Documentation Standard: Command

This document extends the AFSIM Documentation Standard.

To support documentation of AFSIM commands, the AFSIM Sphinx Extension, defines the command object type.

This includes the following utilities:

  • A role and directive pair to support cross-referencing commands throughout the documentation.

  • Blocking markup to unambiguously reference identically named commands whose purposes and effects vary by context.

The .. command:: directive is used to document a command and its syntax. This directive creates an entry in the command index and a link target to its definition.

The :command: role may be used to cross-reference commands that have been defined using the command directive.

Command Markup

Stand-Alone Commands

Stand-Alone Commands exist at the scenario global scope.



end_time 1 hour
include platform_file.txt
.. command:: end_time <time-value>
.. command:: include <file-name>
<command-name> <arg-list>
.. command:: <command-name> [<arg-list>]

Cross-Referencing Stand-Alone Commands



Stand-Alone Command Cross-Reference

See :command:`include`

Stand-Alone Command Cross-Reference

See include

Block Commands

Block Commands define a block scope. Each Block Command includes a command pair to open and close the block. Within a given block, particular Block Sub-Commands are valid. Careful use of Blocking Markup in a given command document allows for unambiguous cross-referencing of commands throughout the documentation.

Block Sub-Commands (sub-commands) are valid within the scope of a particular block command. Commands in this category affect the properties of the parent model or behavior of the parent command. Block Commands may be defined within the scope of other block commands, as sub-commands. These are known as nested blocks.

Blocking Markup

Command blocking markup is provided through the AFSIM Sphinx Extension, “”, which provides several forms of block markup. A block implicitly ends at the end of the section and/or file in which it is declared.


The simplest way to declare a command block is to use the :block: option/field of the .. command:: directive:



   file events.evt # A block sub-command
.. command:: event_output ... end_event_output

   .. command:: file <file-name>
<block-command-name> [<arg-list>]
   <sub-command-name> [<arg-list>]

.. command:: <block-command-name> ... end_<block-command-name>
   :block: # Subsequent commands/command blocks
           # are defined within the scope of this block

   .. command:: <sub-command-name> [<arg-list>]

The :block: option scopes all subsequent commands, regardless of indentation, into the scope of the parent block.

.. block ::

The .. block:: directive overrides the current block, if any, and the new current block is defined by the argument passed to this directive.



platform pickup_truck WSF_PLATFORM
   icon truck
.. block:: platform

.. command:: icon <name>
<block-command-name> [<arg-list>]
   <sub-command-name> [<arg-list>]
.. block:: <block-name>

.. command:: <sub-command-name> [<arg-list>]

.. begin:: & ..end::

This directive pair may be used to maintain discrete, explicit control over the current block scope. The .. begin:: directive may be used to initialize a new block scope or append to the current block scope, while the .. end:: directive may be used to close the current scope, ascending to the parent block scope, if any. These two directives should occur in pairs.


Template Markup


// Document WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR commands

.. begin:: mode

// Document WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR.mode commands

.. end::

// Document WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR commands

.. end::
.. begin:: <block-name>


.. begin:: <sub-block-name>


.. end::


.. end::

Cross-Referencing Block Commands

Top Level Block Commands



Block Command Cross-Reference

See :command:`platform`

Block Command Cross-Reference

See platform

Block Sub-Commands



Block Sub-Command Cross-Reference

See :command:`platform.icon`

See :command:`WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR.mode.check_terrain_masking`

Block Sub-Command Cross-Reference

See icon

See check_terrain_masking

Model Commands

Model commands are sub-commands belonging to a model block.

Command Page Building

Stand-Alone Command Page Structure

Stand-alone commands are often grouped into categories and presented as a command group in a single documentation page.

Every documentation page should begin with a page title. If appropriate, an Overview section may be included to generally describe the command group before defining individual commands.

If a group of stand-alone commands can reasonably be separated into subgroups within a page, these sub-groups should be divided into separate sections as is necessary.

For a given page, if the order of appearance among a set of stand-alone commands is arbitrary, they should be documented in alphabetical order.

Page Template

// File <group-name>_commands.rst

<group-name> Commands

.. command:: <stand-alone-command-1> [<arg-list>]

   Description of <stand-alone-command-1>


Block-Command Page Structure

Block commands often include a number of sub-commands, as a result, these commands are most often documented individually. In other words, a block command and all of its subcommands are defined together in a single page.

Pages which document these commands vary significantly, but share a number of common features:

  • A block command page should begin with a title. Both the file name and the title name should match that of the block command to be documented. The title may be followed immediately by a local table of contents, as generated by the .. contents:: directive.

  • If applicable, a cross-reference to any related script class should be provided.

  • The subject block command should then be defined with the .. command:: directive. This is immediately followed by a parsed literal block containing a template of the command block as it would appear in an AFSIM scenario file. This templated block should include a cross-reference to each of the block’s sub-commands, which will be documented further down the page. This structure serves the dual purpose of providing a high-level syntax diagram for the block command and acting as a sub-command level table of contents.

  • Often this is followed by an Overview section, which summarizes the subject command’s purpose and significant features. This section is required for block commands which are content dense, and recommended for all but very simple block commands. To this end, complex commands should include within the Overview one or more sub-sections containing relatively simple, self contained examples and descriptions. Demos often contain simple uses of command blocks, and may be used for the provided examples where applicable.

  • A Command section should be provided following example sections, as a sibling/peer to the Overview section. This section should begin with .. begin:: <block-command-name> or .. block:: <block-command-name> and end with .. end::. This blocking markup is critical to ensure each sub-command is unambiguously cross-referenceable elsewhere in the documentation. Explicit blocking safeguards against potential future errors, resulting from the addition of new sub-commands, and guarantees that each sub-command is associated with its containing block command. For organization and readability of the ReStructuredText, blocked content may be indented a single level. This indentation has no effect on generated output.

  • Finally, a Script Interface section should be provided as a sibling/peer to the Command section. Any script commands implemented by the subject block command should be documented here.

Sections beyond those described here may be necessary and/or appropriate, depending on the subject command. These may be incorporated into the given page structure as needed.


If applicable, distribution specific components will be automatically appended to the end of the page during generation.


Care should be taken to preserve section hierarchy in distribution specific components to ensure page structure is coherent and consistent across all distributions.

Example Pages

Page Template

File: <block-command-name>.rst


.. contents::

Script Class: <script-class-name>

.. command:: <block-command-name> ... end_<block-command-name>

   .. parsed-literal::

      <block-command-name> [<arg-list>]
         :command:`<block-command-name>.<sub-command-1>` or <sub-command-1>_





Example 1


Example 2



.. begin:: <block-command-name>

   .. command:: <sub-command-1>

      Description of <sub-command-1>


.. end::

Script Interface
