WSF 1.6.4 - 06 Jan 2010


  • This version now includes support for the Spectral Optical Sensing Model (SOSM). See sosm_interface for more information.


  • (CR 7127) Fixed problem where route movers were unable to turn and climb at the same time.

  • (CR 7132) Corrected a problem in the ‘strip’ mode of WSF_SAR_SENSOR where the time needed to form the synthetic aperture for a given resolution was not being properly computed. This caused the integrated pulse count to be incorrect which resulted in an incorrect signal level.

  • (CR 7132) Corrected a problem in WSF_SAR_SENSOR where the approximate pixel count of the object in the image went to zero if the angle subtended by the resolution cell was very small.


    One of the by products of this change is that the approximate pixel count is now computed using the azimuth and range resolution. Formerly it treated the pixel as a square having the dimension of the azimuth resolution. If you want the former behavior you must ensure that transmitter pulse_width and the receiver bandwidth are not set, or you must ensure they have correct values.

  • (CR 7138) Added weapon commands to allow the definition of a target range and altitude to be used for a firing request if either a target track was not supplied or it was supplied but did not contain enough information to derive a location.

  • (CR 7141) Fixed a problem where the initial hand-off track to a weapon was not being marked as fusible, which caused subsequent uplinked updates to the track to not be assimilated. This was not a problem if WSF_WEAPON_TRACK_PROCESSOR was being used on the weapon platform to define the current target, but it was a problem if one wanted to perform more complex processing on the weapon using WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR and WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR.

  • (CR 7150) The tracks produced by image processors (such as WSF_IMAGE_PROCESSOR) will now include information about the source sensor which can be queried with the WsfTrack methods WsfTrack.SensorName, WsfTrack.SensorType and WsfTrack.SensorMode. Also added a WsfTrack.PixelCount method to query the approximate number of pixels of the object in the image.


    This modification removed the WsfTrack aux_data variables SENSOR_NAME_ID and PIXEL_COUNT as they are now directly available using the methods described above.

  • (CR 7159) The scripts that invoke the various WSF programs were modified so they will work when WSF is installed in a path whose name contains embedded spaces.


    This modification only enables programs to be executed when installed in a path whose name contains embedded spaces. It does not address the issue where WSF commands that accept file names (such as ‘file_path’ or ‘include’) do not accept file names that contain embedded spaces. In general, it is highly recommended that WSF be installed in a path that does not contain embedded spaces in the name.

  • (CR 7179) Fixed an issue with the comm multi-access protocol when using any of the random access protocols such as csma, csmacd, ethernet, or random_access_protocol. Messages would be queued up, but wouldn’t be sent in a timely fashion.

  • (CR 7184) Corrected several issues related to the handling of weapon detonation against locations and not entities. This mostly affected distributed simulations where J11 messages were being used to supply target location and the shooter, weapon and target all resided in different processes.

  • Fixed an issue where a WSF_RADAR_SENSOR with a false_target_screener was not properly removing the false target jammer from its interaction and causing an abort of the application.

  • Fixed an issue where the false_target_screener was not properly rejecting false-target blips. The logic and input has been modified and deprecated for rejection of false-targets in the screener.

  • Fixed an issue with the false_target distribution inputs for azimuth and range extents.

  • Fixed an issue where the WSF_FALSE_TARGET_EFFECT jamming_pulse_density command was not properly overriding the false_target quantity command.

  • Fixed problem in MATH.Roll() where the upper limit could never be returned.


  • Added a clutter attenuation and MTI processing function to WSF_RADAR_SENSOR.

  • Modified the WSF_PULSE_SUPPRESS_EFFECT to suppress / allow a percentage of false-target blips for the electronic_attack WSF_FALSE_TARGET_EFFECT.

  • Added support for the DIS DirectedEnergyFire and EntityDamageStatus PDUs.

  • Modified the horizontal_map function to not require the target_region / end_target_region tags around the region definition commands. This makes the syntax compatible with the vertical_map function.

  • Added the target_yaw command to horizontal_map function. This enables the sensor-to-target view to be held constant. This is useful for certain types of plots involving infrared sensors.

  • Added WSF_JAMMER_RADIUS_EFFECT electronic_attack techniques that modifies the jammer power levels into the sensor’s receiver based on the target (protected-entity) position wrt to the jammer transmitter’s position to the sensor’s receiver system.

  • Added the ability to access the current run number during MonteCarlo executions with the RunNumber( ) method in WsfSimulation.

  • Added the ability to query a string with the Contains( ) method in string.

  • (CR 7117) Updated WSF_ESM_SENSOR to allow the definition frequency-dependent azimuth, elevation and range error sigmas.

  • If a weapon is retargeted in flight, the weapon effects now act on the current target instead of the original target.