter. (ELSZ #154)

  • Fix crash that may occur when renaming an executable in the Simulation Manager preferences dialog.

  • Correct mislabeled debug buttons.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to move a platform that does not have an initial position defined.

  • Fixed issue where modifications to preferences made by loading configurations from the file menu do not immediately take effect.

  • The Route Browser will update correctly when open while editing a route via the Map Window or the Text Editor. (Issue #1351)

  • Fixed crashes that could occur when manipulating routes with coincident waypoints via the Route Browser

  • Fixed issue where hover information was not being displayed.

  • Fixed issue where changes in input for WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR weren’t correctly interpreted by the application.


  • Added an option to display the altitude of a scenario’s loaded DTED under the mouse cursor. (Issue #1111)

  • The Map Overlay Banner now displays the scenario’s classification level, caveats, and trigraphs. The text is controlled via the classification command within the scenario. (ELSZ #98)

  • Added the Zone Editor dialog, which allows the user to visualize zones and zone sets as they are created and edited.

  • Added support for global routes in the Route Browser and on the Map Window (Issue #1284)

  • Added Route Browser Preferences to the Wizard Preferences dialog (Issue #1284)

  • Added a Satellite Inserter tool to add existing satellite definitions into scenarios, update two-line elements, and update the start time/date/epoch based on existing satellite epochs. Also added convert_platforms_to_json and make_satcat_database python scripts that will create JSON databases from AFSIM platform definitions and SATCAT data. (Issue #1231)

  • Redesigned the Demo Browser to make it easier to navigate. (ELSZ #162)

  • Added an option to zoom at the mouse cursor in the Map Display. (Issue #1519)

  • Added precision settings to the Unit Preferences that control the number of decimal places that will be displayed for units of the specified type. (Issue #1529)

  • Added a Cursor Info dialog which shows information about the position of the cursor on the Map Display (Issue #1537)

  • Redesigned the Astrolabe tool, transforming it into a dockable tool to make it easier to use, and to provide a similar experience to the Warlock version of the tool. (Issue #1416)

  • Updated the coast-line vector layer in the Map Display. (Issue #1464)

  • Added a Line of sight tool. (Issue #1471)

  • Added the ability to add Map Annotations to points of interest.

  • Added interpolation and extrapolation to better place inserted waypoints from the Map Display and Route Browser. (Issue #1610)

  • Added support in Astrolabe for the change_attitude orbital event. (Issue #1571)

  • Enhanced the OSM Converter tool to allow for more tag search items with value pairings and a set of defaults that can be loaded for tag data.


  • (2.5.3) To address a memory-related issue resulting from the update to Qt 5.12, the method wkf::Environment::GetEntityContextMenu has been renamed to BuildEntityContextMenu and its signature changed. (Issue #2378)

  • (2.5.3) Updated the following third party libraries: SQLite from 3.31.1 to 3.32.3 and Qt from 5.9.7 to 5.12.9. (Issue #2301)

  • (2.5.2) Updated the following third party libraries: PNG from 1.6.34 to 1.6.37, GDAL from 2.0.3 to 3.0.4, Proj from 4.9.3 to 7.0.0, Tiff from 4.0.9 to 4.1.0, and SQLite from 3.29.0 to 3.31.1. (Issue #2140)

  • (2.5.2) Relaxed the compiler version check for compatible plugins on Windows (MSVC). Only the first two digits, indicating C++ toolset major number and binary compatibility, are compared to those of the host application. (ELSZ #133)

  • (2.5.1) Added the directory containing plugins to library search path for Windows to allow plugins to have dependencies on other plugins. (ELSZ #172)

  • (2.5.1) Updated FFMPEG from 4.1.4 to 4.2.1 to resolve critical vulnerabilities. (Issue #1816)

  • Plugins will need to be updated due to changes to the wkf::Plugin constructor which takes a size_t identifier in addition to the name.

  • wkf::Environment has been modified to support registering Visibility Filters. Plugins are able to add Visibility Filters which will change which platforms are displayed on the Map Display, Platform Browser, and the rest of the application. New plugins should reference wkf::Environment to see if a platform should be visible and not directly use the Team Visibility Preferences.

  • Development path for vespatk resources is now configurable using the CMake variable VTK_DEV_RESOURCES_PATH, which specifies the destination to which the resources will be extracted, and defaults to ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/...

  • Removed pure virtual method InitializeDefaultsP from the protected interface of class template wkf::PrefObjectT. Default preferences should now be initialized by the default constructor of the template type argument. (Issue #1538)

  • Virtual method LoadSettingsP from the protected interface of class template wkf::PrefObjectT has been modified and renamed to ReadSettings. It now returns a copy of the preference data. The base SetPreferenceDataP method is responsible for actually updating the current preferences.

  • The ReadSettings and SaveSettingsP methods from the protected interface of class template wkf::PrefObjectT are now pure virtual.

  • Updated curl from 7.63.0 to 7.65.1, sqlite from 3.24.0 to 3.29.0, and ffmpeg from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 to fix critical vulnerabilities. (Issue #1553)

  • CMake configurations have been modified to allow for alternative methods of resource management. (ELSZ #131)

  • CMake cache variable WSF_ADD_EXTENSION_PATH is now used as an additional search path for plugins. (ELSZ #205)

  • Updated the Command Chain Browser plugin to work with the new Wizard text editor paradigm of applying changes immediately in the text editor (Issue #1542)

  • Updated the Platform Part Manager plugin to work with the new Wizard text editor paradigm of applying changes immediately in the text editor (Issue #1451)