WSF 1.7.4 - 3 Sept 2012

Removal of Old Object Types

As mentioned in the WSF 1.7.2 - 27 Oct 2011 release notes, the old mover models and the transitional names have been removed (It was indicated this was going to be done in the WSF 1.7.3 release, but it was not done).

The changes are as follows:

In addition, the following models were removed:

  • WSF_IR10T_SENSO and WSF_IR10T_FLIR_SENSOR - These were very error-prone implementations of a table-driven spectral infrared model. By now it is believed that users have upgraded to WSF_SOSM_SENSOR.

  • WSF_ATA_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_PROCESSOR, WSF_ATG_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_PROCESSOR and WSF_SAM_LAUNCH_COMPUTER_PROCESSOR - these were written before the implementation of the script language and are too limited to be of any practical use.

  • WSF_DUMP_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR - This was a very simple processor written before the scripting language existed. that simply echoed some information about any message it received. Those who desire debugging currently embed writeln statements within their script logic.


  • The Microsoft compiler version 2003 is no longer supported. (See below).


  • (CR 9650) Corrected a problem in sensor_plot where negative values of contrast radiant intensity were clamped to zero when written to the plot file.

  • (CR 9651) Corrected a problem in checking for containment in relative zones attached to a platform. A point not in the same hemisphere as the observer will now be considered to be outside the zone. Note that this applies only to relative zones. Absolute zones are not affected because they are not dependent on the location of an observer.

  • (CR 9674) Removed an invalid length check from the DIS PDU class. Errors messages were unnecessarily being written when the length of the PDU was valid according to the DIS specification.

  • (CR 9694) Corrected a problem which caused unrotated WsfDraw ellipses to appear with major axis perpendicular to the supplied heading as opposed to parallel.

  • Corrected a problem where WSF_IRST_SENSOR was computing an incorrect value for transmittance if atmospheric_attenuation was specified. Effectively, the path was always considered to be horizontal starting at the lower altitude of the two objects. Since the attenuation decreases with altitude the problem was smaller at higher altitudes and larger at lower altitudes

  • (CR 9857) Corrected a problem in the J11 interface where the Seeker Acquisition Status was not indicating “tracking” even when an on-board sensor had the target in track.

  • Corrected a problem where canceling a task while looping over a task list could crash the simulation.

  • (CR 9893) Corrected a problem with both WSF_COMM_TRANSCEIVER and WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER were simultaneous transmissions occurring when they should not.


  • Explicitly added the concept of a track being “purgeable”. Added methods SetPurgeable and IsPurgeable to the WsfTrack class.

  • Added WSF_EXCHANGE_PROCESSOR for the platform-to-platform exchange of commodities or services, and related observable events EXCHANGE_QUERY and EXCHANGE_EVENT.

  • Added the dted_checksum option to the terrain input block to allow use of (non-corrupt) DTED files with invalid checksums.

  • Added option for Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinate input to platforms, mgrs_coordinate, and mgrs.

  • Added WSF_ROTORCRAFT_MOVER. This new mover derivative allows the platform to decouple the velocity vector from the platform attitude (at least a lower speeds). Permits the aircraft to hover in one direction, but maintain desired heading in another. The mover also can also come to rest, and translate vertically. Script commands that set a desired heading value are saved into the mover, and used at lower speeds (see documentation). At high speed the aircraft does assume the heading angle to match the course direction.

  • (CR 9744) Added the ability to use a [[Values#TimeReference|time reference]] for the time values in the execute at_time and execute at_interval_of commands.

  • (CR 9756) Updated WSF_IMAGE_PROCESSOR so the Johnson criteria will be evaluated in a way that is more desirable. Additional inputs have been provided to allow customization of the evaluation process.

  • Added the masking_pattern capability, which provides a mean to model structural blockage during comm, sensor and weapon interactions.

  • Added the truth track correlator.

  • Officially documented and released the nearest_neighbor track correlator.

  • Added the max_allowed_bad_entity_states input to the dis_interface.

  • Added the waypoint commands: aux_data and maximum_flight_path_angle.

  • Added script Auxiliary Data Methods to WsfWaypoint.

  • Added the path_compute_timestep command to waypoint movers.

Developer Items

  • All of the Wsf<X>Types classes have been removed and their functionality has been moved to their respective Wsf<X> class. This eliminates almost 10% of the core classes and will help to stem the proliferation of files as new classes are defined. Some user code may have to implement the following changes:

    • Change Wsf<X>Type::Add() to Wsf<X>::AddType();

      e.g.: WsfPlatformType::Add() becomes WsfPlatform::AddType().

    • Change Wsf<X>Type::Clone() to Wsf<X>::CloneType();

      e.g.: WsfPlatformType::Clone() becomes WsfPlatform::CloneType().

    • Change Wsf<X>Type::Find() to Wsf<X>::FindType();

      e.g.: WsfPlatformType::Find() becomes WsfPlatform::FindType().

  • The Windows Visual Studio 2010 projects and solutions have been updated to support the ‘x64’ platform (64-bit build).

  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and versions of the GNU Compiler Collection prior to 3.3 are no longer supported.

  • All of the source code was updated to remove references to indicated as deprecated headers by the C++ standard.

  • Added WsfNetworkInterface (class), a utility that enables easy setup of GenIO-based TCP, TCP Server, or UDP network connections.