Warlock 2.7 - 30 Oct 2020

Visit the AFSIM 2.7 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Warlock 2.7.3 - 24 Sep 2021

  • Warlock 2.7.2 - 12 Mar 2021

  • Warlock 2.7.1 - 19 Nov 2020

  • Warlock 2.7.0 - 30 Oct 2020


  • Added bash helper scripts for Linux to configure LD_LIBRARY_PATH before launching visual applications.


  • (2.7.2) Fixed issue where certain large scenarios could become unresponsive while loading. (AFSIM-1028)

  • Fixed a range check that was causing sensor volume to be drawn narrow with azimuth ranges from -180 to 180. (Issue #2232)

  • Added geometry to the termination surface of circular fields of view to make them more spherical. (AFSIM-290)

  • Corrected an issue where the Chat would clear all joined channels when loading a configuration file. (Issue #1591)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when running Astrolabe’s Verify command on a platform with an external include in its body. (Issue #1672)

  • Corrected an issue where updating any sensor visibility within Platform Options would set all unchanged sensors’ visibilities to true (Issue #2186).

  • Corrected an issue where the ‘-console’ command line argument would not work when running from a windows command line. (Issue #2198)

  • Corrected an issue where WsfDraw ellipsoids would not have the appropriate color. (Issue #2206)

  • Resolved a crash that occurs when loading a second scenario file that includes comm devices. (Issue #2226)

  • Resolved an unpredictable crash that can occur due to threading issues. (Issue #2258)

  • Fixed an issue that allowed unintentional panning and zooming of a Head Up View. (Issue #2260)

  • Corrected an issue in Simulation Logs where error popups would appear when not enabled. (Issue #2302)

  • Corrected an issue where visibility would not update on config reload if -lock_side is specified on the Command Line. (Issue #2389)

  • Fixed an issue where Warlock can fail to rerun a scenario that defines an aux_data block. (Issue #2437)

  • Corrected an issue where a jammer could cause a crash when publishing to the event-pipe. (Issue #2471)

  • Corrected an issue where fuel related values would appear incorrectly in Platform Details. (Issue #2535)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the simulation was reset after making certain zones visible within the Zone Browser. (Issue #2552)

  • (2.7.3) Renamed the jam interaction line to jam request and added documentation indicating the limitations of this feature. (AFSIM-1122)

  • (2.7.2) Fixed an issue where visual orbits diverge from the true space mover orbits, especially after long simulation times. (AFSIM-603)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected a crash that occurred when a platform was deleted while a zone’s color was being changed through the Zone Browser. (AFSIM-1124)

  • (2.7.2) Fixed a bug that would lock the application in wsf draw when displaying text ending with “$”. (AFSIM-668)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected an issue where an open Satellite Tether View for a platform that is then removed could lead to a crash, either shortly thereafter if other platforms were being tracked, or when the user attempts to open the context menu. (AFSIM-1158)

  • (2.7.3) Fixed route waypoint labels clipping through the Map Display. (AFSIM-394)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected a lighting bug that caused polygonal zone line colors to appear incorrectly. (AFSIM-1104)

  • (2.7.2) Allow case-sensitivity of model files-names in the models.txt files. (AFSIM-821)

  • (2.7.2) Corrected a display issue with all text labels. (AFSIM-896)

  • (2.7.2) Corrected an issue which caused models to appear unlit. (AFSIM-919)

  • (2.7.1) Corrected a crash that occurs when a Tether View is open on an articulated model and models are reloaded. (AFSIM-600)

  • Route Browser’s default altitude now inherits the current altitude of the platform the route is being added to. (Issue 2065)

  • Changed the default models color from red to white, to better show team color. (Issue #2314)

  • Changed the behavior when dragging objects on the Map Display so that they do not continue to move when the cursor leaves the widget. (Issue #2407)

  • Prevent saved Map Toolbar captures from duplicating when loading a configuration. (Issue #2441)

  • Fixed bug where zones are duplicated in the Zone Browser relating to platform, platform_type, route, and zone.. (Issue #2288)

  • Fixed multiple crashes that occur when accessing context menu options after a platform was removed. (Issue #2549)

  • Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when opening the Tether View Context Menu after opening the Visualize Angles dialog. (Issue #2558)


  • Changed the zone’s/zone_set’s fill/line color buttons in the Zone Browser to default to its scenario defined color. (Issue #1480)

  • Added capability to open Head Up Views on non-p6dof movers. (Issue #2126)

  • Added a dialog warning users when the file specified by -cf or -icf command line options cannot be opened. (Issue #1618)

  • Added Current Fuel and Fuel Capacity to Platform Details (Issue #1841)

  • Added the Track Details Display to help present a Platform’s Track Data in a more visible and consumable manner. (Issue #1843)

  • Updated Satellite Tether to use orbit color for the trace lines. (Issue #1963)

  • Updated the Head Down View plugin, allowing the viewing of multiple head down views simultaneously. (Issue #1979)

  • Added visualization of the moon’s orbit. (Issue #1990)

  • Added option to use the simulation_name as the application banner. (Issue #1999)

  • Comments and Console have been removed from Chat and moved to new views. (Issue #2115)

  • Added various plots and data displays related to Battle Management. (Issue #2120)

  • Added notifications to Chat tabs when messages are received. (Issue #2215)

  • Added Sensor Volumes to use specified location instead of platform location. (Issue #2292)

  • Made the Simulation Log raw output monospaced to improve readability. (Issue #2296)

  • Added more context to the popup messages in Simulation Logs. (Issue #2297)

  • Added ability to undock Chat plugin tabs to create multiple windows. (Issue #2231)

  • Updated creation of Chat links to copy to clipboard, allowing users to choose the window to paste to. (Issue #2231)

  • Added the ability to customize trace-line colors. (AFSIM-102)

  • Added the Air Combat Visualization plugin. (Issue #1836)

  • Added a Situation Awareness Display for visualizing data for platforms with a WSF_SA_PROCESSOR. (Issue #2220)

  • (2.7.1) WsfDraw objects are now sent and received on other Warlock instances through XIO packets. (AFSIM-550)


  • (2.7.2) Updated SDL library from 2.0.7 to 2.0.14 to address security vulnerabilities. See Security Updates for more information. (AFSIM-962)

  • Added a WkSimulationObserver class to handle all Warlock specific events. (Issue #2130)

  • Added a WkEventPipe class to send all Warlock specific events to the EventPipe. Refactored SimulationUserAction and HUD_Data EventPipe events to use this class. (Issue #2130)

  • (2.7.4) Updated the following third party libraries to address security vulnerabilities and access new features: SDL from 2.0.14 to 2.0.16, Curl from 7.71.1 to 7.79.1, Libtiff from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0, JPEG from 9b to 9d, FFMPEG from 4.2.1 to 4.2.4, GDAL from 3.0.4 to 3.3.2, Qt from 5.12.9 to 5.12.11, and Proj from 7.0.0 to 8.1.1. See Security Updates for more information. (AFSIM-1817)

  • (2.7.3) Missing plugin dependencies will now cause a CMake error. (AFSIM-1029)

  • To address a memory-related issue resulting from the update to Qt 5.12, the method wkf::Environment::GetEntityContextMenu has been renamed to BuildEntityContextMenu and its signature changed. (Issue #2378)

  • Corrected an issue with configuration of 3rd party and resource dependencies which resulted in a CMake error if no source location was detected containing archived packages, even if a location of the unpacked contents was configured. (Issue #2277)

  • Added WKF Code Timers. These are accessed from the View Menu.

  • Reorganized the WKF common directory to have sub-directories. Included paths to these files will have to be updated. (Issue #2124)

  • Added ability for plugins to add custom widgets to application startup pages. (Issue #2202)

  • wkf::Environment::Create() method now takes an additional argument to support the application’s prefix which can be used to locate documentation. (Issue #2239)

  • The wkf::Plugin interface has been updated to support providing tips that will be shown in the wkf::StartupDialog. (Issue #2239)

  • Due to changes with wkf::Updater, a wkf::make_updater<T> helper function has been added to enable the construction of Updaters. (Issue #2258)

  • Updated the following third party libraries: SQLite from 3.31.1 to 3.32.3, Qt from 5.9.7 to 5.12.9, and Curl from 7.65.1 to 7.71.1. (Issue #2301) (Issue #2451)