weapon_effects WSF_HEL_LETHALITY
weapon_effects <name> WSF_HEL_LETHALITY
   weapon_effects Commands ...

   region <platform_type> <region_name>

   target_type < platform type >

   category <category name>

   manage_kills ...

end weapon_effects


This is a specialized lethality that applies damage based on energy deposition by a High-Energy Laser (HEL) weapon (WSF_LASER_WEAPON or WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON). Lethality can be defined with respect to a region, target type, or category designation. Regions are specified areas on platforms. Currently these only have meaning when referring to defined lethal areas on an intersection mesh and defined in a WSF_INTERSECT_PROCESSOR on the target. platform_type definitions apply to all targets of the given type. Category definitions apply to all targets that have been tagged with the given category.


In order to define custom scripted effects on target regions, implement either on_target_damaged or on_target_killed.



The following weapon_effects commands are not compatible with WSF_HEL_LETHALITY. A warning will be issued when attempting to use these commands.

damage_radius <length-value>

Specifies the radius over which the beam is effective. If this is smaller than the beam size, only that part of the beam incident within the circular region will be used for lethality calculations. If it is larger than the beam size, the entire beam will be used. If specified, the area represented by the damage radius will be used in the energy density calculation. If not specified, the full beam size will be used in the energy density calculation.

Default: Not specified (the beam size is used)

minimum_energy <energy-value>

Specifies the minimum energy deposition on target necessary to apply the lethality to the target.

minimum_energy_density <fluence-value>

Specifies the minimum energy density (in j/cm^2 or equivalent) deposition on target necessary to apply the lethality to the target.

pk_energy_table table

Define a probability of kill vs. threshold energy table. The table should have the following form:

*p-k_1 energy-threshold_1*
*p-k_2 energy-threshold_2*
*p-k_n energy-threshold_n*

A simple example is as follows:

   0.1 1 kj
   0.3 2 kj
   0.5 3 kj
   0.7 4 kj
   0.9 5 kj

Energy thresholds should be listed in increasing order. A p-k draw will be made after each firing_update_interval during the engagement. The reference p-k value will be interpolated from the table depending on the current cumulative energy deposition on target. If the draw is less than the the reference value, the effect of the lethality will be processed.


Changing the associated weapon’s firing_update_interval will affect the overall probability of kill when using the pk_energy_table. More p-k draws will be made with decreasing firing_update_interval (effect is more likely overall), and fewer p-k draws will be made with increasing firing_update_interval (effect is less likely overall).

General Commands

manage_kills <boolean-value>

Tells the simulation whether it can kill and remove platforms. For an API-based simulation, this should be disabled, otherwise, it should be enabled.

Default: true