WSF 1.6.0 - 29 May 2009


  • Added Suppressor 7’s Multiple Target Tracker (MTT (Multi-Target Tracker); otherwise known as the “Bogdon” tracker). Users should specify “mtt” as the tracker_type (or, specify “mtt” as the correlation and fusion methods in the track_manager block) to enable use of MTT.

  • A new implementation of the standard waypoint movers (WSF_AIR_MOVER, WSF_GROUND_MOVER, WSF_SURFACE_MOVER and WSF_SUBSURFACE_MOVER) are provided as an option in this release. The new implementation can be used in place of the existing implementation by defining the environment variable WSF_NEW_MOVER with a non-empty value prior to running your application.

    This is the final release in which the new movers will remain an option. Pending no problems, the new movers will become the default with the 1.6.1 release. It would be much appreciated if users would attempt to use the new movers and report any deficiencies.


  • (CR 6512) Fixed an issue where the script compiler would throw an error if an object was cast to a container type (i.e. Array or Map).

  • (CR 6515) Fixed an issue where the script compiler would throw an error if a script’s return type was a container type (i.e. Array or Map).

  • (CR 6523) Fixed an issue where complex types weren’t being removed from container types (i.e. Array and Map) when Erase is called.

  • (CR 6528) Fixed an issue where the script method WithinFieldOfView for a jammer always returned ‘false’ due to an implementation issue in software.

  • (CR 6532) Fixed an issue with the script compiler not allowing a static method call inside of an if expression (e.g. if (WsfPlatform.FindPlatform(“my-plat”).IsValid()))

  • Fixed an issue with false-targets causing a segmentation fault due to the false-target screener not properly clearing false-target blips.

  • (CR 6540) Corrected an issue where a sensor would not detect targets if terrain was in use and the sensor was located where the terrain was below mean sea level. The simple round-Earth horizon masking check used early in the sensor detection process indicates masking occurs if either object is below mean sea level. When using terrain it is possible to be above ground level but below mean sea level, thus causing horizon masking to be declared as occurring, when in fact it should not.

  • (CR 6541) SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT events were not being generated for WSF_EOIR_SENSOR and WSF_SAR_SENSOR. The sensors were modified to invoke the SensorDetectionAttempt simulation observer.

  • (CR 6550) Fixed an error in the function for setting the platform appearance word. A call to the function was clearing any previous settings.

  • (CR 6578) Fixed an issue where the task manager StartJamming and weapon StartJamming script methods allow for the setting of invalid frequencies and bandwidths. Any frequency that is out of bounds will not cause an assignment to be made. This fix does still allow for the setting of any frequency for barrage type jammers. Use of the task manager CanJam and weapon CanJam scripts can be used before calling the StartJamming script methods.

  • Changed the way in which the electronic_attack and electronic_protect effects are applied in the software. There were some minor issues when dealing with the inheritance of some of the effects and their proper application when applied. This change should not be noticeable from a users perspective.

  • Corrected a problem in the propagation algorithm used by the WSF_SPACE_MOVER. This problem only manifested itself when TLEs were being used, and the current epoch preceded the epoch of the TLE.

  • (CR 6642) Corrected a problem in WSF_IRST_SENSOR where the use of an antenna_pattern to implement installation effects (windows, etc.) was being applied twice. Also modified the Azimuth-Elevation Table Definition from within antenna_pattern to accept absolute as a valid <value-units>. This eliminates the need to convert the effects tables to dB.
