Wizard 2.8 - 11 Mar 2021

Visit the AFSIM 2.8 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.8.2 - 22 Oct 2021

  • Wizard 2.8.1 - 29 Sep 2021

  • Wizard 2.8.0 - 11 Mar 2021


  • Preferences for Mil Std 2525 Icons, Units, and some plugins are now saved in a common settings file for Wizard, Warlock, and Mystic.


  • (2.8.1) Fixed case where attempting to view reference info through the Text Editor’s context menu would fail in some cases. (AFSIM-389)

  • (2.8.1) Fixed an issue where externally editing a scenario file would cause an asterisk to appear by the file name when there are no unsaved changes. (AFSIM-615)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected grammar rule for the filename used by the WSF_TSPI_MOVER to allow the parser to identify scenario dependencies. (AFSIM-974)

  • (2.8.1) Fixed issue where scenarios would partially run before Script Debugger breakpoints would break. (AFSIM-1072)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected an issue where circular and elliptical zones had unexpected behavior while being dragged (AFSIM-1154)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected an issue where the asterisk would not appear after the file name in the Text Editor if there was only one file open. (AFSIM-809)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected an issue where docking the Map Display with a Text Editor tab would make the Map Display tab unclosable. (AFSIM-809)

  • (2.8.1) Clicking “Clear Recents” button on the Start-up Dialog will clear the File>Open Recent menu. (AFSIM-1116)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected an issue where using both embedded inclusion zones and embedded exclusion zones in a zone set would cause a crash. (AFSIM-1203)

  • Fixed issues with the Text Editor’s Auto Complete, where choosing a suggestion would leave part of the original string after the replacement. (AFSIM-129)

  • Fixed issue where executing some scenarios in the Script Debugger would produce different output than when executing without the Script Debugger. (AFSIM-138)

  • When running Wizard in Windows, a project’s directory is unlocked when the project is closed instead of when Wizard exits. (AFSIM-160)

  • Added missing grammar for j_to_s_delta_threshold and updated the documentation. (AFSIM-205)

  • Wizard will no longer center on the scenario when a scenario is loaded if the “Center on Start” option is not enabled in Wizard Preferences. (AFSIM-357)

  • Wizard will display platform and waypoint locations correctly when specified in MGRS. (AFSIM-363)

  • Fixed issue where the Text Editor’s style preferences would not update until text was added to the editor. (AFSIM-392)

  • Fixed syntax highlighting issues with pre-processor variables. When a $define variable was referenced using the $<var>$ syntax with no default value in a script, the lines following the referenced variable would no longer have the correct syntax highlighting. (AFSIM-621)

  • Corrected the grammar for WSF_TRACK_STATE_CONTROLLER so that the common script interface methods would be recognized (i.e. script_variables, on_initialize, etc.). (AFSIM-753)

  • Now, when a user opens a project, the File>Open Recent menu will add the project to the top of the list. (AFSIM-773)

  • Fixed a crash happening under multiple circumstances with a bad .afproj file. (AFSIM-853)

  • Fixed grammar for wsf_version to support X.X and X.X.X version numbers. (AFSIM-963)

  • Fixed crash when getting the large directory warning message while the loaded scenario has global zones. (AFSIM-972)

  • Fixed a crash that occurs when the name of a platform_type is deleted in the text editor. (AFSIM-991)

  • (2.8.1) Limited length of popup notifications to prevent buttons from being pushed off the screen. (AFSIM-1388)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected an issue with Astrolabe in which a spurious character would be erased from the input file when accepting a mission sequence, sometimes leading to malformed input. (AFSIM-1179)

  • Corrected an issue with Astrolabe and the Satellite Inserter in which valid mover input would generate errors.

  • Corrected a problem where the Constellation Maker could generate an input file that would fail during initialization. (AFSIM-691)

  • Corrected an issue where routes may draw incorrectly after a waypoint is deleted. (AFSIM-629)

  • Corrected an issue where orbits would not get erased from the Map Display if the orbit became under-specified or if the mover was removed. (AFSIM-804)

  • (2.8.1) Fixed a crash which occurs when using Mission 2.7.X or older upon defining a WSF_SPACE_MOVER on a platform. (AFSIM-1159)

  • (2.8.1) Fixed route waypoint labels clipping through the Map Display. (AFSIM-394)

  • (2.8.1) Corrected a lighting bug that caused polygonal zone line colors to appear incorrectly. (AFSIM-1104)

  • Allow case-sensitivity of model files-names in the models.txt files. (AFSIM-821)

  • Corrected a crash that occurs when a Tether View is open and models are reloaded. (AFSIM-600)

  • Fixed an issue where the maps hover tooltip would appear and disappear sporadically. The maps hover tooltip is more consistent and the bounds in which it persists is more predictable.

  • Corrected a display issue with all text labels. (AFSIM-896)

  • Corrected an issue which caused models to appear unlit. (AFSIM-919)


  • New preference option that enables confirmation pop-ups when executing an Undo action when modifying multiple files.(AFSIM-187)

  • Font size can be changed in text editor by holding the control button and scrolling the mouse wheel.(AFSIM-743)

  • Wizard can now act as a log server for instances of mission to log to. All logs are now written to an interactive log tab. (AFSIM-984)

  • Added support for sensor boresight vector visualization to Tether View. (AFSIM-537)

  • Added 3d models for J-20, AH-64, UH-60, MH-60, M-1, M-2, Humvee, Generic Truck, and various radars, TELs, and command vehicles for S-300 SAM systems (SA-10, SA-12, SA-20). (AFSIM-292)

  • Tuned the Map Display follow-camera to allow the camera to be closer to the platform of interest. (AFSIM-595)


  • The Developer Menu option will now enable display of parse/proxy execution times for performance monitoring on the text editor status bar.

  • (2.8.2) Updated the following third party libraries to address security vulnerabilities and access new features: SDL from 2.0.14 to 2.0.16, Curl from 7.71.1 to 7.79.1, Libtiff from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0, JPEG from 9b to 9d, FFMPEG from 4.2.1 to 4.2.4, GDAL from 3.0.4 to 3.3.2, Qt from 5.12.9 to 5.12.11, and Proj from 7.0.0 to 8.1.1. See Security Updates for more information. (AFSIM-1817)

  • (2.8.1) Missing plugin dependencies will now cause a CMake error. (AFSIM-1029)

  • Signatures of wkf::PrefObject::LoadSettings and wkf::PrefObject::SaveSettings changed to accept two QSettings objects. One for application preferences and one for shared preferences.

  • Wkf::Environment’s PlatformAdded signal was changed to PlatformsAdded and now provides a wkf::PlatformList as the argument instead. This was done to improve performance when adding multiple platforms at the same time. (AFSIM-648)