RIPR Trouble Shooting Guide

  1. Tips and Tricks

  2. Are your agents sensing the enemy platforms?

  3. Do your agents have tracks of the enemy platforms?

  4. Do your commanders have tracks?

  5. Did your commander agents create jobs?

  6. Are your agents bidding on the jobs?

  7. Should your agents even be winning a job?

  8. Are your behavior trees visiting the desired behaviors?

  9. Are behavior’s being executed?

  10. Are your behavior parameters set to good values?

  11. Are the agent behaviors acting right?

  12. Do you have enough tools for the job?


RIPR agents are simply WSF platforms that contain a RIPR processor. The RIPR processor interacts with other platform components and systems during operation. Given this fact, sometimes “RIPR problems” are just misunderstandings of the WSF framework or different platform systems. Agents operate on perception; this often means that agents must have tracks because tracks are an available perception of an agent’s environment. The first few steps of this debugging guide are to help you verify the agents have a working perception, and then the latter two thirds of the guide will deal with specific RIPR agent script issues.

Tips and Tricks

  • Temporarily remove platforms that aren’t involved: platform_availability name <the name> availability 0.

  • Temporarily remove behaviors that aren’t necessary: comment out: behavior <name> in the behavior_tree.

  • Verify your suspect behavior script is actually be used: Either: writeln_d() or event_output with BTREE_NODE_EXEC events.

  • Verify jobs are being awarded: insert the debug_job_board behavior into commander’s behavior tree.

  • Turn script_debug_writes on for all suspect script.

  • Put a writeln_d() before each return statement to explain why that script is returning.

  • Put a writeln_d() before each for loop or while loop and write out how many loops will occur (often this is the size of an array or track list).

  • Put a writeln_d() after complicated script and write out the value of a variable that the script modified.

  • Replace complicated script with simpler more understandable script, example: return (1000000 range); //bid value

Are your agents sensing the enemy platforms?


  • Check for SENSOR_TRACK_INITIATED events in the event_output.

  • If your sensors are correctly not detecting and tracking, then at the very least look for SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT events to show that they are trying.


  • Make sure your sensors are turned on.

  • Make sure your sensors have been set up correctly. Example: you are using the desired frequency on your transmitters and receivers for the beams of the modes of your radar sensor.

  • Try using a simple WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR with a large maximum_range to test that at least a truth detection can take place.

Do your agents have tracks of the enemy platforms?


  • Check for LOCAL_TRACK_INITIATED events in the event_output. Field three identifies the platform owning the track.


Do your commanders have tracks?


  • Check for LOCAL_TRACK_INITIATED events in the event_output. Field three identifies the platform owning the track.


  • Make sure a comm device is defined on the sending and receiving platforms.

  • Make sure your track processors are command:_.External_Link_Commands.external_link reporting tracks to the necessary platforms. Example (on a subordinate track processor): external_link commander via <comm name>.

  • Make sure your command chain is in tact. Use the commander or

command_chain commands in the platform input block.

Did your commander agents create jobs?


  • Attach the debug_job_board behavior to your commander agent’s behavior tree at the root level and look at the standard output. The behavior can be included from site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aiai/ in the unclassified analyst repository. If the agent ever creates jobs, it will print out a representation of its job board in a table form.


  • Turn on script_debug_writes on behaviors that should have created jobs.

  • Study the agent behavior scripts and add __BUILTIN__.writeln_d statements of your own.

  • The agent behaviors that currently create jobs exclusively from tracks are:

    • behavior_create_clustering_jobs found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aigci/. (very common for GCI agents)

    • behavior_create_target_jobs_self found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aifl/. (very common for flight lead agents if no GCI are used)

    • behavior_manage-pincer found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aifl/

Are your agents bidding on the jobs?


  • Attach the debug_job_board behavior to your commander agent’s behavior tree at the root level and look at the standard output. The behavior can be included from site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aiai/ in the unclassified analyst repository. The agent will print out a representation of its job board in a table form, and each column represents a subordinate and his bids on the jobs in each row. If an agent has no bid for a job, then a ‘-’ character will be present in its column instead of a numerical value.


  • Turn on script_debug_writes on behaviors that should have bid on jobs.

  • Study the query_bid_type script block in the agent behavior scripts and add __BUILTIN__.writeln_d statements of your own.

  • The agent behaviors that currently bid on the aforementioned jobs are:

    • behavior_interpret_zone_jobs found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aifl/. (very common for flight lead agents if GCI are used)

    • behavior_pursue-target found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aiai/. (very common for airborne interceptor agents)

    • behavior_pincer found in site_types/processors/ripr_agents/aiai/

Should your agents even be winning a job?


  • Looking at the output of the debug_job_board behavior, are other agents rightfully winning the job of interest?

  • Is your agent of interest rightfully winning a different job?

  • The job allocation will be optimal so some of the bids must be higher or lower than you want.


  • Turn on script_debug_writes on the bid_on_jobs behavior and on the behavior that owns the query_bid_type block for the job of interest.

  • Add writeln_d() statements to that query_bid_type script block to find out what is causing your bids to go too high or too low.

  • Often the problem will be a misunderstanding of one or two parameters (e.g., bidding too low on a target because somebody ELSE has shot at it).

Are your behavior trees visiting the desired behaviors?


  • Check for BTREE_NODE_EXEC events in the event_output.

  • Or turn script_debug_writes on for the behavior of interest. Most behaviors have writeln_d() statements inside their precondition script block.


  • Field 3 is the platform, field 5 is the behavior name, field 6 shows 0 or 1 for if the behavior changed execution state at that time

  • If the behavior did not run then field 7 shows a reason for failure. If the failure reason displays “not considered” and never changes, then your behavior tree is constructed poorly.

  • Make sure you did not attach the behavior of interest on the tree in such a way that it will never run:

    • If it is in a selector node, is there a behavior before it that will always pass and always be selected?

    • If it is in a sequence node, is there a behavior before it that will always fail and break the sequence of execution?

Are behavior’s being executed?


  • Check for BTREE_NODE_EXEC events in the event_output to see if your behaviors run. Field 6 shows the execution state.

  • Or turn script_debug_writes on for the behavior of interest. Most behaviors have writeln_d() statements inside their execute script block.


  • The precondition script in the behavior node might be too strict or faulty.

  • Try making the precondition script less limiting:

    • Try different values for behavior parameters such that the precondition should pass.

    • Temporarily changing the precondition to always return true.

    • Add your own writeln_d() statements near complicated script to help you understand why it might fail.

Are your behavior parameters set to good values?


  • Check all of my parameter edits to see how they differ from the release example behaviors.

  • Note: the release example behaviors should have their parameters set up in such a way to allow maximum action. In other words, they aren’t very limiting.


  • Common issues:

    • I require a track quality that is too high.

    • I shoot at very low percent of max range.

    • I have not set up my intercept speeds for different platforms.

    • I forgot to add all my weapons to the weapons array map.

Are the agent behaviors acting right?


  • There can always be bugs in behavior script or edge cases that the script did not account for.

  • Check that the scripts and files you wanted to include were actually used. The WSF IDE makes this easy, just right-click and select “go to definition.”


  • Study the script well and determine if there appears to be large parts of it that are never executed.

  • Check for IF statements that are never entered, check for loops that are never looped, and check for early return statements.

  • Look for unique or seldom used platform script methods or subsystem methods. Were proper parameters passed in?

Do you have enough tools for the job?


  • Check that you understand the intended use of your agent behaviors. You might need to create a new behavior, or get help modifying an existing one. Here is a short list of the most common and most used behaviors and a small description of their purpose.

  • GCI behaviors (aigci):

    • behavior_create_clustering_jobs is for using a WsfClusterManager to create clusters of tracks and a zone job for each cluster.

  • Flight Lead behaviors (aifl):

    • behavior_create_target_jobs_self is for creating pursue-target jobs from local tracks. Good for when a GCI commander is not used.

    • behavior_interpret_zone_jobs is for bidding on and performing zone jobs. It creates pursue-target jobs from every cluster member given in the job.

    • behavior_create_point_job is for creating a pursue-point job when there are not enough cluster members in a zone job to send the whole flight group.

    • behavior_create_cap-routes is for creating cap-route jobs from a user given list of points and route names.

    • behavior_manage-pincer is for creating a pincer job if the conditions are appropriate.

    • behavior_manage-uplinks simply removes uplink jobs if they are invalid. AIAI agents add uplink jobs to AIFL agents.

  • Airborne Interceptor behaviors (aiai):

    • behavior_pursue-target is for bidding on and performing pursue-target jobs. It sets the target on the RIPR processor and flies towards it.

    • behavior_engage-target is for shooting weapons at the RIPR processor’s set target.

    • behavior_default-flight is for flying (or bringing the platform back onto) the planned route of the platform.

    • behavior_evade is for using a WSF_THREAT_PROCESSOR to find threats and then fly away from them. It also flies away from allies if evading a threat.

    • behavior_cap-route is for bidding on and performing cap-route jobs. It flies the given route around the given point.

    • behavior_escort is for flying in formation with a care package and ignoring tracks that aren’t a threat to said package.

    • behavior_go_home is for monitoring subsystems (e.g., weapons, fuel) and other considerations in order to fly the agent home.

    • behavior_pincer is for bidding on and performing pincer jobs. Two or more platforms separate to flank and/or drag a target area.

    • behavior_pursue-point is for bidding on and performing pursue-point jobs. It flies towards the given point.

    • behavior_weapon-uplink is for creating, bidding on, and performing weapon_uplink jobs. It creates weapon_uplink jobs when trying to pass off an uplink.