Warlock 2.3 - 31 Oct 2018

Visit the AFSIM 2.3 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Warlock 2.3.3 - 07 Aug 2019

  • Warlock 2.3.2 - 22 Mar 2019

  • Warlock 2.3.1 - 08 Mar 2019

  • Warlock 2.3.0 - 31 Oct 2018


  • (2.3.1) Updated FFmpeg from 3.3.6 to 4.1 to fix critical vulnerabilities.

  • Added the Map Annotation plugin to allow the addition of points-of-interest, range-rings, and annotations to the map.

  • Added the Model Viewer dialog which allows user to view and edit the visual model used for platforms.

  • Added the Scoreboard dialog so users can track statistics for local weapon performance within the simulation.

  • Added the Task Assigner dialog so that users may issue tasks to platforms on the same command chain over a comm network.

  • Added the Task Status dialog so that users can see active tasks for the selected platform.

  • Added the ability to customize the message that appears when the cursor is hovered over a platform on the Map Display. To modify the information displayed go to Preferences->Map Hover Info.

  • Added the ability to monitor when remotely connected simulations are falling behind real-time and act accordingly (status bar update, auto-pause, etc.)

  • Added a “Did You Know?” section to the Start dialog.

  • Improved run-time performance of Warlock when executing large scenarios with thousands of platforms. Warlock will no longer deadlock when changing the run-time multiplier when executing large scenarios.

Known Issues

  • Opening and closing multiple Tether Views can lead to a Warlock crash or the Tether dialog showing up empty.

  • The Video and Screenshot capability fails to capture the openGL windows on some computers. This appears to be related to the configuration of the computer.

  • Moving dialogs in and out of the central display can lead to issues where the boundaries of the window are lost and the window will appear off the top left corner of the screen. When this happens it can be difficult to recover the window. When this occurs with the tether window, and a new tether window is created, it will lead to a crash.

  • Tracks and Fire Weapons commands are not transmitted over XIO to connected sims. This prevents a user from viewing tracks on a remote platform, or instructing a remote platform to fire weapons.

  • The console window does not appear when using the -console option, if Warlock was launched from a console window. Works fine if launched via a Windows batch file.

  • WsfDraw occasionally does not render all draw commands. This problem seems related to the similar issue in Results Vis.

  • The Heads Down Display only shows tracks that exist within a track processor, and not tracks in the master track lists.

  • The Sensor Mode indicator within the Platform Part browser may be incorrect when the mode is changed by methods other than through script.

  • On Windows, when running Warlock as administrator, the thumbnails buttons that appear when hovering over the Warlock icon on the Window’s taskbar do not appear. Windows Media Player has this same issue so it is likely a Windows OS issue.

  • There is a QT issue (QTBUG-7556) when using Windows 7 and NVidia graphics cards where context menus do not show in full screen mode.

  • Each time a jamming task is assigned to a platform using the Task Assigner, a new jamming interaction line is drawn on the Map Display, even if the task is identical to a previous task.

  • There is one frame of latency between the elevation lines and the rest of the scene.

  • Loading of TIFF files on Linux may lead to a crash. This may apply to visual databases and using .tif files as annotation images.


  • (2.3.1) Fixed crash when using large and negative numbers in Range Rings Properties center radius and additional radii.

  • (ELSZ #57) Added support for GPUs that cannot compile GLSL 3.0 ES shaders, resulting in missing platform icons.

  • (ELSZ #80) Corrected the coloration of WsfDraw quads.

  • Fixed issue where platforms would not appear on the Map Display when restarting a scenario.

  • Fixed issue that would cause platforms created using a road_network to not appear when the simulation started.

  • Fixed issue that could create duplicate tether windows on simulation restart.

  • Fixed issue that could cause visual parts to start in the wrong state.

  • Fixed issue where turning a sensor or mover on from the Platform Part Browser would not turn the part on.

  • Warlock will no longer deadlock when changing the run-time multiplier when executing large scenarios.

  • Corrected an issue that would in certain circumstances flip (nearly negate the pitch of) a platform.

  • Corrected relative heading display for the measurement tool.

  • Modified sensor volumes to properly show multiple beams on a given sensor.

  • Fixed display issues when using 4k screen resolution.

  • The DIS Settings in Preferences are now disabled after receiving invalid input.

  • Corrected altitude display in P6DOF data displays.

  • Fixed the second Yaw G Load button in the P6DOF Autopilot controller dialog.

  • Fixed issue where Warlock would crash when using “/who” command in the Chat window when disconnected from a network.

  • Fixed issue with UserList size displaying misleading values in the Logs and Chat view.

  • Fixed issue where Event Markers for weapon events without a target were not being shown on the map.

  • Modified P6DOF Controller plugin HUD to draw a background rectangle, and use a monospace font for text.

  • Fixed issues with velocity vector beta and re-arranged data items in the P6DOF Controller HUD display for better grouping and presentation.

  • Fixed issue where platforms with no movers could not be moved via dragging or when the “Instant” option was selected in the Go To Location command on the Platform Movement window.

  • Fixed issue where text with angle brackets was not displayed on the console tab in the Chat Window plugin.

  • Fixed issue where Wing Ribbons were resetting when changing color scheme from Team Color to another option.

  • Fixed crash caused by the Sensor Volumes plugin when applying preferences after the simulation completes or a platform with sensor volumes is deleted.


  • Modified the center display to accept docking with a drag-and-drop operation.

  • Plots can now dock to the center display.

  • The Script Browser and Dialog Builder both support arrays as input arguments and return types, including arrays of simple types, WsfGeoPoints, WsfTracks, and WsfPlatforms.

  • The Dialog Builder supports drag and drop functionality for moving buttons when defining the layout of a dialog. Dialog Builder also supports moving buttons that have an empty name.

  • Added the ability to bind script execution to controllers’ actions in the P6DOF Controller plugin.

  • Tracks are now supported across networked simulations.

  • Interaction lines now arched, to avoid clipping the terrain.

  • Created separate pages for the Team Visibility and Track Visibility Preferences Options

  • Middle-mouse-button drag will now tilt and rotate the map-view camera on the Map Display, replacing shift-right-button drag.

  • Added smoothing to camera motions when zooming, centering on a platform, or following a chat link.

  • Added a density control to the grid lines in the map preferences.

  • Made disabled icons more noticeable in the dark theme.

  • Added P6DOF Tuner plugin support to work with Mover Creator.

  • Added the ability to restore defaults to a single page or to all pages within Preferences

  • Added a “System Info” dialog to the about dialog to display advanced system information.

  • Changed the max run speed multiplier from 100x to 1000x real time on the Sim Controller Clock Speed slider.

  • Improved P6DOF Controller plugin HUD colors/contrast for enhanced visibility with background clutter.

  • Modified output of P6DOF Tuner plugin to produce a separate file for vehicle g-load limits.


  • warlock::SimInterfaceBase class and warlock::SimInterfaceT class template now require smart pointers (std::unique_ptr) to add simulation commands and events for message passing between threads.

  • wkf::PrefObject and wkf::PrefWidget re-factored to simplify the interfaces and make them less error prone for developers.

  • The signals in wkf::UnitsObject have changed. It will now emit a different signal for each unit that changed, instead of one signal to notify that any number of units have changed. This allows an object to be connected to the specified signal of interest and reduces unnecessary notifications.