Wizard 2.7 - 30 Oct 2020

Visit the AFSIM 2.7 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.7.3 - 24 Sep 2021

  • Wizard 2.7.2 - 12 Mar 2021

  • Wizard 2.7.1 - 19 Nov 2020

  • Wizard 2.7.0 - 30 Oct 2020


  • Removed the Chat plugin. (Issue #2215)

  • Added bash helper scripts for Linux to configure LD_LIBRARY_PATH before launching visual applications.


  • (2.7.3) Fixed an issue where externally editing a scenario file would cause an asterisk to appear by the file name when there are no unsaved changes. (AFSIM-615)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected grammar rule for the filename used by the WSF_TSPI_MOVER to allow the parser to identify scenario dependencies. (AFSIM-974)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected an issue where circular and elliptical zones had unexpected behavior while being dragged (AFSIM-1154)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected an issue where using both embedded inclusion zones and embedded exclusion zones in a zone set would cause a crash. (AFSIM-1203)

  • (2.7.2) Fixed grammar for wsf_version to support X.X and X.X.X version numbers. (AFSIM-963)

  • (2.7.2) Fixed crash when getting the large directory warning message while the loaded scenario has global zones. (AFSIM-972)

  • (2.7.2) Fixed a crash that occurs when the name of a platform_type is deleted in the text editor. (AFSIM-991)

  • (2.7.1) Added missing grammar for j_to_s_delta_threshold and updated the documentation. (AFSIM-205)

  • (2.7.1) Fixed syntax highlighting issues with pre-processor variables. When a $define variable was referenced using the $<var>$ syntax with no default value in a script, the lines following the referenced variable would no longer have the correct syntax highlighting. (AFSIM-621)


  • Wizard will display an error message when Pattern Visualization fails to load the scenario file instead of crashing. (AFSIM-149)

  • Fixed multiple crashes involving Auto Complete within the Text Editor (AFSIM-155)

  • Fixed an issue with the Auto Complete menu remaining after switching tabs in the Text Editor. (AFSIM-162)

  • Fixed a bug where the altitude in the zone editor was using the user’s preferred length unit instead of the altitude unit. (AFSIM-189)

  • Added missing grammar for a callback defined at the global scope. (AFSIM-191)

  • Corrected grammar for a callback defined at the platform scope to indicate a syntax error if the processor named in the execute command cannot be found. (AFSIM-192)

  • Fixed a bug where route using offsets would not display correctly. (AFSIM-196)

  • Fixed syntax highlighting issues when using the delete command on zones. (AFSIM-199)

  • Fixed syntax highlighting issues with script_struct. (Issue #300)

  • Corrected the grammar for visual_part so that it is recognized by Wizard and syntax-highlighted correctly. (Issue #1433)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when running Astrolabe’s Verify command on a platform with an external include in its body. (Issue #1672)

  • Many unit input widgets are now validated more thoroughly. (Issue #1754)

  • Documentation links are now at the beginning of the Command Documentation dialog. (Issue #2028)

  • Corrected the grammar so that the send_track_drop_on_turn_off and filter will not be valid on non-tracking sensors. (Issue #2032)

  • Fixed an issue with routes defined within WSF_ROTORCRAFT_MOVER not being displayed on the map. (Issue #2093)

  • Fixed issue where the Ok and Cancel Buttons on the Configure Startup Files Dialog were not responding to user interactions. (Issue #2168)

  • Fixed an issue where Wizard was throwing an exception and closing when parsing a script block with more than 65,536 characters. Wizard will no longer exit but will still have problems with syntax highlighting of large script blocks. (Issue #2176)

  • Fixed issue with console warning message losing it’s formatting when converted to an HTML link. (Issue #2197)

  • Fixed an issue where moving a platform on the map could change the sign of the heading value and could put multiple “heading” commands inside or outside of the platform definition (Issue #2222)

  • Fixed a crash involving routes and zones when the map display plugin is not loaded (Issue #2250)

  • Fixed a bug where renaming aux_data variables would add them as platforms at the origin. (Issue #2304)

  • Fixed a crash that occurs after loading a configuration file. (Issue #2393)

  • Fixed a crash that occurs after closing wizard without saving, if the main window is configured a certain way. (Issue #2400)

  • Fixed a bug where Text Editor files would close upon opening the Rename File dialog. (Issue #2420)

  • Fixed a bug where zones may be duplicated in the Zone Browser when parsing incomplete block commands, often leading to a crash. (Issue #2288)

  • Fixed a bug which could cause a crash on exit while debugging script. (Issue #2428)

  • (2.7.1) Corrected an issue where routes may draw incorrectly after a waypoint is deleted. (AFSIM-629)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected an issue with Astrolabe in which a spurious character would be erased from the input file when accepting a mission sequence, sometimes leading to malformed input. (AFSIM-1179)

  • Fixed an issue where Engage would stay open even after closing the Main Window (Issue #2475).

  • (2.7.3) Fixed route waypoint labels clipping through the Map Display. (AFSIM-394)

  • (2.7.3) Corrected a lighting bug that caused polygonal zone line colors to appear incorrectly. (AFSIM-1104)

  • (2.7.2) Allow case-sensitivity of model files-names in the models.txt files. (AFSIM-821)

  • (2.7.2) Corrected a display issue with all text labels. (AFSIM-896)

  • (2.7.2) Corrected an issue which caused models to appear unlit. (AFSIM-919)

  • (2.7.1) Corrected a crash that occurs when a Tether View is open on an articulated model and models are reloaded. (AFSIM-600)

  • Route Browser’s default altitude now inherits the current altitude of the platform the route is being added to. (Issue 2065)

  • Changed the default models color from red to white, to better show team color. (Issue #2314)

  • Changed the behavior when dragging objects on the Map Display so that they do not continue to move when the cursor leaves the widget. (Issue #2407)

  • Prevent saved Map Toolbar captures from duplicating when loading a configuration. (Issue #2441)

  • Fixed bug where zones are duplicated in the Zone Browser relating to platform, platform_type, route, and zone.. (Issue #2288)

  • Fixed multiple crashes that occur when accessing context menu options after a platform was removed. (Issue #2549)

  • Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when opening the Tether View Context Menu after opening the Visualize Angles dialog. (Issue #2558)


  • External items in the project browser are individually displayed under their paths. (AFSIM-256)

  • The icon and side fields in Platform Details have been changed to Drop-down Selection Menus instead of free-form text fields. (Issue #1402)

  • Added the ability to select and move zones on the Map Display (Issue #1463)

  • Changed the Zone Editor to update the fill_color and line_color of a zone or zone_set when the color has been changed. The fill and line color buttons in the browser will default to values defined by the scenario. (Issue #1480)

  • The Text Editor has had a variety of improvements. (Issue #2029)
    • Tabs appear at the top instead of the bottom and can be closed using the middle mouse button or clicking the ‘X’.

    • When many tabs are displayed, scroll arrow button will appear instead of shrinking the tabs.

    • Added more actions in the tab’s context menu to close Text Editors.

    • The Text Editor will report when Wizard is parsing the scenario.

  • Updated the Comms Visualization Tool to allow editing of networks, comms, routers and gateways through the GUI. (Issue #2072)

  • The Demo Browser plugin now places a Demo Browser button on the startup dialog. (Issue #2202)

  • Added support for orbits when using the CRD Importer. (Issue #2212)

  • Added new keyboard shortcuts to editor. (Move between tabs, close current tab, delete current line, copy/cut entire line). (Issue #2328)


  • Corrected an issue where resources (maps & models) were not being installed when building only Wizard. (Issue #2450)

  • (2.7.4) Updated the following third party libraries to address security vulnerabilities and access new features: SDL from 2.0.14 to 2.0.16, Curl from 7.71.1 to 7.79.1, Libtiff from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0, JPEG from 9b to 9d, FFMPEG from 4.2.1 to 4.2.4, GDAL from 3.0.4 to 3.3.2, Qt from 5.12.9 to 5.12.11, and Proj from 7.0.0 to 8.1.1. See Security Updates for more information. (AFSIM-1817)

  • (2.7.3) Missing plugin dependencies will now cause a CMake error. (AFSIM-1029)

  • To address a memory-related issue resulting from the update to Qt 5.12, the method wkf::Environment::GetEntityContextMenu has been renamed to BuildEntityContextMenu and its signature changed. (Issue #2378)

  • Corrected an issue with configuration of 3rd party and resource dependencies which resulted in a CMake error if no source location was detected containing archived packages, even if a location of the unpacked contents was configured. (Issue #2277)

  • Added WKF Code Timers. These are accessed from the View Menu.

  • Reorganized the WKF common directory to have sub-directories. Included paths to these files will have to be updated. (Issue #2124)

  • Added ability for plugins to add custom widgets to application startup pages. (Issue #2202)

  • wkf::Environment::Create() method now takes an additional argument to support the application’s prefix which can be used to locate documentation. (Issue #2239)

  • The wkf::Plugin interface has been updated to support providing tips that will be shown in the wkf::StartupDialog. (Issue #2239)

  • Due to changes with wkf::Updater, a wkf::make_updater<T> helper function has been added to enable the construction of Updaters. (Issue #2258)

  • Updated the following third party libraries: SQLite from 3.31.1 to 3.32.3, Qt from 5.9.7 to 5.12.9, and Curl from 7.65.1 to 7.71.1. (Issue #2301) (Issue #2451)